Authoring & Content

Magic Image Resize

Magic Image Resize

By Dirk Hoeschen:
Content Construction
Magic image resize is a content plugin for automatic scaling content images to a web friendly size. Magic image resize does not work destructive. It stores the resized images into .thumb folders inside your image directories. Only the source is replaced. You can still use responsive classes like img-fluid or img-responsive. Example img src="images/myLargeImg.jpg" class="img-flui...
4AI - Community Edition

4AI - Community Edition

By Yannick Gaultier
Authoring & Content
4AI is a state-of-the art Joomla extension that gives you an always-on AI-powered assistant to create and revise the content of your website. Powered by the API behind the well-known ChatGPT system, it's always available, backend or frontend, at the click of an icon or through a convenient keyboard shortcut. New All generated images are marked internally as AI-generated Now creating and modify...
On Time Light

On Time Light

By Factory.DocWriter.Ru
Timed Content
On Time is a powerfull marketing tool to deliver your content to your site visitors on a precise schedule. Hide or show any parts of content at the exact time you select. Usage examples of the On Time plugin include presenting the pre-developed announcements of your company marketing activities for a long period of time. Each announcement is automatically shown when it is up-to-date and automatic...
Auto Sender

Auto Sender

By Mostafa Shahiri
Content Submission
This extension enables you to send your articles to users of your website via e-mail automatically. When you create or save an article, e-mails will be sent automatically to users. Also you can determine some filters to control sending the e-mails: -filter for articles -filter for categories -filter for usergroups -filter for users -filter for sending intro text or full text of articles No...
PLUpload for Joomla

PLUpload for Joomla

By Manolo
Custom Fields
PLUpload Joomla 4 integration as custom form field You can add this custom field to any joomla components that support the joomla custom fields system and this will display a button for multiple file upload with the only size limit of the "Max. file size (MB)" param, or none if set to 0. If you set "Multiple file upload" as "no", you will have a field for store the uploaded file name, and you can...
JMG Article Slider

JMG Article Slider

Article Preview
This free module shows your Joomla! articles as sliders....
Fields - Product Data

Fields - Product Data

By mediadesigner
Custom Fields
Product Data is a plugin that extends Joomla custom fields and enables you to show product data in an impressive way. Product Data even lets you setup comparisons between joomla items. This plugin is an enhancement to the native Joomla! field checkboxes. The disadvantage about checkboxes is that only one value can be saved and an attribute having no value won't be shown in frontend. Additionall...
JExtBOX Article Auto Manager

JExtBOX Article Auto Manager

By Galaa
It automates the following article managing operations: Archive, Unpublish, Publish, Move to Trash, Move to another category, Assign or remove the featured status, Change access level, and Increase publish down date/time. It supports both Joomla 5, Joomla 4, and Joomla 3.10 too. The extension provides the following article managing operations: Archive Unpublish Publish Move to Trash Move to An...
Bing Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

Bing Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Bing Maps Field enables you to add a Bing Maps Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
RCA Image Content

RCA Image Content

Content Construction
Using this module, you can show any information with an image (on left/right side of texts) and texts. FEATURES: Responsive design SEO friendly image Show image on left or right column Option to add link on the image Add title, description, urls or others with your favourite Joomla! default text editor Option to show image column wider than the texts column Option to show texts column wider tha...
SoundCloud - Advanced Custom Fields

SoundCloud - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The SoundCloud Field enables you to add a SoundCloud Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Facebook - Advanced Custom Fields

Facebook - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Facebook Field enables you to add a Facebook Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
RCA Content Carousel
Paid download

RCA Content Carousel

Content Construction
This module display content blocks/cards with image, title, description and button. FEATURES: Responsive design SEO friendly Options to set min height on Desktops, tablets and mobiles Option to Turn on/off Autoplay and set Autoplay speed Option to choose Navigation type, Dots, Arrows or Both Option to set default and hover background and text colours for Arrows and Dots navigation. Options to s...
Paid download


By nx-designs
Article Preview
nx-articleLibrary is a Joomla! module from nx-designs that converts your articles and categories into a virtual library. Thanks to the ajax support you can switch between pages without even reloading the website. nx-ArticleLibrary presents your Joomla! articles within a module position in form of a library. Using the sidebar or modal menu (on portable devices) you can browse through the categorie...
Neat Footer
Paid download

Neat Footer

Planned Content
Maintenance-free, neat and simple footer module to display copyright text for your site. Year updates automatically. Features Thoughtfully created to solve footer problem. At some templates or even with Joomla! default footer module, you will get some unwanted footer texts. And these unwanted footer texts never goes without doing our hands dirty. So this module is to get the pure and clean fo...
RCA Features
Paid download

RCA Features

Content Construction
Using this module, you can display any product features with an image, title and description. FEATURES: Responsive design SEO friendly Show title, description and a button on left side Show an image in center Show linked features with a thumbnail/small image, title and description....
RCA Image Content 2
Paid download

RCA Image Content 2

Content Construction
With this module, you can show 2 images on 2 columns. You can move up/down one image to another by adjusting padding. You can add title, short description and link to all images. FEATURES: Responsive design SEO friendly images Show texts (title, description, link or button) by writing with your favourite Joomla! default text editor Option to show texts on left or right column with reverse optio...
Quick Fields

Quick Fields

By Christopher Mavros
Custom Fields
Quick Fields is a free Joomla module that shows custom fields and lets users edit their profiles on spot! Edit Field Values from a module Allow your users to alter custom fields from anywhere in your site. Native Joomla No hacks, no libraries. Free Download, install wherever you want. Includes EasyProfile version Works with EasyProfile user fields. Ready for J4, J5 Works with the latest...