Authoring & Content

timeline slider

timeline slider

By joom best
Timed Content
timeline slider is slider period for joomla Extension. It allows you to easily add and manage part. This extension will provide user with an ability to create any number of slide data, which can be easy called using admin part. Features Available: - auto loading time - use time period - responsive all device - support all conflict...
Tag Trends
Paid download

Tag Trends

By MultiHosting
Authoring & Content
A Complete solution for your Joomla to manage and keep statistics for your tags that are used in core Joomla articles and K2 Items. This is a simple to use extension for Joomla. It comes with a component, two modules and a plugin. With our component you can sort your tags and show statistic information about them. You can also create a menu item from our component in order to show the tags you wa...
Fields - WT Yandex Map

Fields - WT Yandex Map

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Custom Fields
The plugin adds a new type of custom field for Joomla 4 - Yandex.Maps. It allows you to display the label on Yandex Maps in those extensions that support custom fields in Joomla 4. PLugin is free....
n3t Empty Page

n3t Empty Page

By Pavel Poles
Content Construction
Component to display empty page on your site, with optional list of custom modules positions. This could be used for pages, where no component output is needed, and you just want to display different modules. In combination with other modules it could serve well as simple replacement of complex Page Builders. Since version 5.0.0 it offers also advanced Bootstrap grid builder....
Restrict content by group membership

Restrict content by group membership

By Martin Brampton
Content Construction
The Black Sheep Research Plugin for selecting content by user groups in Joomla This plugin enables the portions of text to be displayed on account of the current user being a member of specified group(s). This is achieved by surrounding the relevant text with, for example: {usergroup 5 || 7}...{/usergroup} or: {usergroup editor}...{/usergroup} or: {usergroup !8}...{/usergroup} You can speci...
TF Youtube

TF Youtube

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
The Youtube Custom Field Plugin enables you to add a Youtube Field to any Joomla! Component that supports the Custom Fields. Simply add Youtube Video ID to display the video at the frontend....
TF Any

TF Any

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
Joomla! super custom field plugin to display content items from any Joomla database table or you can set the content directly. With this plugin, you can display items from any Joomla database table by specifying conditions. The plugin also supports adding links for creating download or links directory-like page....
TF Lists

TF Lists

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
Joomla custom fields plugin to display linked list of items divided into sections. Features - Option to Create Ordered or Unordered List - Add Custom Classes for Styling - Use with Any Component Supporting Custom FIelds - Customize Heading with Different Levels...
NetzSinn Custom Fields Filter

NetzSinn Custom Fields Filter

By Bernhard Woehrlin
Custom Fields
System Plugin to filter Joomla 4 Category Blog Articles by Custom Fields. You can specify up to three custom fields that will be used to filter an existing category blog result. The Plugin takes effect on a one or more URL(s) you may define. With this extension you'll get the following benefits: Simple to install. Filter applies to URLs. Define multiple filters. Up to 3 Custom Fields can be def...
NetzSinn Address2Coordinates

NetzSinn Address2Coordinates

By Bernhard Woehrlin
Custom Fields
Address to Coordinates allows you to assign several location fields, like street, city, zip code, or country. When a form is submitted, it will concatenate (combine) these fields and send them to the Google API, which will return the latitude and longitude, which will also be stored in custom fields. Storing location data rather than querying on each visit will keep your number of calls down now...
NetzSinn Custom Fields Radius Search

NetzSinn Custom Fields Radius Search

By Bernhard Woehrlin
Custom Fields
System Plugin to do a radius search on Joomla 4 Category Blog Articles with Custom Fields containing Latitude and Longitude values. In addition to that you may define up to 3 Custom Fields on which the Plugin will filter the result as well. The Plugin takes effect on one or more URLs you define. With this extension, you'll get the following benefits: Radius Search applies to URLs. Define multip...


By Mareike Riegel
Content Construction
Data from another source (defined by an url) can be displayed in your website. E. g. data from wikipedia or any other webstite. Also data from a secured website can be added, e. g. proteted by htaccess - of course only, if you have the login data. Data can be retrieved by php's standard file_get_contents()or via curl. Data can be displayed as html or as xml (within textarea). Retrieve data by...
n3t MultiModule

n3t MultiModule

By Pavel Poles
Content Construction
Display multiple modules in single modules position. Could be usefull for modules arrangement on the page....
DB-Views Data Table

DB-Views Data Table

By ComponentSoftware
Content Construction
Add full database functionality to your website. Display advanced responsive data tables and multistep webforms in any webpage. Key Features * Display and edit table data in a frame embedded in any webpage. * Fully customize your tables. Enjoy complete language localization. * Create multistep web forms to edit data or add new rows. * Responsive Material 3 implementation makes tables look great...
WT SP Easy Image Gallery insert

WT SP Easy Image Gallery insert

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Content Construction
Plugins for inserting images into from a SP Easy Image Gallery component's album. Supports only Joomla 4. The plugin allows you to insert a shortcode into the editor field, which, after processing by content plugins, will be replaced with an image gallery of the SP Easy Image Gallery component. SP Easy Image Gallery This is a simple image gallery for Joomla from the JoomShaper development team....
TF Button

TF Button

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
The Button custom field allows you to add download or link action buttons. Just add the Url of any file or link in the form and your users will see a nice button....
TF Gallery

TF Gallery

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
This plugin displays multi-column lightbox image gallery. You just need to enter the folder path for the images in the custom fields....
TF Features

TF Features

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
Joomla custom fields plugin to display content features as icon list, icon box or image box....