
Vertical Markets, Data Import & Export, Real Estate, Mobile Display, Maps & Locations

OS Property is best Joomla real estate extension.
OS Property provides necessary flexibility and fully functional for creating real estate websites, property listing or rental websites with single, multiple user types or real estate companies.


★ Easy to post real estate properties
★ Earning money from customer who want to use your Real Estate website
★ Advanced, Locator search tools
★ Multiple Properties level (Standard and Featured)
★ Unlimited Properties, Property types, Categories, Amenities, Extra fields.e.g
★ Send notify emails when new property is posted
★ Integrate with Walked Score map, KML Google earth, Education
★ Properties neighborhoods
Google services (Map, Adsense) integration
★ Multiple Currencies
★ RSS support (also KML Google Earth)
★ Fully Joomla ACL for categories, properties, field groups and custom fields.
★ Pdf export & Print layout of property details
★ Allow user to save the search criteria for future visit
★ Properties Favourites and Comparison
★ User contact
★ Properties sharing
★ Properties Comment & Rating
★ Energy measurement use and Co2 emissions chart
★ All picture types supported
★ Panorama virtual tour


★ Easy to manage companies, user types, properties, categories, property types, price list, comments, amenities, custom field groups and custom fields
★ Powerful Configuration
★ Bulk CSV/XML import and export
★ Backup & restore database
★ Joomla Native Multilingual & Content translation ability


★ Ability to manage agents (add/edit)
★ Ability to manage properties (add/edit) of company


★ Multiple Real Estate Users: Agents, Owners, Builders, Landlord, Brokers, Sellers, Realtors
★ Ability to post and manage properties
★ Ability to upgrade properties from Standard to Featured


★ Multiple locations
★ Easy to Manage & Import location
★ Can be used with all countries on the world. Available location data for United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Brazil, India, Italy, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, Turkey, Australia, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Germany, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, New Zealand, Thailand, Nigeria, Ecuador, Indonesia, Jamaica, Maldives, Venezuela, Poland, Russia, Israel, Ireland, Croatia, Colombia, Chile, Switzerland, Czech, Guatemala, Morocco, Malaysia, Norway, Peru, Pakistan, Qatar, Philippines, Romania, Slovakia, Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, Hungary and Finland. Default location is United States.


★ List properties by different parameters like property types, categories, states, cities v.v. and different layout like list, grid and map view
★ Company/ Agent registration
★ Company/ Agent edit profile
★ Compare properties
★ Locator search
★ Advanced search
★ Add/ Edit properties
★ MLS Search Integration
★ Property details
★ Manage Properties


★ Full of Meta description for Properties
★ Custom page title & page heading for categories/property types/properties
★ Joomla SEF URLs & SEO (Metadata) support, also with SEF components
★ Social share products (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest..)
★ Facebook and Twitter auto Posting
★ Microdata Rich Snippets
★ Support captcha/SSL
★ Tags system
★ integration
★ Invalid items reporting


★ Membership Pro
★ OS Calendar (Availability Calendar)
★ Jcomments
Acymailling Newsletter
JSitemap Pro


★ Quick Search
★ Slideshow
★ Advanced search
★ Random Properties
★ Mortgate
★ Loan Calculator
★ Ajax search
★ Categories listing
★ Google Map


★ Responsive layouts, Mobile Ready, Retina Display Support, HTML & CSS override system
★ Layout overrides
jQuery, Ajax and Bootstrap
★ Compatible with any Joomla templates
★ Attractive themes support
★ Multiple form layouts (contact, request details e.g.)
★ Lazy Load


★ Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x, Joomla 5
★ PHP 7.x, 8.x


★ Template:
★ Add-ons:


★ Ezrealty migration
★ Iproperty migration


09th July 2024 - New version 3.21.4

  • Fix issue when installing package on PHP 8.2
  • Fix issue in locator search function
  • Fix issue in price group option creating

07th June 2024 - New version 3.21.3

  • Add various improvements in core functions and layouts
  • Fix issues in previous versions
  • Add OS Property smart search plugin

26th February 2023 - New version 3.21.2

  • Add ordering option for properties
  • Add more market statuses for properties
  • Improve CSV Import and Export functions
  • Improve Backend layout in Darkmode - Joomla 5
  • Improve layouts of component
  • Fix Joomla 5 compatible issues

04th December 2023 - New version 3.21.1

  • Terminate using of Mootools in component
  • Improve XML Import tool
  • Removing Backup and Restore functions
  • Improve Photo Ajax Upload
  • Fix some Joomla 5 compatible issues
  • Fix issues on Agent and Company registration
  • Fix issue on Payment functions

18th September 2023 - New version 3.21.0

  • Fully compatible with Joomla 5
  • Adding two system plugins
  • Improve source code
  • Fix issues in previous versions

01th May 2023 - New version 3.20.9

  • Add captcha in agent/company contact form
  • Support all JPEG, WEBP image format
  • Fix issue in agent registration
  • Improve management pages at Backend side
  • Improve Random Properties module
  • Improve Search plugin (Joomla 3)

01th March 2023 - Version 3.20.8

  • Improve layouts of themes
  • Improve core functions
  • Improve Random Properties and Map modules
  • Fix PHP8 and Joomla4 compatible issues
  • Fix issues in previous versions

14th October 2022 - Version 3.20.7

  • Improve Agents and Companies registration pages
  • Integrate Joomla registration features
  • Add new email notification emails
  • Add option to solve issue with page navigation
  • Fix issue in Configuration page - PHP8 and Joomla4
  • Fix other minor issues
  • Improve categories module

17th August 2022 - Version 3.20.6

  • Improve Property Neighborhood - adding distance
  • Add Dropdown select list Categories in Quick Search module
  • Show User types in Agents list and Agent details
  • Fix Street view in Default theme
  • Fix Gallery issue in Theme2
  • Fix issue in Properties comparison
  • Fix issue in Location (States, Cities) retrieving
  • Other minor issues fixed

19th May 2022 - Version 3.20.5

  • Improve Theme2, Theme3
  • Improve layouts on mobile screens
  • Improve Filter Form in Properties listing page
  • Improve Quick icons module (Backend side)
  • Fix minor issues

06th March 2022 - Version 3.20.4

  • Improve Backend layouts
  • Fix Stripe payment gateway issue

12th January 2022 - Version 3.20.3

  • Fix issues in previous versions

01st November 2021 - Version 3.20.2

  • Fix issues in Joomla 4

04th October 2021 - Version 3.20.1

  • Fix issues from previous versions

01st September 2021 - Version 3.20.0

  • Fully compatible with Joomla 4
  • Improve Panorama viewing function
  • Add Social Backlinks OS Property plugin

12th July 2021 - Version 3.19.1

  • Fix issues in previous versions

12th June 2021 - Version 3.19.0

  • Compatible with PHP8
  • Add page navigation in Random Properties module
  • Add min/max price parameters in layout: Property Listing layout
  • Add multilingual with field: Region
  • Add Hour/min options in Opening Hour feature
  • Improve + Fix issue on Properties management pages

02tnd April 2021 - Version 3.18.2

  • Add Default agent option
  • Add Property Preview function (frontend side)
  • Improve JSitemap plugin - support multiple languages
  • Fix Stripe payment method issue
  • Fix issue on loading Location data (multiple language mode)
  • Fix issue on OSP Slideshow module
  • Fix issue on Featured Agent module
  • Fix issue on Start/end publishing dates
  • Fix issue on Square feet/meter showing in Random Properties module
  • Fix issue on Custom extra fields

07th December 2020 - Version 3.18.1

  • Add City ID parameter into Property Listing layout
  • Add option to store Request More details
  • Support HTML code in Price text
  • Fix Properties filtering issue at Backend
  • Fix Sef issue in OS Property States and Cities module

09th September 2020 - Version 3.18.0

Compatible Joomla 4 Alpha

25th June 2020 - Version 3.17.4

  • Add icons configure options for Amenity Categories
  • Add icons for Amenities
  • Update language constants for OS Property Configuration function
  • Fix issue on Showing Custom extra fields: Radio boxes, Checkboxes
  • Fix issue on Selecting Market Status in module Random Properties

14th May 2020 - Version 3.17.3

Add notification email to administrator when the payment is made
Improve Payment completed layout
Improve Offline payment
Fixing issue on payment processing function
Fix SQL issue relating to Market Status

29th March 2020 - Version 3.17.2

  • Fix issue Search result in Theme3

19th March 2020 - New version 3.17.1

  • Fix issue on OS Property Database

17th March 2020 - New version 3.17.0

  • Add Bath Information
  • Add extra fields in PDF and Property Print pages
  • Add Location filter in Properties management (Frontend side)
  • Improve CSS of Theme 3
  • Minor bugs fixed

25th October 2019 - New version 3.16.1

  • Fix issues on Property Modification form at frontend side (Joomla 4.x alpha)
  • Fix issues on Property Activation form at frontend side
  • Fix issues on Configuration page
  • Fix issue on Wider theme

18th September 2019 - New version 3.16.0

  • Improve OS Property to make extension compatible with Joomla4 Alpha
  • Remove Joomla deprecated functions
  • Change some DB columns attributes

19th July 2019 - New version 3.15.0

  • Improve Categories listing layout
  • Improve Default theme
  • Improve Backup and Restore database, make it to work with MySQLi
  • Add option to exclude property IDs in OS Content Slider and Random Properties module
  • Add Price sorting option in Manage Properties page
  • Fix issue on properties approval when the cost is zero

14th May 2019 - New version 3.14.9

  • Improve Theme3 and Theme Blue
  • Improve Companies and Agents management tool at Backend side
  • Improve Mortgage module
  • Improve Filter Form
  • Improve Bootstrap 3 stylesheet

1st April 2019 - New version 3.14.8

  • Improve Companies, Agent listing and details layout
  • Add option to add Joomla modules into property page (Theme2 and Wider)
  • Improve Loan Calculator module
  • Add option to select number properties per page in properties list (Backend side)
  • Fix issue on CSV import function
  • Fix issue on showing Heading in "Properties City" page
  • Fix issue on showing Satellite map type in property details page
  • Fix issue on "checkbox" extra field value showing

14th January 2019 - New version 3.14.6

  • Improve Agent Profile page
  • Improve OS Content Slider
  • Improve SEO
  • Fix issue on Membership Pro integration
  • Fix issue on downloading property's document
  • Fix issue on saving property's documents and panorama pictures

1st December 2018 - New version 3.14.5

  • Add Openstreetmap
  • Improve Agents layout
  • Fix minor bugs

12nd November 2018 - New version 3.14.4

  • Add Wide theme
  • Move documents to media folder

23th October 2018 - New version 3.14.3

  • Moving Javascript, CSS files to Media folders
  • Adding Defer attribute into Javascript loading
  • Add Horizontal layout for search module
  • Apply Joomla global variable into management pages (front-end and back-end sides)
  • Other bugs fixed

11th September 2018 - New version 3.14.2

  • Improve Membership Pro integration feature
  • Improve themes: Default and Theme 3
  • Add Google reCaptcha in Request more details form
  • Add feature to pass Security step with logged user in Request More Details and Tell a friend forms
  • Improve Currency convert feature
  • Improve Random Properties module
  • Fix route and cron task issues
  • Other minor issues fixed

15th August 2018 - New version 3.14.1

  • Able to sort photos by drag & drop
  • Add Cities filtering in properties list
  • Fix Currencies convert function
  • Other minor css fixed

10th July 2018 - New version 3.14.0

  • Instroduce new payment process to activate and upgrade listing workflow
  • Improve Membership Pro integration
  • Add payment library
  • Fix Currency convert issue
  • Update Random Properties module

25th May 2018 - New version 3.13.2

GDPR Implement

7th May 2018 - New version 3.13.1

  • Bootstrap 4 compatible
  • Add multiple languages with field: Price text
  • Improve Property Print layout to make property details to be shown in one A4 paper
  • Improve Address format

28th March 2018 - New version 3.13.0

  • Add Market status
  • Improve: Properties listing, property details, search functions, property print, pdf export, XML and CSV import/export, Random properties and Search module
  • Add Google Map Zoom level limitation
  • Add Postcode field in XML Import/export
  • Fix Advanced search issue
  • Fix Properties comparison issue

27th Feb 2018 - New version 3.12.9

Fix Security issue on Advanced search tool

16th January 2018 - New version 3.12.7

  • Improve Theme3's photo gallery
  • Redirect links after Agent and Company registration
  • Offline payment email
  • Add Featured agent icon
  • Some configure options added
  • Auto populating Name, Email when adding Company and Agent at back-end side
  • Other improvements and bugs fixed

19th November 2017 - New version 3.12.6

  • Add Iproperty migration tool
  • Improve DPE Graph function
  • Fix issue on Currency converting function
  • Add function select/deselect all pictures when edit property
  • Fix issue on Category module (Version 3.12.5)
  • Fix CSS issue on Categories listing layout
  • Fix issue on Calendar field of Request More Details form
  • Fix CSS loading issue on Search module

4th October 2017 - New version 3.12.5

  • Remove inline styles
  • Improve Property Request More details form
  • Advanced search from overridden
  • Add Saudi Arabia location data
  • Fix issue on OSP Navigation plugin
  • Fix issue on OSP Slideshow module

16th September 2017 - New version 3.12.4

  • Improve Review & Rating function
  • Improve Company & Agent registration form (Allow to turn on/off Login form)
  • Fix Page Navigation issue on Cities listing page
  • Fix issue on IP Address getting on Comment function

3rd September 2017 - New version 3.12.3

Fix Security issue on Photo Drag & Drop function.

4th August 2017 - New version 3.12.2

  • Add Grab Images tool
  • Improve Theme3 layout
  • Improve SEO
  • Fully compatible with Joomla 3.7.4
  • Show "Install sample data" suggestion at first time installation
  • Adjust Add/edit property form at Front-end side

Notice: OS Property has everything packed to allow you to easily manage your document and downloads. Our support team is standing by to help you with all your questions. We offer a 30 days money-back guarantee.


Posted on 24 April 2023
Tout est bien pensé, et même au-delà. Tout est préparé et toit se met en place spontanément.
Ease of use
Très intuitif: les boutons sont fonctionels, pas besoin de chercher des heures, tout est à portée de main.
Réactivité fulgurante dans les 24h: malgré mon UK basique, le support vous aide au maximum et très efficacement.
Doc claire en UK, à chaque fois illustrée par des images claires de l’interface: impossible de louper son coup, c’est un bon investissement
Value for money
Vaut largement l’investissement: prenez aussi un thème attractif et pour quelques dizaines d’euros, vous aurez un site hautement pro !
I used this to: Usage professionnel: je suis investisseur immobilier et développeur, donc cette extension me comble parfaitement dans mon business.
Le funzionalità sono tantissime. Il componente è ottimo. Ne ho provati altri e di questo sono davvero soddisfatto
Ease of use
Facilissimo da utilizzare e da personalizzare. Ci sono tantissime funzioni per rispondere a qualsiasi necessità
Supporto fantastico e veloce. Rispondono in brevissimo tempo e aiutano anche sulle personalizzazioni
Presente e ben dettagliata. Nel caso di bisogno, il supporto è velocissimo.
Value for money
Componente con un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Vale l'acquisto e lo consiglio.
I used this to: Lo uso per i siti web dei miei clienti e non ho mai avuto problemi
Dans la catégorie des extensions dédiées immobilier, Os Property répond à tous nos besoins, les fonctionnalités nombreuses et adaptatives.
Ease of use
L'ergonomie du composant le rend simple d'utilisation et s'adapte à toutes les configurations, pour nous c'est un composant incontournable.
Le support est au top,c'est vraiment la grande force de Joomdonation, un support 7jrs / 7 et 24h /24 le bonheur total !
La documentation est complète sur le site internet, pour le reste un mail au support, qui fait preuve d'une réactivité incroyable !
Value for money
Le rapport qualité prix est excellent, un achat que l'on ne regrette pas.
I used this to: Je l'utilise depuis plusieurs années sur un site en production d'immobilier et je compte bien continuer encore longtemps. Mes clients sont très satisfait de ce composant pour Joomla et c'est pour moi le meilleur gage de qualité.
Created a property website very quickly. So many features/functionality packed in to this component. Property listings, incredible search
Ease of use
Very easy to use. Very well thought out and structured. Had my property website fully up and running in a very short time. Very impressed!
100% excellent support service. Fast to respond and help. Very friendly and even when its our mistake they still help to put things right.
Excellent comprehensive documentation. It covered everything I needed to both get me started and also trouble shoot when things went wrong
Value for money
Excellent value! The component is worth far more than the company currently charge. It should be at least double what they sell it for now.
I used this to: A property website where users can browse for property to buy or rent, commercial or residential. It is packed with features and functions no other solution had when doing my research for a component. I don't think they are pricing this at the right level. It is worth way more!

Good extension

Posted on 19 July 2021
The extension is able to offer a wide spectrum of functionalities.
Ease of use
Once you get to know the tool, it is intuitive to use. When a debug arises the developer fixes it.
The support is good. The developer debugs any issues that come up with you website. Very good support.
I did not have the need to read it a lot. I notices some screenshot are done in Joomla 2.5 but I guess the interface did not change.
Value for money
The extension is not expensive. You get a great tool for little money.
I used this to: Websites that sell properties. For two clients. They are satisfait.
Very complete functionality and extensibility using custom fields.
Ease of use
Very easy to use and integrate into templates. Throught eh support of Dam, we were even able to write our own custom import for OpenImmo.
This is my real reason for the review. dam provides support that is up there with the best of the business. Fast, accurate and courteous!
Documentation may need some work here and there, but that is completely offset by Dam's support.
Value for money
Super value for money. Rivals easily with more expensive options on this and other platforms. We actually migrated from a $500+ component.
I used this to: Customized Joomla site for a client with our own OpenImmo import functionality.
It's a very large component with a lot of options and regular updates.
Ease of use
Easy to use with lots of options. Very easy for different languages
Excellent support from Os Property Real Estate, fast and serious
Very good documentation, complete and informative. Very useful for starting up.
Value for money
Very good price for the quality of the component. Difficult to find cheaper for a product of this quality.
I used this to: I bought it for different real estate websites. Never disappointed.

Osproperty is the BEST

Posted on 23 August 2020
I worked with several real estate extensions, but I stayed at OS Property for almost 10 years. Os Property is truly the best in the world!
Ease of use
I don’t know if I find it easy in the Os Property extension because it’s easy to handle, but it seems to me to be so.
The support on Os Property is perfect. It never happened that Mr. Dam did not solve my problem quickly and efficiently.
Value for money
Osproperty is really worth it. It helps me in my work and makes it easier. Customers review my agency's offer very efficiently
I used this to: I have been using OsProperty to sell real estate and have been doing this for 12 years
Works as advertised. Highly configurable. I made extensive configuration changes and custom edits to create a floorplan directory.
Ease of use
Not harder to use than any other Joomla component. Many configurations possible.
THIS IS THE BEST SUPPORT I HAVE RECEIVED FROM A JOOMLA DEVELOPER. Custom work available for reasonable prices.
The is a lot of documentation; however, I chose the hard way through trial and error. That's on me.
Value for money
Excellent value for the money - I forget what I paid but have gotten so much out of it and support to boot.
I used this to: A custom and simplified floor plan directory and search tool for an association of architects.

Au top !

Posted on 11 May 2020
Le système est bien conçu pour faciliter la mise en place en fonction des options disponible
Ease of use
Très facile d'utilisation avec un système d'administration simple et clair
Value for money
Très bien rien à redire le prix est très correcte on en à pour notre argent.
I used this to: Utilisation pour de la location saisonnière gestion location de chalets et appartements
Event Booking
Paid download

Event Booking

By Ossolution Team
Events Booking is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Events Registration extension for Joomla. It allows you to create events(both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events(Individual, Group registration or Shopping cart) and process payment via online payment gateways. Main features: Nested Categories Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infin...
Paid download


By Ossolution Team
Shopping Cart
EShop is a powerful & responsive Joomla Shopping Cart / e-Commerce extension. It is built based on the standard Joomla! MVC structure with many great features, user friendly and easy to customize. You simply install, add products, enable built-in modules, payment plugins, shipping plugins and you are ready to start accepting orders. CATALOG FEATURES: ★ Catalog Mode ★ Quote Cart Mode ★ Unli...
Joom Donation
Paid download

Joom Donation

By Ossolution Team
Joom Donation is leading donation extension for Joomla. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal,, Stripe, Mollie, PayU, Square etc. If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features: ✔ Support both one-time and recurring donation ✔ Unlimite...
Membership Pro
Paid download

Membership Pro

By Ossolution Team
Membership & Subscriptions
Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use membership/subscription extension for Joomla. It allows you to create and sell subscription plans, allows members subscribe for these plans and then give these subscribers access to restricted resources (articles, K2 items, videos, documents...) on your Joomla website.. Main features: Create and sell subscription plans You can crea...
Paid download


By Ossolution Team
EDocman is the leading document and files download manager extension for Joomla. Building on top of Joomla Access Control Level System (ACL) feature, Edocman gives you a very powerful, flexible permission system which you can use to control who can access, download, manage (edit, delete, publish, unpublish) your documents from both front-end and back-end of Joomla site. Main Features: Nested Cate...
OS Services Booking
Paid download

OS Services Booking

By Ossolution Team
Booking & Reservations
OS Services Booking - the best Service & Appointment booking component is used for online services scheduling and appointments management BACK-END SIDE ★ Unlimited Categories, Venues, Services(Appointment types) and Employees (Staff) ★ Easy to manage Orders list, Categories, Venues, Services(Appointment types) , Employees (Staff) and Custom fields ★ Services (Appointments): 2 time slots su...
Payment Form
Paid download

Payment Form

By Ossolution Team
Payment Form (PMF) is a Joomla extension allows you create forms to collect customers information and get payment from them (for a service, for an event registration ...) via online payment gateway such as: PayPal,, Eway, WorldPay, Stripe.... Main features: ✔ Support different form types: ★ Free Form: Form with no payment needed. You can use this type of form to collect informa...
Helpdesk Pro
Paid download

Helpdesk Pro

By Ossolution Team
Help Desk
Helpdesk Pro is a professional Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x helpdesk/support tickets extension developed by Ossolution Team. Building on the top Joomla framework and Twitter Bootstrap, Helpdesk Pro not only provide you an easy to use, features rich, effective support tickets system but also a nice, clean, modern interface to end-users. Main features: Nested Categories: Helpdesk Pro allows you to add c...
Documents Seller
Paid download

Documents Seller

By Ossolution Team
Paid Downloads
Documents Seller (aka DMS) allows selling your downloadable products : Documents, Ebooks, Softwares, Joomla extensions, Joomla templates and get paid via PayPal,, Eway, MoneyBooker and Offline payment payment gateway. Note : Beside the core payment plugins which come with the extension by default, there are many extra payment plugins which support other popular payment gateways like...
OS PDF Indexer
Paid download

OS PDF Indexer

By Ossolution Team
Site Search
Documents Indexer is a Joomla extension to allow indexing and searching base on content of online documents of your Joomla site. Features : Indexing documents (pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx... etc) and save content of these documents into database for searching. These documents can be uploaded to different directories . Indexing all documents stored in a folder and all it's sub-folders within one c...
OS Calendar
Paid download

OS Calendar

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
OS Calendar provides availability calendar feature for properties of OS Property. OS Calendar 6.0 even better, it allows administrator/ agent or owner to be able to setup price for their apartments, hotels, villas, holiday or camp site in their OS Property system. Main features: ★ Online Booking: Book Online: rooms, villas, apartments etc of properties. Detailed availability calendar with booke...
Mailer Pro
Paid download

Mailer Pro

By Ossolution Team
Mailer Pro is a Joomla 2.5, 3.0 extension developed by Ossolution Team to provide you a quick, easy, reliable way for sending mass mails to your customers/site users. With Mailer Pro, you can send emails to: -Users from certain Joomla groups. -Users returned from SQL Query (for example, customers who purchased certain products in Virtuemart or all registrants of a specific events in Events Booki...
EShop Free Shipping Pro
Paid download

EShop Free Shipping Pro

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a shipping plugin for EShop e-commerce extension. It gives you greater flexibility in determining when Free Shipping option is available to your customers. It supports a flexible and wide variety of criteria including: ★ Category Comparison: ANY, ALL, NOT, ONLY ANY, ONLY ALL, NONE. ★ Manufacturer Comparison: ANY, ALL, NOT, ONLY ANY, ONLY ALL, NONE. ★ Item Length/Width/Height ★ Num...

OS Property Real Estate

Ossolution Team
Last updated:
Jul 09 2024
2 weeks ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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