
Frontend News, Latest News, Articles Showcase, News Display, Articles Display

Mini Frontpage Pro is the extended version of Mini Frontpage module, an advanced news display module for Joomla. It displays the joomla articles from selected categories with date, thumbnail, excerpt in various design and layout. It’s simple and easy to use. It also comes with many parameters to configure, to help you to create a good looking news block for your Joomla website quickly.

Features :

  • K2 Support / version
  • Custom Fields support
  • Multiple item support, you can publish multiple Minifrontpage Pro modules in the same page
  • Responsive Design, the module will look good in any device
  • Flexible parameters to suit your needs, from basic parameters such article category source, show hide introtext with trim function, articles filter etc, to theme based parameters such as number of column, custom date format, thumbnail posistion etc
  • Theme skins with advanced features such as Ajax Infinity scroll, etc. Each theme may comes with some skins for alternate style. If you know css, you can make your own theme skin and upload it to Minifrontpage Pro skin folder
  • CSS adjustment. 
If you just need to make small style modification, there’s also a css adjustment field to add css override/modification without touching the physical file.
  • Generate thumbnail from external website / source
  • Time ago date format
  • Youtube as item background (Depends on Theme)
  • Joomla 4 ready
  • etc
Çok işlevsel bir uygulama. İçeriklerinizi göstermek için hemen hemen her gereksiniminizi karşılayabilecek ek özellikleri vardır.
Ease of use
Kullanımı çok kolay. Kurulumla birlikte gelen ayarlarla hemen kullanabilirsiniz. Farklı tasarım ve özellikleri devreye sokabilirsiniz.
Destek talepleriniz geliştirici tarafından gecikmeden yanıtlanmaktadır. Web sitesindeki destek formunu bu amaçla kullanabilirsiniz.
Ayarları düzenlemeyle ilgili gerekli destek belgilerini geliştiricinin web sitesinde ulaşabilirsiniz.
Value for money
Uygulamanın ücreti sahip olduğu özellikler açısından oldukça uygundur. Profesyonel sitelerinizde rahatlıkla kullanabilirsiniz.
I used this to: Ben web sitemde haber içeriklerini farkli bir tasarimla göstermek için kullaniyorum.

Next level frontpage

Posted on 21 August 2022
I so glad i found this extension, its just moved my site to the next level of quality
Ease of use
I just installed and configured few things and ready to use, really basic knowledge is enough
I even got fast response to my question on Sunday, this tells a lot from the developer
Very well documented with tons of examples just go to its website and you will find what you are looking for
Value for money
I think its too cheap, i honestly saying if i would be its owner i would not sell it under 49 EUR at least..
I used this to: For our site frontpage, in the past our frontpage was quite simple but now its looks really pro
The module does everything I needed it to and more. I have a mix of the free templates and the paid templates on the page and it looks great
Ease of use
Very intuitive. Easy to set up and to populate. I am able to adjust the settings as I need to as well
First class! The developer responded to queries quickly and made some bespoke adjustments within a few days and for a very reasonable fee
Useful and clear, but the developer has been responsive to additional questions
Value for money
Worth every penny. I would certainly recommend this module and its developer to others
I used this to: Pulling news features through to my website using Joomla articles to populate the content.
Bem personalizável e com belos temas, realmente tem muitas opções de uso.
Ease of use
A configuração é bem amigável. Fácil de usar e muito bem detalhado.
Precisei do suporte e fui prontamente muito bem atendimento no fórum da ferramenta.
Value for money
Preço muito bom pelas funcionalidades. Realiza muito bem o que se propõe.
I used this to: Utilizei na página da instituição onde eu trabalho. O ambiente ficou muito mais bonito, amigável e moderno.

Excellent module

Posted on 13 June 2020
Excellent application. Perfect for arranging items in various shapes.
Ease of use
For the default settings, it is very easy to use and for special things, the support is great.
Totally satisfied with the support. Very agile and always ready to help.

Quite complete and indicative, in such a way that it is an excellent support
Value for money
The value for money is second to none. It really is an application that offers many possibilities for an excellent price.
I used this to: Education website provision of articles for news and communications.
When buy module you get 3 version for price of one (J3, K2 and J4 version of module). Works great on desktop also on mobile
Ease of use
It has a nine goodlooking theme, and each theme has few variation. One good option is show youtube videos of article on frontpage
One of best support. You can ask for help on forum. Author of extension is friendly so I comunicate with him directly on social networks
On their website there is instruction how to setup module with text and pictures
Value for money
My recomandation fot this module. As I said, you get tree version of module for price of one.
I used this to: My news website to show category news on frontpage, and now my webpage look great
Muy práctica, cumple con las funciones de cuatro o más extensiones en una sola. Así que alivia la página de cargas innecesarias de pluggins.
Ease of use
No se necesita conocimiento especial, sólo configurar el estilo y los tamaños de las imágenes. Todo viene listo, todo personalizable.
Rápido, tuve un problema con la actualización y me lo resolvieron en menos de 24 horas. Muy amables y ágiles.
La extensión es tan sencilla que no requiere mayor consulta de la documentación, pero el paquete incluye un pdf con todos los detalles.
Value for money
Es muy económica. He probado varias de este estilo, y por el precio y la calidad, esta extensión es la mejor.
I used this to: La use para un portal de noticias pero luego la he instalado en los portales de diferentes clientes por que no afecta la velocidad de la página pero le da una bonita estética a cualquier proyecto y es compatible con casi cualquier plantilla.

Awsome module

Posted on 07 February 2020
Many different themes to suit any web site. We are using it for the news web and it adds a more modern look to our web site.
Ease of use
Just install, configure, no coding or special skills needed. Select the module position, categories and that's it.
Quick and professional support for any questions and advice that we have during configuruaration.
Transparent and understandable for any info that we have about this module.
Value for money
Great! For under 20 USD for a module or purchasing bundle its best value for money.
I used this to: On news websites for pop up articles, showing recent articles and showing articles from a specific category.
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Mini Frontpage Pro

Last updated:
Nov 12 2024
2 months ago
Date added:
Jan 31 2020
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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