
Access & Security, Site Management, Cookie Control, GDPR

Comply with the GDPR and EU e-Privacy law (AKA the EU Cookie Law)! Block all cookies until the user has accepted them - Session, Language, even 3rd party cookies and cookies set by JavaScript!

Those are some big claims, so I must explain that there are some caveats. 3rd party cookie blocking requires PHP 5.3 and the PHP Reflection Classes. Blocking cookies set by JavaScript requires IE8 or greater, FireFox, Chrome or Opera (probably other modern browsers as well). This plugin can prevent 3rd party cookies, but cannot remove them once they're set (due to the Javascript same-origin restriction).

This plugin and module combination aims to be the final solution to the EU cookie requirements. This plugin overrides and prevents any cookies sent by Joomla, and any JavaScript cookies from being set until the user accepts them. Many of the other extensions here in the JED don't block cookies at all - or they allow the cookies to be set and then immediately unset them with JavaScript (which is cheating and will fail when JS is disabled). If you're worried about the GDPR requirements, this extension is written in a way that is fully compliant.

  • 5 methods for display: Message, JS Confirm, Module, Modal or Ribbon.
  • 1 method to just remove and prevent cookies.
  • Option to decline - which shows a minimal message allowing users to reconsider.
  • Option to remove cookies after they've been accepted.
  • Option to display only to users visiting from EU countries.
  • Option to log users who have accepted cookies (persuant to laws in certain EU countries)
  • Option to block 3rd party cookies (requires PHP 5.3)
  • Option to customize or omit the CSS style for certain output methods.
  • There are way too many features to list here... So many that I started a YouTube playlist for the feature demos!
  • Granular control over 3rd party cookies - users can pick and choose!

Update 1.8 - Joomla 1.5 long-term cookie test revised.
Update 2.6 - resolved bug in module when geoplugin enabled.
Update 2.7 - resolves issue with non-html pages
Update 2.8 - resolves an issue that prevented the javascript from loading in certain circumstances.
Update 2.9 - removed code that disabled geoplugin which was added for local testing
Update 2.10 - repaired bug on cookie checker code
Update 2.11 - fixes javascript load order issue
Update 2.13 - Add Joomla 3.x compatibility and jQuery/Mootools framework option.
Update 2.14 - logging bugfix - if you use logging - definitely upgrade!

I really do not know this extension functionality because I were unable to configure it properly.
Ease of use
I decided to uninstall it and now can not access admin pannel. Looks like deleting 2 plugins and 1 module is not enough to get rid of this.
The support forum is full of spam links, looks like the site was abandonned time ago.
The documentation for installlation looks decent but there is no mention how to uninstall.
I`v got probles once I uninstalled this component
I used this to: It was installed on the commercial website, however it did not worked for u so we decided to uninstall this component.
Works good and easy, but some users seem to have problems now to log-in and on Chrome they get the message they are not authorised.
Ease of use
Easy enough, but you have to figure out a bit how the module is being displayed.
Good. If you have a legit question, you'll get an fair answer.
Good enough
I used this to: Non-profit sites

Best cookie controle extension

Posted on 25 December 2018
Great functionality.
All cookies are blocked until the the user decides differently.
Ease of use
Easy to use from both front-end and back-end.
First time installers might have to read the documentation to get it right.
I havn't had the need for support yet, which might indicate that support cases are solved quickly.
Everything needed to get all up and running are included in the documentation.
I used this to: Private websites.


Posted on 17 October 2018
Very simple and effective way to allow users to choose to use cookies or not.
Ease of use
Very simple to implement.
Superb: no interaction with the developer requires.
All issues I ran into were properly documented, but I needed the documentation...
I used this to: Now, three websites and a few others will follow.
Everything a site needs for GDPR cookie handling.
Ease of use
It is a complex matter but this extension is easy to use and straight to the point.
Just brilliant.
I used this to: GDPR cookie handling
Lots of options.
Ease of use
Not difficult to use.
Extensive documentation
I used this to: The first time I installed it, it didn't remove cookies when clicked on the Remove cookies button and various display options didn't seem to work, but the extension is continuously updated and improved. It works like a charm now. Thanks for this wonderful extension
Continually developed. I have used it for a while and have updated as updates have been released.
Ease of use
Simply install, configure to your requirements and you are away.
Responded swiftly and concisely.
All you need (and in most cases, you won't need it).
I used this to: My business website. A well written extension from a man who has given many man hours freely, Thank You
As more is known about the cookie policy, the extension is continuously developed.
Ease of use
no problem
I used this to: about 30 websites
Complete extension for the management of cookies; it can block cookies before having consent from the visitor, also third parties cookies.
Ease of use
The developer uploaded several videos explaining functionalities and setup; he is also very active in his support forum. Easy to setup.
Very good, for any problem you can contact the developer from his forum.
Several tutorials available, videos and examples. Step by step videos to setup everything you need
I used this to: My company website
The functionality is in line with EU legislation. It allows for access levels "accept cookies" and "unaccept cookies"
Ease of use
When you know how to work with user groups and access levels also know language overrides (for non en sites) it is a no brainer to setup.
Michaels support is great and very fast. He was fixing bugs faster than I was able to respond to his messages.. SUPER!
Documentation is online and is complete. If you know Joomla! you know what to do. There is also thorough explanation in the popover/tooltips
I used this to: sites in relation to sports clubs and organisations.
It allows me to setup replacement modules for ones that drop cookies and maybe declined. ie. A facebook timeline module will drop cookies on the visitors browser. When visitor declines I can replace that module with another..
Top of the Page

Top of the Page

By Michael Richey
Site Navigation
With native MooTools AND jQuery modes, compatibility in all major browsers (including IOS and Android), Joomla cache friendly, and a ton of other features - this is ORIGINAL WORK and the most advanced top-button plugin available for Joomla! "Return to Top" links do nothing for SEO and can even detract from it, and they can clutter your page. When you have a very long page, how do you decide whe...


By Michael Richey
SEO & Metadata
Anyone can change the generator tag - This is the only generator extension that can remove the generator tag entirely - even from your RSS and ATOM feeds! This simple plugin allows the site administrator to customize the generator tag or remove it entirely. As of version 1.7 - also removes the generator tags from RSS and Atom feeds! 2.5+ users - you don't really need this plugin unless you're n...


By Michael Richey
If you're searching for a comprehensive favicon solution, your search is over. Google, Yahoo and most of the other big boys use multiple favicons for different sections of their services. This functionality has now been delivered to Joomla! The interesting thing about favicons, is that when you drag a favorite from Internet Explorer onto your desktop, Windows creates the icon from the favicon f...
Authentication - EMail

Authentication - EMail

By Michael Richey
Site Access
Extend Joomla! authentication to accept email as username (instead of/in addition to username). You can have both! My users occasionally forget their usernames. I suspect that your users do too. Heck, I forget my usernames once in a while! Fortunately I never forget my email address. Why must users login with their username when an email address is just as unique? Keep your users coming bac...


By Michael Richey
Site Access
Allow/Deny registration to specific email, domain or TLD and perform automatic group assignments on IP (address or CIDR network), email, domain or TLD. Restrictions, group assignment/revocation, and more. Using DomainRestriction is simple. Enter one or more domains into the plugin configs and you're done. Anyone attempting to register an email address that isn't on the approved domain list is...


By Michael Richey
Article Elements
Need accordions for content items? With this plugin, you can have multiple accordions per page, and even nested accordions are possible with this plugin. Each accordion can be automatically styled from 3 included templates, or using your own custom styles. The plugin alters existing code on your page, so there is no need to wrap your accordion content with tags. When a visitor arrives without J...
Browser Update Warning

Browser Update Warning

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
Set (and optionally require) minimum browser versions for your site. Using this plugin, you can display a warning message that the users browser is outdated, along with a suggestion that they update (or install) a browser that meets your requirements. Using this plugin, you can choose minimum version numbers for the major browsers. These are the browsers supported by this plugin: Internet Expl...
Session Keeper

Session Keeper

By Michael Richey
Provide automatic keepalive for certain groups, and session timeout notifications for everyone else. Everyone knows how frustrating it is to be logged in, working on something important, only to learn that your session expired while you were working and all of your changes were lost.  Session Keeper resolves that issue by allowing an administrator to specify which groups are to be kept alive aut...


By Michael Richey
Q: How do you test Guest functionality when your site is offline? A: You install the Offline plugin! Normal Joomla operation requires a valid user to enter their username and password to get past the offline template page. Logging in prevents testing of guest functionality on your site. So your choice to take your site offline for development or testing actually prevents an entire segment of t...


By Michael Richey
Increase your YSlow and PageSpeed scores by moving Javascript files to the bottom of your page. ScriptsDown can do that, and more!! You can make changes to your template, but the scripts automatically added by components will always end up at the top! ScriptsDown moves ALL of your scripts to the bottom of the page just before the closing body tag (even IE conditionals). It doesn't matter where...


By Michael Richey
SEO & Metadata
Fine tune your SERP with Microdata Rich Snippet data in your breadcrumbs. Others have tried, and had moderate success. MicroBread delivers rich snippet data per the Microdata guidelines. This module replaces the existing breadcrumbs module. All functionality remains intact, with one additional layout file included for maximum Bootstrap compatibility. Your breadcrumbs will supercharge your SER...


By Michael Richey
RSS Syndicate
Strip Joomla tags from your RSS and ATOM feeds. On special request, I made this plugin to remove plugin tags from RSS and ATOM feeds generated by Joomla. The single configuration is a textarea where a list of plugin tag names is placed. The default "*" will strip all tags that are found. The plugin will search output for tags matching the configuration list. For example, if you entered "some...
Meta Robots

Meta Robots

By Michael Richey
SEO & Metadata
Add more Meta Robots options to Joomla Metadata parameters. A woman in the forums asked "Why can't I set noarchive in meta robots?" I thought to myself, yeah - what she said. Although a little complicated, it turns out that it can be done with minimal fuss. I have completely rewritten the plugin to implement every meta and X-Robots-Tag option published by Google. 11 new options which are best e...
User - StaticPassword

User - StaticPassword

By Michael Richey
Site Security
Prevent one or more user groups from changing their passwords! Enforce static passwords for selected groups. A similar extension exists for J1.5, but since it hadn't been updated - I created a 2.5 compatible version. Usage is simple - enable the plugin after selecting which user groups will be prevented from password changes. When saved, the users in those groups will not be presented with the...


By Michael Richey
SEBLOD extensions
Tired of seeing ::cck:: in your Joomla RSS and ATOM feeds? SEBLODFeed will process your SEBLOD tags in your feeds just like you see them in your site. Sponsored by Jeremy Goimard, this extension scans your feed output and replaces the SEBLOD tags with your SEBLOD content. If you see Jeremy in the forums, and you use this plugin - be sure to thank him for commissioning its creation. Jeremy thin...
Age Of

Age Of

By Michael Richey
Replace date tags within your content items with formatted date strings that count up or down to the specified date. Prefix and suffix based on past or future dates. Date range restrictions, and more. Use the plugin configuration to set defaults, such as standard output length (how many units of measure to display) as well as default suffixes and prefixes for both past and future dates. Within...
System - Article Hits

System - Article Hits

By Michael Richey
Do you need to alter the article hits on your site? With this plugin, you can directly edit the hit counter for any article your user is authorized to edit. Just type in the new number, and hit save. This free extension was sponsored by a client of mine because he didn't want to grant employees access in the database (a potentially dangerous action), but at the same time he needed the hits on h...
Fields - Location

Fields - Location

By Michael Richey
Custom Fields
The Fields - Location plugin offers a Google map location selector as a custom field type. Using this plugin, you can add any number of map fields to your articles, categories, contacts and/or users. The plugin configuration offers only 2 options, Google Maps API key and Google Maps Static API key. The field configurations are made on a per-field basis. You can choose sizes, default location,...
System - Content Security Policy
Paid download

System - Content Security Policy

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
The System - Content Security Policy plugin(s) bring this much needed security functionality to Joomla. The fun doesn't stop there - this set of plugins also implements the report-uri feature of the CSP. You can capture your own csp-report via the included AJAX plugin, and have it sent to you nightly using the included CLI script. If you want to browse the data - the AJAX plugin offers a handy...
External Favicon

External Favicon

By Michael Richey
Site Links
Alter the appearance of your external links to display the Favicon of the destination. Each exernal link can be displayed with the associated favicon retrieved from the destination site. Use is simple - install and enable. Configuration options include: If the plugin should operate in the component template (modal, and other windows) Per-domain alternate images Per-domain exclusion Parent ite...


By Michael Richey
Modules Panel
Sliding panels are nice, but have been restrictive and difficult - until now! Top and bottom tabbed sliding module panels done right with NicePanel. NicePanel provides an administrator the ability to create as many top and/or bottom sliding panel tabs as (s)he wishes. Here are the features: -Separate top/bottom panel configurations -Automatic tabs - based on the module title Preserves Javascri...
Nomad Pro
Paid download

Nomad Pro

By Michael Richey
Site Access
Nomad is not login redirection, it's homepage redirection!!! Joomla gives you a single homepage - Nomad Pro gives as many as you need! Global, per-group or per-user - as many as you need. An administrator can make global redirect setting, per-group settings, and/or individual user settings. The plugin checks first for a user setting, then a group setting, then a global setting - redirecting on...
System - Meta Character Count

System - Meta Character Count

By Michael Richey
SEO & Metadata
Search engines limit the amount of text in each SERP result. Meta Character Count displays a live word and character counter for the title, description and keywords fields in Joomla Global Configuration, Content Categories and Articles (frontend and backend) and now also Menu items! Be certain that your most relevant content ends up on the SERP and doesn't get truncated. Update 1.2 2/10/12: Add...
User - StaticEmail

User - StaticEmail

By Michael Richey
User Management
Prevent one or more usergroups from changing their email addresses! On request, I made this extension similar to my StaticPassword extension - it even works the same way. Usage is simple - enable the plugin after selecting which usergroups will be prevented from email address changes (use CTRL or Mac Command key to select multiple). When saved, the users in those groups will not be presented wi...


By Michael Richey
Admin Reports
Are your server error logs hard or impossible to retrieve? Do you even know how to get them? Loggie can help! If your host is anything like mine, your log files are hard to get to. When they are available, they're slow to retrieve. In my case, it takes 5 minutes or more for a log to appear in the log file - and I must download it repeatedly looking for the errors I'm trying to find. Loggie i...
Log Bad Passwords

Log Bad Passwords

By Michael Richey
User Management
Capture the bad passwords your users type. Learn and track what bad passwords your valid users are entering into login screens. One day, while trying to remember which password I used to log into my Google account, it occurred to me that Google could easily track bad passwords and associate them to a particular user. With this information, along with the rest of what Google knows about us, they...


By Michael Richey
This module implements all available features of Simon Bairds CoolClock Javascript. Where other clock modules provide a limited number of skins, this module provides 19 predefined skins plus the ability to define your own! Any number of clocks may be present with or without custom skins! Update 1.3 - updated to excanvas r3 Version 1.4 Joomla 3.0 compatibility Version 1.5 adds day/night configur...
Do Not Track

Do Not Track

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
The problem with Do Not Track is that site owners and services ignore it. Be part of the solution - implement Do Not Track and make the web a better place. For those who don't know what Do Not Track is all about, please refer to this site: This plugin detects the Do Not Track browser setting and adds or removes a Joomla Access Level based on that setting. Components, Mod...
External Link Warning Pro
Paid download

External Link Warning Pro

By Michael Richey
Site Links
The free version replaces the pro version, with all features at no cost. Like the free version, provides a warning to your users when they are about to follow a link that takes them away from your website. Some customers wish to provide these warnings as a legal requirement, others simply want to prevent confusion for users leaving their site. Prevent warning for specified domains Prevent warn...
AdminExile Pro
Paid download

AdminExile Pro

By Michael Richey
Access & Security
Your /administrator area is vulnerable - secure it with AdminExile. Access keys, IPv4/6 Black/White Lists (IP and CIDR netmasks supported), Brute Force detection. AdminExile Pro has you covered. Key features: - Access key(s) - key only, or key + key value. Others provide one or the other. AdminExile provides BOTH. - Front-end Restriction - Restrict certain accounts from logging into the front-end...
Top of the Page Pro
Paid download

Top of the Page Pro

By Michael Richey
Site Navigation
The most advanced page top-button plugin available for Joomla! "Return to Top" links do nothing for SEO and can even detract from it, and they can clutter your page. When you have a very long page, how do you decide where to put them? Do you need more than one? Are they visible when the user is already at the top of the page? Top of the Page removes these concerns by creating a "Return to Top" l...
Profile History
Paid download

Profile History

By Michael Richey
User Management
Record changes to user profile data. If you're like me, you have many sites to keep track of. You might even share that responsibility with other administrators. This extension is for you! I wrote this to put an end to finger pointing for some of the sites I manage. Who deleted that user? Who changed this password? Who disabled this account? NO MORE! Not only will you know who changed it, but ex...
System - SCSS
Paid download

System - SCSS

By Michael Richey
Development Tools
More and more templates are being delivered with the SCSS sources alongside the compiled CSS. Changing the CSS can be tedious, especially when considering the implications of mixins and color variation based on variables.....It can be an absolute nightmare to cover all of the possibilities introduced by SCSS! This plugin monitors for changes, compiling SCSS when a change is detected. Alternativ...
CLI - Reminder
Paid download

CLI - Reminder

By Michael Richey
Project & Task Management
With CLI - Reminder, you can create user notes that trigger reminder emails in the future! Configuration options are extensive, and can be stacked. Features: Notify user for the account which the note belongs (based on category) Notify the user who created the note (based on category) Recipient user assignments per-note category Multiple recipient assignments per-note category Additional per-n...
Authentication - Session Limit
Paid download

Authentication - Session Limit

By Michael Richey
Site Security
If you want to limit concurrent logins in Joomla, there are few options. If you want granular control of concurrent logins based on your own access levels, this is the plugin for you. Features: Uses Joomla ACL to define login limits. Arbitrary limits - You can give users 1 or 10 (or more) based on ACL Option to make one Access Level immune. Users who are members of multiple limit levels are gr...
Fields - Terms of Service
Paid download

Fields - Terms of Service

By Michael Richey
Custom Fields
The Fields - Terms of Service plugin adds a custom field type (tos) that allows you to add terms field(s) to your registration form. In case you missed that - you can add terms FIELDS (plural) to your registration forms. To comply with the EU GDPR requirements, this field was developed to allow an administrator to add a required acceptance field to the registration form, and add additional field...

EU e-Privacy Directive

Michael Richey
Last updated:
Oct 07 2019
5 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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