Easy Articles Portfolio
Easy Articles Portfolio module helps you to build a portfolio easily and quickly on your website with the "Isotope" library, easy to customize with too many styles.
Easy Articles Portfolio module helps you to build a portfolio easily and quickly on your website with the "Isotope" library, easy to customize with too many styles.
Portfolio Features
- 5 predefined styles
- 2 Lightboxes support (Fancybox, Slimbox)
- Fully Responsive (Tablets, Mobiles and large desktops)
- Ajax loading
- Intelligent Thumbnails Creation [New]
- Customizable ajax loader button
- Show or hide categories filter
- Change filter position (left, right or center)
Items Features
- Choose articles parent category
- Define the number of items to show on page load
- Choose number of columns per row
- Choose number of items to load on ajax request
- Choose articles ordering condition (create date, hits, title, ID, modified date, published ..)
- Choose articles ordering direction (ascending or descending)
- Show or hide featured articles
- Change item color
- Show or hide title
- Ability to make title linked
- Show or hide introtext
- Limit introtext characters
- Ability to align text (center, left or right)
- Show or hide read more button
Other Features
- Ability to add custom menu tag ID and class suffix
- Two ways to load the main script in head or in custom tag
- Support Joomla update system and download key integration
- Fully documented module
Easy Articles Portfolio
- Version:
- 5.1.0
- Developer:
- JoomBoost
- Last updated:
Nov 20 2024
3 weeks ago - Date added:
- Jan 04 2018
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5