
Frontend News, Latest News, Articles Showcase, News Display, Articles Display

Mini Frontpage is an advanced news display module for Joomla. It displays the joomla articles from selected categories with date, thumbnail, excerpt in various design and layout. It’s simple and easy to use. It also comes with many parameters to configure, to help you to create a good looking news block for your Joomla website quickly.

Features :

  • Multiple item support, you can publish multiple Minifrontpage modules in the same page
  • Responsive Design, the module will look good in any device
  • Flexible parameters to suit your needs, from basic parameters such article category source, show hide introtext with trim function, articles filter etc, to theme based parameters such as number of column, custom date format, thumbnail posistion etc
  • Theme skin, each theme may comes with some skins for alternate style. If you know css, you can make your own theme skin and upload it to Minifrontpage skin folder
  • CSS adjustment. 
If you just need to make small style modification, there’s also a css adjustment field to add css override/modification without touching the physical file.
  • Joomla 4 ready
  • etc

Looks great on my site

Posted on 10 January 2024
The thumbnails didn't work to begin with, but the developer was quick to help rectify the situation. It now works and looks really great!
Ease of use
Took me a while to figure this module out, as there is no documentation. There is more to it than meets the eye, dig around the backend tabs
Really rapid support, impressive for a free download. I was most impressed!
Would be great if there was some included on the developers website, but someone else did some basic installation/install instructions.
I used this to: displaying articles in a category. The thumbnail image is taken from the first photo on the article. Multiple options for display are available in the module tabs.

Top Modul

Posted on 09 February 2023
alles funktioniert perfekt - von der Installation bis zur Funktionalität
Ease of use
alles ist sehr einfach und übersichtlich eingerichtet, so dass man schnell das gewünschte Ergebnis auf der Webseite hat ;-)
im Moment benötigte ich keine Unterstützung von Mini FrontPage, weil alles bestens funktioniert.
I used this to: Im Moment benötige ich das Modul, um die News und natürlich die Hotelangebote anzeigen zu lassen.
Lots of options to control output, which makes it stand out, 3 different layouts and css for themes. Its responsive design is a major plus.
Ease of use
Easy to configure, loads fast, and multiple instances on the same page run smooth.
I didn't need any. There is a forum for any questions, but I have not tried it.
I used this to: Adding content to a front page, which had to stand out and not take too much space. It has good responsive design, and can have many multiple instances with varied layouts for each one. There is a lot you can do with it. Highly recommended.
Second to none. We publish multiple modules simultaneously within one page and it still loads really quickly. Displays news items perfectly.
Ease of use
It was very easy to install and set up due to the intuitive back end. Regardless of how well you know Joomla it's a doddle.
I can't fault the support. It was excellent and fast. Questions posted in the support forum were answered almost immediately.
The documentation is a bit basic, but we found we didn't need it anyway.
I used this to: Publish multiple news items to our Joomla website on a daily basis.
I have used News Show Pro for over a decade and was looking for a J4 replacement. Clearly, this could be it. It does 95% of what I want!
Ease of use
Very simple and intuitive, well documented. After Gavick it was like getting into a warm bath. 2 tiny tweaks could help. :)
Very fast, very attentive. I reported a couple of what I considered to be bugs and it was interesting to hear what he had to say.
Everything you could want really. An explanation of their rationale of using retina thumbnails could have avoided an issue being raised.
I used this to: Displaying 50+ thumbnails on a radio station's website, from a Joomla category of radio programs.
Great speed and many options for filtering, added tag filtering for articles! Masonry theme rocks, nice and clean display.
Ease of use
Easy and simple use of module. Just install, pick your settings and publish module to a position or inside article.
Excellent and friendly support, direct response in every problem or suggestion.
Very good documentation, clear instructions and all options listed and explained.
I used this to: For my test joomla 4 beta 4 website and my main joomla 3.9.21 website.
I've used joomla and many article modules since 2007, surely I can compare them. So If you want a simple but powerful one THIS IS THE ANSWER
Ease of use
For many years I use another news modules but after trying to use this modules I no doubt to switch using this module due to its ease of use
I have no problem with the support. I think I don't need it. Because I just Install it and fly to the "month"
I used this to: My latest client's website to their latest company news and information
I use it to show articles on my site in different locations, using the loadmodule. Works beautifully - however missing some options.
Ease of use
Very easy to use, but for missing option need to modify using overrides and such.
Only used V3, no idea how previous version were.
I used this to: Show content to my users in a beautiful and easy way. Allows me to overcome the limited options available in Joomla core
Es muy práctica, las opciones básicas están bastante completas y permiten hacer una buena portada en pocos pasos. No alentiza la página
Ease of use
Todo es muy intuitivo. Tan solo hay que configurar el estilo y el tamaño de las miniaturas. Pero también tiene opciones para otros detalles
Fantástico. Las respuestas son muy ágiles. Tuve un problema con la actualización y lo solucionaron de inmediato
Es muy completa. Aunque la extensión es tan sencilla que casi no es necesario utilizarla.
I used this to: La instalé para un portal de noticias pero luego compré la PRO y la utilicé para todos mis clientes, es muy versátil, y tiene varias funciones que me permitieron eliminar otras extensiones y reducir la carga de la web.
This module is all you need to display news on frontpage. Ver. 3 has more features and is Joomla 4 ready.
Ease of use
It is very easy to use and understund module, In module settings you can simple make small style modification with css
I buy many extension, but support for Minifrontpage is really best. Fast, quickly and efficiently.
Very well documentation, understandable. On their website there is instruction how to setup module
I used this to: My news website to show news on frontpage, Lots of options with very acceptable price
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Mini FrontPage

Last updated:
Nov 30 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Aug 02 2007
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
Mini Frontpage Pro
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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