In Europe there is a new law coming into effect that governs how cookies can be used on websites. Essential cookies, such as ones used in shopping carts, are fine however if you use any form of non-essential cookie on your website you must first gain permission before activating those non-essential cookies.
For a detailed overview of the law and for further guidance, you can visit http://www.cookielaw.org/
->Essentially it provides you with a way to allow users to opt-in to using cookies. If they accept cookies then all of the cookie-restricted JavaScript will be included and any future page loads will include the JavaScript. If they do not the JavaScript will not be included.
-> Slide Down Banner Notice on your Website Top Area.
-> Europe only Option available.
-> Small Notice Line and Bubble Big message Area.
-> Custom Small Notice Line And bubble Message Changing options.
-> Slide away upon agreement
-> Both Button Text Change Options.
-> Fix bar to top of window
-> Code example of usage (only save cookies if user has agreed)
★ UPDATE 1.7
-> Make Admin Screen More Easy so each one Understand purpose for each Function.
-> Added Read More Link so you able to Link any page or Website for detail.
-> Read More Link Enable / Disable Option added.
★ UPDATE 1.9
-> Bubble Box Updated with Box and you able to Change Background Color for box.
-> Bubble Box Width and Height Change Option available.
-> Font Color / Font Family / Font Size Option added.
★ UPDATE 2.0
-> its Help you to resolve Conflict with other Extensions.
-> Jquery Enable Disable option available.
-> Jqury Conflict Code Enable Disable Option added.
★ UPDATE 2.1
-> Added Height for Short message bar so now you able to Enter Long message or 2-3 Line as per your need.
★ UPDATE 2.3
-> Change Look and Feel and made More attractive with Given Some more Dynamic Options.
★ UPDATE 2.5
-> Small bag fixed and code clean.
★ UPDATE 4.0 ( Latest Stable Release )
-> Now its supported Responsive behaviour and working Responsive way with Mobile / tablet and Deskt
You have any problem or questions regarding our Extensions please create support ticket here : http://support.pulseextensions.com
Cookie Alert
- Version:
- 10.0
- Developer:
- PulseExtensions Team
- Last updated:
Nov 12 2021
3 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4