On special request, I made this plugin to remove plugin tags from RSS and ATOM feeds generated by Joomla. The single configuration is a textarea where a list of plugin tag names is placed. The default "*" will strip all tags that are found.
The plugin will search output for tags matching the configuration list. For example, if you entered "sometag" into the plugin configuration, the following tags would be found and removed from content:
4/26/2012 - Joomla 1.5/1.6/1.7 availability and support withdrawn.
All of my extensions are free and none of my extensions display advertisements or links to my sites or services. If you feel that I have blessed you, then you can bless me by making a contribution to fund future development. Visit the "Website" link to make a contribution.
- Version:
- 1.0
- Developer:
- Michael Richey
- Last updated:
Oct 07 2019
5 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J3