Access & Security

AJAX Register
Paid download

AJAX Register

By Emir Sakic
Site Access
AJAX Register gives your Joomla site a better user experience for registration through inline field validation, also allowing you to extend your registration form with unlimited number of custom fields saved under each user profile. You can create additional text or text area input fields or even radio buttons, select lists or check boxes with unlimited number of options, upload fields for images...


By Joomline
Site Access
Joomla extension allows to login to Joomla using social network account: Facebook, VK, Google, LinkedIn, Yandex, Telegram, Twitter,, Instagram, WordPress, odnoklassniki, Bitbucket and Github. The extension uses the OAuth authorization, and allows quickly account creation on your site using social network account. Social authorization extension abilities: 1. Supported social networks: Fac...
Captcha Q&A

Captcha Q&A

By RJCreations
Access & Security
A simple, yet effective, Joomla! captcha plugin that uses a question and answer method. What is the 4th letter of the word 'foxtail'? ... possible answers: t How many 3's are in the number: 1,347,237? ... possible answers: 2,two What is the sum of 2 plus three? ... possible answers: 5,five The plugin will also reject rapid submissions (bot?) of the form. Captcha labeling and questions are...
Limit Login Attempts

Limit Login Attempts

By Jeyam Templates
Access & Security
Limit Login Attempts is a fully-featured, customizable and easy to use Joomla! security plugin to protect your Joomla! website from Login and Brute force attacks. It limit rate of login attempts by block IP Address temporarily. Features Brute force protection Limit retries Temporarily Block IP Address(while reach the max retries block for x minutes) Limit Lockouts Temporarily Block IP Address(w...


By Yannick Gaultier
Site Access
wbReactiv is a simple plugin that display a "Resend activation email" button in the Joomla! users list, next to users who have not activated their account yet....


By Mareike Riegel
Site Security
This captcha plugin generates a customizable captcha. Font size, font colour, number of chards are customizable. It is a standalone plugin, so no further code/Id is needed....


By Robert Gastaud
Site Security
LazyDbBackup is based on LazyBackup by Stefan Granholm. (GNU/GPL 2 or over license). This plugin was internationalised (for Joomla! 1.5 and 1.6) and modified to run with Joomla! 1.6 and now Joomla! 2.5 (Joomla! 3.4.6 too). Two versions: PDO (doesn't work on some servers) and Mysqli. All versions come now with English, French, German translation files (thanks to Nathalie Laurent ( for...
No Right Click, No Copy
Paid download

No Right Click, No Copy

Site Access
It protects your website contents and images from being copied easily. Adds extra layers of protection. Features ★ Keep your Contents and Images safe from being copied. ★ Enable only on pages you want to. ★ Options to disable keyboard shortcut keys: >>> Right Click >>> "Ctrl + A", "Ctrl + C", "Ctrl + X", "Ctrl + V" (Select, Copy, Cut, Paste & Dragging Image) >>> "Ctrl + U" (Source cod...


By Techjoomla
Access & Security
Bugged with the irritating CAPTCHAs? Say bye to them as Google has now introduced new NO CAPTCHA spam protection with advanced easy to use technology which is Tough on Bots and Easy on Humans. When a CAPTCHA is solved with those human efforts helps digitize text, annotate images, and build machine learning datasets. This will help in preserving books, improve maps and solve all hard problem. So,...
BM Slide Login

BM Slide Login

By Brainymore
Site Access
This module support responsive(Set 'Width From' is 100%). This module support font awesome icons. This module displays a username and password login form. This Module kept all params of default login module. Support 6 beauty themes, you can select one or multi for your website. Support 2 type (Slidedown or Full): Select 'Slidedown' when you want show a button then hover or click to that login for...
Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard PRO
Paid download

Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard PRO

By Aimy Extensions
Site Security
Keep your forms spam free with user friendly Captcha alternatives. No user action required · GDPR-friendly This captcha plugin uses well known anti-spam tests that do not require user action: minimum fillout time bot trap This way you can protect your website from spam bots with methods that are better for website usability and accessability than Captchas. These methods are included within t...
EJS - Easy Joomla Spoiler

EJS - Easy Joomla Spoiler

By Viktor Vogel
Site Access
Easy Joomla Spoiler provides a simple spoiler function by using CSS. If you move your mouse over the spoiled text, it is displayed normally. The plugin can also be used as a normal access control plugin for content in articles (guest - registered users)! No JavaScript required! Features Spoiler function for Joomla! Restriction for guests - only registered users can see the content of the spoil...
Custom API for Joomla

Custom API for Joomla

By miniOrange
Access & Security
Custom APIs for Joomla Custom APIs for Joomla is a plugin that allows you to create custom endpoints and REST APIs directly for your Joomla website. With its intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI), you can easily fetch any type of data from Joomla database tables, ranging from user roles and groups to featured images or any custom data or fields. This plugin provides a seamless way to interact...
SAML SP Single Sign On – Login with ADFS

SAML SP Single Sign On – Login with ADFS

By miniOrange
Access & Security
SAML SP Single Sign On – Login with ADFS allows users with ADFS Directory apps account to login to your Joomla website with ADFS. It acts as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider which can be configured to establish the trust between the plugin and ADFS Directory apps to securely authenticate the user to the Joomla site. Login with ADFS uses the latest secure SAML authentication recommended by ADFS, inc...
Rapi Copyproof
Paid download

Rapi Copyproof

By RapiCode
Site Access
If you want to protect your website's content from theft, it's the best for you - Text drag and drop will not be possible - Image drag and drop will not be possible - Image download by clicking right button is impossible - Disables Ctrl+s to save web-page as local file - Disables Ctrl+u and F12 to see the source code - Disables keys Ctrl+a, Ctrl+x and Ctrl+v - Disables Print Command by Ctrl+p - Di...
Extended Registration & Login

Extended Registration & Login

By Philip Sorokin
Site Access
Extended Registration and Login plugin adds new features to standard registration and login views. Options: login with email address as username; combined login and registration views – display login and registration forms on one page; hide email confirmation, password confirmation and name fields in the registration and profile forms. This extension makes registration and login actions much eas...
System - Redirect user after login by Brainforge.UK

System - Redirect user after login by Brainforge.UK

By brainforgeUK
Site Access
This plugin will redirect a user to a dedicated user group page following login. If the user is in multiple user groups then the first one encountered in the plugin redirection list will be used. This redirection list is reorderable....
CMS Security

CMS Security

By cms-security
Site Security
CMS-Scurity Component is a stunning Security & Firewall extensions which does not only looks good but also provide security options for your website! Every modern website needs a Firewall which will protect the sensitive data and users with advanced firewall mechanisms. Advanced and stunning looking dashboard with informative security and firewall options. Simple check lists will help you find sec...