SJ Super Category for JoomShoping

SJ Super Category for JoomShopping - Responsive Joomla extension with JoomShopping supported, is available now.
You can use this module for showing any category with subcategories and products well-ordered. The subcategories will be represented as a slider in which each category is shown with preview image, link and name upon nice effect. Besides, SJ Super Category for JoomShopping module allows you to show multi products in multiple tabs. You can totally choose your own Field to show tabs by Product Name, Product ID, Product Price, Best Seller, Most Views...
Specially, the user friendly back-end lets you easily and absolutely control any item's parameter. With modern layout, the module can show any product with high-quality images, title, description, reviews, price, comment, hits and many more criteria. In addition, the module supports to get images from variety sources such as: Product image, Description or Extend folder. Wonderfully, the module comes out with Load More function, your products will be shown more just by only one click. It will save more spaces and time-to-load for your website.
There are many other cool features for this module which are waiting for you to check them out. Let's view the Demo and experience now!
Highlight Features
★ Compatibility:
- Responsive design
- Multi-browsers compatible
- Support Multi-Module in the same page
- Support Multi-Language
- Support SEO, pre- and post- text with each instance
★ Functionality:
- Support lots of effect
- Allow to show/hide Price, Review, Description, Title, Add to cart button, Created date, Hits, Link and Comment of products
- Set column numbers for products on each screen resolution
- Set numbers of column for categories slider on each screen resolution
- Allow to control the number of items to show on the module
- Easy to change and the number of title/description characters of article
- Allow to sort order by:Name, ID, Ordering or Random
- Support to control total products/total rows/total columns per category
- Support to get images from Product Image, Description, Extend Folder
- Allow to change width/height, background color of images
- Support opening link in: Parent Window, New Window, Popup
- Support many modes for resizing image of product/category: Center, Fill, Stretch, Fit, None
- Support the link to subcategories and products
- Support to increase or decrease the speed of subcategories slider
- Support to slide by Mouse Drag, Touch Drag and Pull Drag
- Support Auto-play/Stop when hover
- Support caching to make your website loads faster
- Support to display Navigation and Loop
- Support caching to make your website loads faster
Related Tags:
joomla extension, joomla module, categories, module, responsive, joomshopping, joomshopping categories, joomshopping module, product showing, product displaying, product display, categories displaying
SJ Super Category for JoomShoping
- Version:
- 1.1.0
- Developer:
- SmartAddons
- Last updated:
Aug 15 2020
4 years ago - Date added:
- Dec 23 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3