
Za Canvas Menu
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Za Canvas Menu

By Za studio
Menu Systems
Responsive multi purpose flyout menu. The Canvas sidebar add some unexpected and stylish moves to a design. Different layouts and synced transitions of the menu and the page can make everything look more interesting. A mobile friendly touch Swipeable Menu. New in version 2.4: - Fixed minor bugs... New in version 2.3.2: - Fixed minor bugs... New in version 2.3.1: - Added option to disable - Add...
JUX Accordion Menu
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JUX Accordion Menu

By JoomlaUX
Menu Systems
Accordion menus - a Joomla menu from the JoomlaUX team are used widely in navigation, sliding, minimizing, and maximizing content. Such accordions practically are expandable whenever needed. You can really save some space and be able to show a lot of information using this technique. Yes, and of course such sliding content is always great from the design point of view and giving your visitor uniq...
FW Food Menu

FW Food Menu

By Fastw3b
Food & Beverage
Ultimate solution for cafe, restaurant, bar, pizzeria and other food industry online menus for single/multi column meals presentation grouped by categories with images or not as component view or in a module position. Try FW Food Menu today! FW Food Menu Features Responsive Online Menu - Mobile friendly layouts for best performance and look on any device. PDF Menu File - Upload menu PDF version...
Joombig Menu Tree

Joombig Menu Tree

By Jonh Smith
Menu Systems
1.- DESCRIPTION Menu Tree professional of, It easy use and very nice,utilities It transforms unordered list into an expandable and collapsable tree in Menu of System 2.- FEATURES Advanced system 1.x , 2.5, 3.x versions are included in the package.(of Menu Tree) Display your menu at sidebar with a very beautiful sliding effect.(of Menu Tree) Nice Images folder or documnet(of Menu Tree)...
DJ-MegaMenu Light

DJ-MegaMenu Light

By DJ-Extensions
Menu Systems
Joomla 5 compatibility added! The free edition of DJ-MegaMenu. In this version, you'll find everything that's included in the regular (Pro) edition excluding: - Custom theme (color customizer) for mega and mobile menu - Modules inside mega and mobile menu - Sticky menu option - Delay before open submenu option - Mobile Menu Wrapper Code (for putting mobile menu button anywhere) - Changing defaul...
JUX Vertical Menu
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JUX Vertical Menu

By JoomlaUX
Menu Systems
JUX Vertical Menu is a versatile Joomla extension designed to display your website's menu in an elegant vertical layout. It is ideal for sites that need a modern, space-efficient navigation system. The extension offers two main display modes: Static Position and Offcanvas Position, providing flexibility to suit your design needs. Key Features: Vertical Layout: Displays menus vertically, saving...
Sj Accordion Menu
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Sj Accordion Menu

By ExtensionSpot
Menu Systems
SJ Accordion Menu is a simple, vertical menu with JQuery effects. This Joomla extension comes with: 6 different animations when opening the sublevels Very easy graphics customization JQuery no-Conflict integrated Need to create a bigger menu? - This menu uses unordered lists and allows you to create infinite sublevels! A simple but effective design? - Now you have the back-end various optio...
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By DJ-Extensions
Menu Systems
DJ Mega Menu is an accessible menu solution for Joomla. It gives you the possibility to build and set an advanced menu system. Decide how many columns per each menu you want to have, what modules, icons, and effects and use them in your menu items. New mobile button options Display the mobile menu button in 3 different ways: icon, icon, and text, or text only. Vertical Menu Version 3.6.0 bro...
Tree Menu
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Tree Menu

Menu Systems
Display your menu at the sidebar with a very beautiful sliding effect. ★ Display your menu at the sidebar with a very beautiful sliding effect. ★ Very Easy to use. ★ Compatible with Joomla 3, 4 & 5. ★ 4(Four) pre-built themes to suit your site template. (default, Gray, Red & Black Themes) ★ Option to control the Sliding speed of the Tree Menu. (Slow, Medium & Fast) ★ You can customize...
Vina Treeview for VirtueMart
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Vina Treeview for VirtueMart

VirtueMart extensions
Vina Treeview for VirtueMart is a great module for Joomla 3.x and VirtueMart 3.x component. It's allows display VirtueMart categories in a tree view, like a file explorer. It helps readers to reach the root categories and also subcategories they want to view products. You can save time to create menus for each category by using Vina Treeview for VirtueMart. Main Features: 6 module styles: Def...
Responsive Multi Level Menu
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Responsive Multi Level Menu

By Neeraj maurya
Menu Systems
Responsive multi level menu, website navigation that works on all devices. These days, website should have a navigation that could work on all devices so We've created a navigation module having with an idea - Multi purpose uses functionality and all device support. This could also be called Mobile menu. Multiple animation effects which could see on demo. Backend options to change menu background...
Articles Categories bbTree

Articles Categories bbTree

By Behnam Bakhshi
Menu Systems
این ماژول لیست مجموعه های داخل مجموعه بالاتر را بصورت منوی درختی نمایش می دهد. This module displays a list of categories from one parent category as tree-menu....
JMP Mobile Menu
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JMP Mobile Menu

By JoomHelper
Menu Systems
The fastest way to access the menu without knowing where you are on the page. The module includes parameters: - Menu source: Source to render menu. - End Level - Show Sub-menu items - Menu Position: Left/Right - Width of Menu: Pixel - Control Box position: Where to display control buttons (Menu, ScrollTop). - Menu button label: All labels are support HTML Code - Menu button label (Close status) -...
BA Fancy Menu
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BA Fancy Menu

Menu Systems
A creative menu system that expands and collapses menu items with smooth CSS3 powered transitions. You can see many predefined animations for the menu. The transitions are optimized for mobile devices also for higher user experience. The Menu is an all-in-one solution, as it have 4 different navigation layouts: Static mode Popup mode Sticky mode (Left sidebar, Right sidebar) Overlay mode Ea...


By anton
Menu Systems
Totalmenu is a super customizable menu for Joomla! 4&5 Find your own style and create complex menus. Easy! Design different styles and behaviors for desktop, small windows or mobile views. Teleport your menu from desktop view to mobile view without loading it twice! Use your own Brand logo. Easy! Customize your menues... oh yes! you can have more than one menu... all of them customized. Async loa...
JP YOOtheme Menu
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JP YOOtheme Menu

By Joomla Pro
Menu Systems
JP YOOtheme Menu a powerful Joomla menu solution that can effortlessly handle complex website structures. This innovative Joomla module is designed to transform your website's navigation into a seamless and user-friendly experience. With JP YOOtheme Menu you can take your Joomla website to the next level with ease. Multi-Level Menu Say goodbye to limitations on menu depth. Our extension allows yo...


By dwittenb
Articles Display
Joomla-Module V 5.x This is an module for Joomla! CMS. This Joomla-module displays the article-items of the menu items with all submenus structured according to the selected menu. The Menuitems are numbered like Chapters in a Book. Options are: + Select the Menu + number of Articles displayd of each menu item + Add a Titletext + Acess-Level + Copyright Information Creator: Dietrich Wittenberg...