This is an amazing module for show categories's items like a tab. The module support for K2 component. It is a supper tab with many config help you control it. The module use ajax to load data, help your website look nice. This module maybe called is 'Tab Ajax Category', because each tab is one category was selected in module's config. When click to tab, the data will be loaded to tab content area. The module can show K2 categories like tabs or show 'Sepecific items'.
The module support 5 themes (Default, Theme1, theme2, Theme3, Theme4). Sepcial Theme3 show items as a slidehow - Woa Amazing!
Many configs to control element of tab (Show | Hide).
Support Responsive: Could config columns for each screen width (devices: desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone..)
It can display like a listing page with loadmore button (load data ajax): Because you can select One category then config to hide tab header. Eg - If you want to build a content items listing page, you can select category is 'All category' then congfig to hide "tab header" with param "Show header tab".
It can display like a slideshow too: If you select "Theme3" then hide "tab header", you will have a slideshow. Enjoy it!
- Module's params:
Common Configs:
Source: Select items from categories or from select specific items.
Category filter: All category or Select Category.
Select one or more categories: Select categories these want to show.
Fetch items from children categories: Yes/No?.
Item count: Limit items number for each category (for paging).
Item ordering: Order for select items.
Featured items: Show Featured items or not.
Time range (if ordering is set to 'most popular' or 'most commented'): Select time.
Add items: Select items these you want to show.
Drag and drop to re-order items: Drag and drop to re-order items. Click the remove icon to remove an item from the list.
Image size: Get k2 items's image with size selected and resize on it.
Tab title: When you select 'source' is 'Select Specific Items', you need config title for tab, has no category was selected, only items selected. If you don't select item, the module will get all items from all category.
Select Themes: Select tab's theme that you want. Support 5 theme (Default, Theme1, theme2, Theme3, Theme4).
Ajax For First Page: Select 'Yes' First page of tabs will be loaded by Ajax. If you select 'No' First page of tabs will be loaded normal (no Ajax).
How items append: Select 'All' if you want all items will be appended one time else select 'Each' each item will be append to module's target.
Show no-image: Do you want to show no-image picture when item has no image?
Show header tab: You can hide 'tab header'. Module will become a listing or slider.
Image's width: Set image's width for resize.
Image's height: Set image's height for resize.
Select Resize Type: Support some type - SCALE FILL,
BM Tab Ajax Slider For K2
- Version:
- 1.0
- Developer:
- Brainymore
- Last updated:
Mar 05 2015
10 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3
This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System