Access & Security

Login Notification for Joomla
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Login Notification for Joomla

By Ivane
Site Security
Perfect solution to find which user logged in to your site. Login Notification for Joomla is a simple Joomla! system plugin to track the logins on your website. It logs the login entries of your site with user’s information, time and IP Addresses and send the notification email to the administrator email or custom email address. Benefits of Joomla Login Notification Plugin: Perfect solution...
User Redirect After Login
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User Redirect After Login

By Mishel Naguib
Site Access
With this plugin you can assign automatic redirect url to each user depending on its username , id , ... so you can automatically redirect each user to his custom page. Our User Redirect after login plugin Redirects users automatically to customized url You can use following parameters in the url and they will be replaced by user data: {username} will be replaced by username. {email} will be re...


By Simon Champion
Access & Security
This plugin makes use of the "Have I Been Pwned" password checker API, with the aim of improving password security for your site's users by preventing them from using a password that is known to have been compromised. contains an archive of user credentials that have been made public after being hacked, and allows anyone to query the database to find out whether their credenti...
WAAdmin Hidden

WAAdmin Hidden

Access & Security
This extensions is a Plugin to hidden the administrator interface . To access to administrador we must acces to , where Adm1n2str3d4R is a plugin parameter to config. The plugins parameters is: Directory to admin access, is the key Token to put in cookie Cookie Name Expire time...
Download Link Protection
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Download Link Protection

By Impression eStudio
Access & Security
Protect the links used for downloading files like zip, pdf, mp3, csv, jpg etc. The protected links work only to the users who click them through your website. The real link of the file to be downloaded is hidden by a random link that is unique per user and visit. The Download Link Protection plugin provides a very simple but practical way to hide the real URLs for files from being displayed and a...
JG Quick Login

JG Quick Login

By Joomla Geeks
Site Access
Description: JG quick login is a simple user plugin that logs in user automatically after user registration. This plugin follows joomla standard and works only if the ‘New User Account Activation’ is set to ‘none’ in joomla user configuration. Features: Quick user login. Follow joomla standards in user registration. Easy user conversion. Simple controls(Just enable and disable). You ca...
JG Autologin

JG Autologin

By Joomla Geeks
Site Access
Description: There will be cases where site admin wants to auto login a visitor of the site so that they can show some demo of certain privilege using ACL. using this plugin we can auto login visitors of our site under a particular user. ###Features: Easy visitors auto login. Select the user from the list you wants to make as default login user....
Bink's QuickLogout

Bink's QuickLogout

By Steve Binkowski
Access & Security
A plugin for Joomla! 3.x CMS to allow for one-click logout links Bink's QuickLogout plugin will change existing links in the document to point to Joomla's logout process. Joomla's logout process normally takes the user to a confirmation page, where the session is logged out after clicking "Log Out" a second time. The calculated URL generated by QuickLogout will skip that confirmation step, loggin...
Custom Right Click
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Custom Right Click

Site Access
Custom Right Click for Joomla 3.X **is a plugin that gives the ability to disable site printing, selecting text or images and copy, completely disable right click or the best one: create your own right click. Set a powered by text, add menu items for sharing on any social network you want or anything else that you can imagine. **Build your own HTML5 menu by adding the features you need. And all th...
CW Top Secret
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CW Top Secret

By Cory Webb
Site Access
CW Top Secret is a plugin for Joomla that prevents access to a site by unauthenticated users except for a designated set of components or menus. With CW Top Secret, you don't have to set detailed ACL rules for all of the pages on your site just to prevent unauthenticated users from accessing them. You simply install and configure CW Top Secret, and it does all the hard work for you. Redirect any...
Stop User Edit

Stop User Edit

By Amreeta Ray
Site Access
This plugin is used to stop users from changing their username or password. it works for the username specified by the administrator. You can also redirect the user to a specific URL if the url is specified in the redirect url plugin parameter. Users to be separated by comma ex "john,harry,tom" etc....
Content Filter Pro
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Content Filter Pro

By Function90
Site Access
**Filter Joomla Article Content, K2 Article, Seblod And FlexiContent According To UserGroups Usernames and User Ids ** As the name itself says, it filters out the content. It is a Joomla! plugin which filter the content of an article according to users' Joomla! usergroup, username and user ids. There are several cases when you want to show some content to particular type of users and want to hide...
Registration Validation Pro
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Registration Validation Pro

By Function90
Site Access
This plugin mainly validates the basic fields of the registration form that are username, email and password. In current joomla registration process the validation is very limited and even some of the validation takes place after registration form submission. For user this becomes very tedious to fill the form again and again. 1. Validation on Username - User must fill this field since it is...
Scorpion Logout Button

Scorpion Logout Button

By Scorpion Computers & Software
Site Access
This modules gives you the opportunity to create a logout button for your Joomla website and place it on every module position possible...
TS Verification

TS Verification

By Tailored Solutions
Site Security
Now a day to protect your website from spam bot registration is most essential so we have created new verification plug-in "TS Verification" which helps you to avoid spam bot to get access of your website which further keeps your website free & secure from spam and malicious activities. TS Verification is a native Joomla 2.5 and 3.x plug-in, which is directly associated with one of the best verif...
Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert

By Konstantinos Galanakis
Site Access
Spoiler Alert is a Joomla Conten Plugin based on a jQuery plugin, developed by Joshua Hull, that create spoiler alerts by bluring the desired parts of your page. As he says, don't spoil it! Hide copy and images with a bit of SVG blur. Taste on mouseover. Eat on click. Do you publish spoilers? Do you wish you could have them on your page in a way that wasn't rude? With Spoiler Alert! you can! Hi...
TeddyID Password Manager

TeddyID Password Manager

By TeddyID
Site Access
TeddyID Password Manager allows your users to log in without entering a password, yet more securely. Users will have to enter a password only once, TeddyID will suggest encrypting and saving the password. The next time the user tries to log in, the user just clicks his username (see the screenshot above), we pick a random picture and send it to user's two devices: his computer and his phone (wit...
OpenSSO login

OpenSSO login

By ?ubomír Mlích
Access & Security
Login to Joomla with Oracle OpenSSO Features Login in OpenSSO and use sso token cookie to login to Joomla application Login in Joomla verifing username and password in OpenSSO and create sso token cookie to login to other OpenSSO connected apps When session at OpenSSO is destroyed, you can work in Joomla app Logout destroys sso token cookie Saves password to Joomla DB after successful login, so...