
Booking, Appointment & Schedule, Payment systems, Timed Content, Booking & Reservations

OS Services Booking - the best Service & Appointment booking component is used for online services scheduling and appointments management


★ Unlimited Categories, Venues, Services(Appointment types) and Employees (Staff)
★ Easy to manage Orders list, Categories, Venues, Services(Appointment types) , Employees (Staff) and Custom fields
★ Services (Appointments): 2 time slots support: Standard (Normal) and Custom
★ Coupon discount supported
★ Groups discount supported
★ Emails and SMS templates management
★ Custom fields feature with additional cost for each extra field
★ Flexible Report types
★ Powerful configuration


★ Venues listing
★ Categories listing
★ Services listing
★ Employees listing
★ All items listing


★ Smart layout with Javascript and Ajax integration
★ Easy to make Services (Appointment) the booking request
★ Repeat booking request by days, weeks and months
★ Flexible booking layouts
★ Employee's (Staff) layout - Manage orders history
★ Customer's layout - Manage working list
★ Employees listing
★ Venues listing
★ Categories listing
★ Waiting list


★ The most popular payment gateways: Paypal, Paypal Pro,, Eway, Worldpay, Stripe, Sage Page and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.
★ Other payment gateways such as iDEAL Mollie are released as separate payment plugins. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins.
★ If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development.


★ Fast loading with Ajax technology
★ Reponsive & Retina layout with Bootstrap
★ PDF invoices
★ GCalendar and Outlook integration (two ways)
★ ClickAtell SMS and EzTexting integration
★ Joomla Multiple languages support
★ Seo ready with Joomla Native Sef
★ Joomla User Profile integration
★ Support different language packages: English (Default), Czech, French (Français), Spanish (Español), Portuguese (Português), Russian, German (Deutsch), Turkish (Türkçe)
★ reCaptcha and OSB built in Captcha integration
★ Acymailing integration
★ Auto Upgrade

Version 2.23.1 (February 2025)
1. Improve Message custom field type
2. Improve Configuration layout
3. Improve Payment request email function
4. Add option to hide Custom information in Calendars
5. Disable upfront amount with Offline payment
6. Improve frontend layouts
7. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.23.0 (November 2024)
1. Improve Backend Dashboard layout
2. Add layout to show order items of booking
3. Improve Monthly calendar layout
4. Improve Checkout layout
5. Improve Custom fields showing
6. Add option to apply rest time to the whole service's employees and linked service after booking
7. Add link to create direct booking from services, employees management layouts
8. Fix issues in previous version

Version 2.22.6 (October 2024)
1. Improved extension code structure to make layouts to work well on Joomla 5
2. Support multilingual with invoices
3. Improve booking summary
4. Add new version available alert at Dashboard of extension
5. Fix issue in statistic chart at Dashboard
6. Fix issue on ics generation
7. Fix issue on removing order items
8. Fix issue on booking progress

Version 2.22.5 (Sep 2024)
1. Improve function to manage order items
2. Improve new version notification
3. Add employee working layout
4. Add some minor improvements
5. Fix previous issues

Version 2.22.4 (July 2024)
1. Improve Code structure
2. Improve frontend layouts
3. Improve payment library
4. Add OSB Zoom plugin
5. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.22.3 (May 2024)
1. Add configure option to setup time for removing pending orders
2. Update database
3. Improve layouts
4. Fix issues in previous versions
5. Update new payment library for Joomla 5 and PHP 8.x

Version 2.22.2 (March 2024)
1. Add configure option to make field: Email in Checkout form is require or not
2. Add configure option to Show just one nearest timeslot
3. Add field: First Name in Checkout form
4. Improve ICS generator function
5. Add option to enter start and end time when adding order items at backend side
6. Fix issue on Remove all
7. Add option to show/hide columns in management pages
8. Fix serious issue in booking process
9. Apply charset to utf8mb4 in database tables on first time installation
10. Add IP Banned plugin

Version 2.22.1 (January 2024)
1. Add option to confirm booking through email when payment disabled
2. Improve UI
3. Add option to show Login and Checkout forms with fields in horizontally or vertically
4. Improve field validation
5. Add core.admin permission
6. Fix previous issues

Version 2.22.0 (November 2023)
1. Improve component layouts
2. Add field Salutation in Checkout form
3. Add Dark layout style for Dark Joomla template
4. Improve calendars
5. Add resting time/cleaning time at end of order item
6. Improve booking progress
7. Add configure options to change order status when payment failure
8. Support more than one custom timeslots discount option
9. Add jQuery validator in Checkout, Login and Registration forms
10. Fix previous issues

Version 2.21.1 (September 2023)
Fix issue in previous version

Version 2.21.0 (August 2023)
1. Fully compatible with Joomla 5
2. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.20.0 (June 2023)
1. Add Extras option
2. Provide crontask solution on Joomla4
3. Add Payment failure alert plugin
4. Add Clean Email Logs system plugin
5. Add Option to show/hide deposit amount in order details/emails/pdf invoice
6. Add notify emails (including ICS) when new order item created
7. Fix previous issues

Version 2.19.6 (April 2023)
1. Add option to show/hide link to pay remain payment
2. Send notification to customers when their booked employees are unavailable
3. Improve component sef router functions
4. Fix minor issues

Version 2.19.5 (March2024)
Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.19.4 (February 2024)
1. Add Access field for employees
2. Add option to set service unavailable dates for a time period
3. Add coupon code and title in emails
4. Make the frontend's calendar responsive
5. Improve ICS generator function
6. Fix minor issues

Version 2.19.3 (January 2023)
1. Add dropdown select list option with field "State" in Checkout form
2. Add labels for custom timeslots
3. Improve Orders cancellation progress
4. Improve OSB Search module
5. Improve listing layouts
6. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.19.2 (November 2022)
1. Improve order cancellation progress
2. Improve Weekly calendar at Backend
3. Improve Email logs function at Backend
4. Improve file upload function
5. Make orders management page responsive on mobile layout
6. Fix issue on min/max check-in
7. Fix other minor issues

Version 2.19.1 (September 2022)
1. Add Email Logs feature
2. Add Error layout
3. Fix issue on Google Calendar library
4. Fix some small issues

Version 2.19.0 (August 2022)
1. Add option to select Joomla User for order when make reservation with Administrator or Employee roles
2. Google Calendar integration 2 ways
3. Allow employee to cancel the reservations in their work list
4. Add Repeat booking when adding reservation at Backend side
5. Option to copy existing customer data when creating order from backend
6. Add Max - Min Check-in dates (override Venue feature)
7. Fix issue on email sending in order cancellation
8. Fix issue in module OSB Cart

Version 2.18.0 (July 2022)
1. Add special rates feature
2. Add feature to list customers, including option to export customers to CSV
3. Add Trend Chard features to list income based on different time periods
4. Improve feature Limit booking based on check-in times
5. Add option to send Invoice in Payment complete notification emails
6. Add tag to show Order details in SMS Content
7. Add option to add/modify assigned employees in Service modification page
8. Add option to select Decimals and Thoudsands seperators
9. Add number of booked seats in Gcalendar events
10. Add option to hide paid amount at top of Checkout page
11. Other minor improvements
12. Bugs fixed

Version 2.17.0 (May 2022)
1. Add limit booking by date/week/month to Joomla Users/ Emails - applies to booking date
2. Replace Cron task by Joomla System plugin
3. Improve statistic chart feature in OS Services Booking dashboard
4. Improve Coupon feature to add Minimum applied cost
5. Add SMS plugins: SMSHosting, ClickSend beside existing SMS providers: ClickAtell, TextLocal and Eztexing
6. Hide Payment part in Checkout form when user doesn't need to pay anything to complete their order
7. Show messages in Booking table page when popup is disabled
8. Show deposit amount in Checkout form
9. Add confirm popup in Checkout form
10. Add Button stylesheet CSS file with option to load or not
11. Show assigned employees in services list
12. Fix various minor bugs

Version 2.16.0 (March 2022)
1. Improve UX in Configuration page
2. Implement drag & drop ordering in management pages
3. Apply refund option when order cancellation
4. Add option to allow user to pay the remain amount payment of order
5. Add "Message" custom fields
6. Add Notification Emails when customers to edit or cancel their booking at frontend side

Version 2.15.0 (February 2022)
1. Retouch layouts in Joomla4 version
2. Add option to release pending orders when customers don't make payment
3. Add Refund option for Prepaid payment plugin
4. Add notification emails to Administrator/employee/customer when the order items are removed
5. Add CSS Class for custom fields
6. Add option to block booking with specific IP Address or Joomla Users
7. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.14.6 (December 2021)
Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.14.5 (November 2021)
1. Add QR Code scan function
2. Apply QR Code for each of order items
3. Improve Frontend Page Navigation
4. Improve GCalendar integration feature
5. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.14.4 (October 2021)
1. Add OpenStreetMap
2. Add Horizontal Search module
3. Improve OS Services Booking on Joomla4

Version 2.14.3 (September 2021)
Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.14.2 (August 2021)
1. Fully compatible with Joomla 4
2. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.14.1 (July 2021)
1. Add option to integrate Core fields and Custom extra fields with Joomla User Profile and Easy Profile
2. Add function to send Test SMS
3. Add Max timeslots option for services that customer can book in one day
4. Add option to change Check-in status at Backend side
5. Add Payment failure email

Version 2.14.0 (June 2021)
1. Compatible with PHP 8
2. Include Google library into package
3. Add Weekly/Daily calendar (Backend side)
4. Improve Monthly calendar (Backend side)
5. Improve Employee's calendar (Backend side)
6. Add option to remove all
7. Add option to show/hide field in email
8. Add Service Color for showing on calendar
9. Improve Prepaid payment gateway
10. Fix Paypal payment gateway issue
11. Fix issue on Custom extra field
12. Fix issue on Multiple timeslots booking form

Version 2.13.0 (May 2021)
1. Add option to edit existing booked timeslots of order
2. Add option to refund deposit amount
3. Export Orders to PDF
4. Add option to manage Waiting List at Backend side
5. Add option to disable Reminder in Orders management page
6. Add option to send Money request in Orders management page
7. Add Textlocal SMS service
8. Allow to upload different image types
9. Improve field "How many seats you want to book" in Booking form

Version 2.12.2 (April 2021)
1. Add Employee Setting layout (Frontend)
2. Improve PDF Invoice feature
3. Add option to allow Customers to select to recevei reminder emails/sms or not
4. Fix Calendar issue (Backend)
5. Fix issue on saving unavailable dates of employee (Backend)

Version 2.12.1 (March 2021)
1. Add Order cancel confirmation option
2. Fix issue on orders duplication when cart is disabled
3. Fix occupied timeslots issue on custom breaktime
4. Fix timezone issue on ICS files
5. Fix SQL query issue on installation

Version 2.12.0 (January 2021)
1. UIKIT compatible
2. Add option to change position of small calendar
3. Add event attendance thank you email
4. Add Employee's busy time
5. Improve ICS feature
6. SEF Router improvement
7. Some logic issues fixed

Version 2.11.0 (November 2020)
1. Add option to generate booking to .ics file and send them to customers
2. Improve Privacy Policy feature
3. Add Customer information layout
4. Improve layout "Manage all orders"
5. Add email template "Offline payment received"
6. Improve function "Send notify emails" at Backend side

Version 2.10.1 (October 2020)
1. Add option to apply Venue feature into Booking form when you have only one Venue object
2. Add new supported tag in SMS Message to contain Order details {Orders_details}
3. Add new custom extra field type in Checkout form: Field Upload
4. Add Custom Field Tags in Invoice content and Email templates
5. Add Google Map API Key configure option
6. Add configure option to show/hide number available seats
7. Apply Browser Page title, Page Heading, Meta tags in Booking form
9. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.10.0 (August 2020)
1. Compatible Joomla 4 Beta
2. Fix issues in previous versions

Version 2.9.2 (July 2020)
1. Improve Invoice Content ( )
2. Fix issue on Small Calendar
3. Add notification email to customers when the order is cancelled
4. Allow multiple notification emails
5. Fix issue on Services duplication

Version 2.9.1 (June 2020)
1. Fix issue on adding timeslots to cart
2. Fix issue on showing booked timeslots
3. Add custom option on layout setting
4. Apply New PayPal IPN verification

Version 2.9.0 (May 2020)
1. Add option to limit one timeslot per order
2. Improve feature "Discount by number slots added" of Custom timeslots services
3. Improve feature "Max Seats can book" of Custom timeslots services
4. Improve Deposit feature to add Flat rate amount
5. Add PayU Payment gateway
6. Add configure option to change background color of Booked timeslots
7. Improve Employee emails
8. Improve Venues, Services, Categories listing to add parameter: Intro text
9. Add OSB Cleaner plugin to remove Pending orders after a time period
10. Fix issue when user cancel the orders, the timeslots aren't be able to book

Version 2.8.2 (March 2020)
1. Release new version of Payment library solve SSL issues with and Molie payment plugins
2. Fix issue on saving Custom field "File Upload" when disabling Confirmation step
3. Fix issue on Checkout form, can't submit form when activating Term and Condition
4. Fix issue on Timeslot's available statuses (frontend side)
5. Fix issue on showing timeslots when you add order items including Venue (Backend side)
6. Improve Venue modification form (Backend side)

Version 2.8.1 (November 2019)
1. Fix issues on saving pictures of services and employees
2. Fix issue on OSB Search module

Version 2.8.0 (October 2019)
1. Compatible with Joomla 4 Alpha
2. Remove deprecated Joomla classes and functions
3. Change attribute of some DB columns

Version 2.7.6 (September 2019)
1. Improve Booking Repeat function

Version 2.7.5 (July 2019)
1. Implement Nested Categories
2. Add option to assign payment plugins to services
3. Improve Oders managerment at frontend side
4. Add Stripe Checkout payment gateway

Version 2.7.4 (May 2019)
1. Add option to disable timeslots of employees/services of venue one the same timeslot (of employees/services of venue) is booked
2. Add option to select Default country in Checkout form
3. Fix isue with coupon code fixed amount
4. Add option to hide Phone and Contact number of employees at frontend
5. Add option to enlarge employee's photo at frontend
6. Working with Acymailing 6

Version 2.7.3 (February 2019)
1. Add option to allow to send/ not send emails
2. Add CSV export for orders management at frontend
3. Add option to enter specific dates in booking form
4. Increase limit for field Steps in minutes
5. Add filter by Customer Names in Orders management tool at Backend
6. Fix employee's break time issue
7. Fix Category image removing issue
8. Fix Term and Condition article link in Checkout form

Version 2.7.2 (January 2019)
1. Improve CSV export tool
2. Add feature to skip date to apply Disable Booking Dates feature of Venue
3. Fix Repeat Booking issue
4. Fix Multiple timeslots checkboxes issue
5. Fix Javascript issue on Confirmation button
6. Add Venue filtering in Orders list
7. Improve OSB Search module

Version 2.7.1 (December 2018)
1. Add option to setup style of inactivated date
2. Add new tags for SMS
3. Fix Custom working time issue

Version 2.7.0 (November 2018)
1. Add feature to allow customers to select more than one timeslot per "Add to cart" session
2. Add option to allow/not allow user to cancel remove appointments (in their orders)
3. Fix Calendar issue

Version 2.6.6 (October 2018)
1. Fix issue on sending Confirmation email
2. Retouch Checkout page
3. Retouch Configuration page
4. Moving JS and CSS files into Media folder
5. Add overridden layouts
6. Fix issue when loading services and employees tabs
7. Fix issue on sending Confirmation email
8. Remove different timezone tooltip

Version 2.6.4 (September 2018)
1. Fix issue with Custom working time
2. Adjust the Custom orders history
3. Improve ClickAtell SMS
4. Remove SSL configure option

Version 2.6.3 (September 2018)
1. Fix issue with saving SMS configuration
2. Fix issue with creating Venue name in Configuration

Version 2.6.2 (August 2018)
1. Fix ClickAtell SMS
2. Add feature to allow employee to add Custom Break time
3. Add SMS messages to employees
4. Fix issue on Customer's calendar

Version 2.6.1 (July 2018)
1. Improve ClickAtell SMS
2. Improve Waiting list function
3. Change Service time length format
4. Fix Coupon issue
5. Fix Categories listing issue
6. Fix issue on Orders management function at front-end

Version 2.6.0 (June 2018)
1. Improve Orders management tool at Front-end side
2. Add feature to Skip days if they don't have any available timeslots
3. Add Required option for fields in Checkout form
4. Add Opening time for Venues
5. Fix Group discount issue
6. Fix minor issues from older versions

Version 2.5.9 (June 2018)
1. GDPR Support
2. Paypal IPN payment improvement
3. Support Bootstap 4
4. Support Custom CSS
5. Add option to send order invoice to administrator
6. Improve layout issues
7. Minor issues fixed: Categories list, Captcha by pass, Coupon, Prepaid

Version 2.5.8 (Feb 2018)
1. Fix Stripe payment plugin compatible issue
2. Fix Service's price adjustment saving issue
3. Show Number Used Times of coupons at Back-end side

Version 2.5.7 (Jan 2018)
1. Fix GCalendar integration issue
2. Show number times that coupon is used
3. Add Groups discount
4. Fix OSBTable plugin
5. Increase step in minutes value
6. Fix Paypal Pro & TLS 1.2
7. Add new email template when customer cancel their order
8. Add Custom css file
9. Google reCaptcha issue fixed
10. Minor issues fixed

Version 2.5.6 (Oct 2017)
1. Bootstrap 3 compatible
2. Fix Weekly recurring issue with Custom timeslots
3. Add option to show Service's cost including tax
4. Add Access level for payment plugins
5. Show customer information in Employee works layout
6. Add Responsive feature on Employee works and orders history
7. Add Customer information of Appointment on Google Calendar

Version 2.5.5 (August 2017)
1. Add Calendar View
2. Add Access level for Coupons
3. Remove "Continue Booking" button on jQuery dialog - After add timeslot to cart
4. Fix issue with showing Add to Waiting list
5. Fix issue on saving Review at front-end

Version 2.5.4 (May 2017)
1. Add Cart module
2. Change description of service from textarea to editor
3. Search filtering in plugins management
4. Add Closing date reason
5. Add Company name into Venue
6. Improve search function at both front-end (Search module) or back-end (add-booking)
7. Add Offline payment message

Version 2.5.3 - Paypal Security Announcement (March 2017)
This version fixed a medium level security issue which happens with PayPal payment plugin. In older version, PayPal payment plugin has a bug which allow dis-honest users with certain level technical skill can pay for the subscription using different currency with the currency you set for your system, thus paying lower price for the subscription.

Version 2.5.2 - Security Announcement (March 2017)
Check for the latest Joomla! OS Services Booking version. If you are not on the latest release, read the release notes to see if you need to upgrade. If a release is being made in order to address security issues then it is strongly advised that you upgrade as soon as possible.
If you are running an earlier release of the current version (for example, you are running OS Services Booking 2.5.1 or lower), you should upgrade to the current version. This minor release fixes a SQL Injection issue on router function of OS Services Booking (root > components > com_osservicesbooking > router.php)

Gamechanger For Sales

Posted on 13 February 2025
I was looking for an app for coaching calls and to offer free and paid services through one-on-one calls. OS Services does exactly that.
Ease of use
It's easy to and configure. And very adaptable to your own use case. I wanted to use it specifically for sales calls. And it great for that
I wanted a few changes for my use-case and the developers spent several days going back and forth to make sure I was happy. Problems solved!
I didn't use the documentation hardly so don't have much to say about it.
Value for money
Great value for the app and service you receive. I have always had great service from JoomDonation
I used this to: I use it for coaching calls and delivering paid services. Zoom is integrated so it is perfect for setting up scheduled meetings.
The extension OS Service Booking has great functionality to have an appointment system for all kind of purposes.
Ease of use
Installation is very easy as well as update through Joomla update system. Configuration is pretty easy to do .
Support is outstanding. I had some wishes and issues, but after put this in the support forum the issues were solved quickly and even the wi
Documentation is available and clear. Maybe it can be more in dept in some places, but overall it is sufficient.
Value for money
For the money you will have a full blown extension and excellent support.
I used this to: I use this extension for several Thai Massage salons. The customers can make there own appointments and they will get a confirmation email and a reminder email. The masseuses get a notification automatically when a new booking is made.

Simply the best choice

Posted on 02 February 2025
A complete extension that can be adapted to every need! The extension is easily adaptable to every need even by a non-expert like me!
Ease of use
Easy of use of this extension is is absolutely excellent, strongly suggested
I found the support offered to be prompt and decisive in all my doubts and technical clarifications. top extension, Dam support super!
Value for money
Value for money for this extension is absolutely excellent, super suggested!
I used this to: I use this for my website that include a booking calendar and events booking
Connect to your google calendar is pretty simple.
A lot of plugins.
Ease of use
A lot of configurable options.
Maybe layout options could be improved with more YooTheme/uikit support
Nice and very fast support by Skype. Joomdonation team call me by Skype to try to solve a problem with Google Account.
Value for money
A normal price for the component and if you want other functionnalities, your could add plugins.
I used this to: To display availibility from Google Calendars because I manually use Google calendar for my personal appointments
Could not make sense of the docs on Google Calendar integration, making the entire purchase a waste of time and money. Screens do not match
Ease of use
Could not make sense of the docs on Google Calendar integration, making the entire purchase a waste of time and money. Screens do not match
Could not make sense of the docs on Google Calendar integration, making the entire purchase a waste of time and money. Screens do not match
Could not make sense of the docs on Google Calendar integration, making the entire purchase a waste of time and money. Screens do not match
Value for money
Could not make sense of the docs on Google Calendar integration, making the entire purchase a waste of time and money. Screens do not match
I used this to: I don't... Could not make sense of the docs on Google Calendar integration, making the entire purchase a waste of time and money. Screens do not match
I am running an ambulant mental health service and this is the only extension, which fulfills the demands of an online booking calendar.
Ease of use
Due to the complexity of all the functions it is a steep learning curve until you have set up all features, so that it can go online.
The support is excellent and responds fast. They are open for improvement suggestions and customizations.
There is an online documentation, but in some cases it is not uptodate. Backend is self explanatory in general. Some terms can be misleading
Value for money
When I take into account, that this extension is the bridge for my customers to order, then it is big value for money
I used this to: I am running an ambulant mental health service and this is the only extension, which fulfills the demands of an online booking calendar. My customers are lead intuitively through the complete booking process. I had to tweak CSS for optimization of the UI but this was easy to do.
The extension provicdes a profound rage of options and settings.
Ease of use
Installation and confguration is almost intuitive. What else can I say, installation and configuration was easy.
EXCELLENT. Sadly, this extention did not meet my requirements, but the support and customer orientation is outstanding.Totally recommended.
Very good, lot of screenshots. Easy to understand. What else can I say? The documentation is really comprehesive and good.
Value for money
It's too cheap! ;-) Nuff said :) What else can I say here, if it met my requirements, it'd pay twice the price.
I used this to: Honest answer: I don't use it, it turned out that it does not meet my requirements. Though, for those where the requirements fit, it's a very strong extension.

OS Services Booking

Posted on 06 March 2024
Really great functionality in OS Services Booking. I am very satisfied
Ease of use
Getting to grips with OS Services Booking is very easy. The functionalities are very well presented.
Support is very responsive, very available and helpful. I am very satisfied.
Value for money
OS Services Booking offers more than what it says, in terms of quality and price it's top notch.
I used this to: I use OS Services Booking on my site. I haven't found any bugs. I'm really happy to have OS Services Booking to develop my projects.
It has all the features needed in a booking system. Highly customizable and easy to manage.
Ease of use
Once you get familiar with all the features, it is easy to customize and manage.
Support is great! I got help every time I requested and the issue was resolved within the same day.
Value for money
Reasonably priced for the all the features it has. There are other extensions that cost more and do half of what this one offers.
I used this to: I use the extension for my hypnotherapy practice and it allows me to mange the booking and my schedule at different locations.

Highly Customizable!

Posted on 28 November 2023
I thought I was buying a Cadilac, but it was more like a Maserati! I was able to highly customize it for functionality and site appearance.
Ease of use
Just fill in the boxes with your info for each area. Best is the ability to change the core site wording on almost anything the same way.
I am not an IT-trained professional and needed some extra explanation on some items. Support tirelessly answered every question.
Documentation provided is adequate. Each section of the component is described, some with helpful images.
Value for money
You might expect to pay much more for a product so versatile. Some payment plug-ins are extra, but most of the main ones are included.
I used this to: I am a solo-entrepreneur looking for an all-in-one booking/payment processor to sell services and eventually products. While this is more geared for a company with multiple employees, it is going to be a great help to me in what I do. Very pleased!
Event Booking
Paid download

Event Booking

By Ossolution Team
Events Booking is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Events Registration extension for Joomla. It allows you to create events(both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events(Individual, Group registration or Shopping cart) and process payment via online payment gateways. Main features: Nested Categories Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infin...
Paid download


By Ossolution Team
Shopping Cart
EShop is a powerful & responsive Joomla Shopping Cart / e-Commerce extension. It is built based on the standard Joomla! MVC structure with many great features, user friendly and easy to customize. You simply install, add products, enable built-in modules, payment plugins, shipping plugins and you are ready to start accepting orders. CATALOG FEATURES: ★ Catalog Mode ★ Quote Cart Mode ★ Unli...
Joom Donation
Paid download

Joom Donation

By Ossolution Team
Joom Donation is leading donation extension for Joomla. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal,, Stripe, Mollie, PayU, Square etc. If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features: ✔ Support both one-time and recurring donation ✔ Unlimite...
OS Property Real Estate
Paid download

OS Property Real Estate

By Ossolution Team
Real Estate
OS Property is best Joomla real estate extension. OS Property provides necessary flexibility and fully functional for creating real estate websites, property listing or rental websites with single, multiple user types or real estate companies. REAL ESTATE FEATURES ★ Easy to post real estate properties ★ Earning money from customer who want to use your Real Estate website ★ Advanced, Locat...
Membership Pro
Paid download

Membership Pro

By Ossolution Team
Membership & Subscriptions
Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use membership/subscription extension for Joomla. It allows you to create and sell subscription plans, allows members subscribe for these plans and then give these subscribers access to restricted resources (articles, K2 items, videos, documents...) on your Joomla website.. Main features: Create and sell subscription plans You can crea...
Paid download


By Ossolution Team
EDocman is the leading document and files download manager extension for Joomla. Building on top of Joomla Access Control Level System (ACL) feature, Edocman gives you a very powerful, flexible permission system which you can use to control who can access, download, manage (edit, delete, publish, unpublish) your documents from both front-end and back-end of Joomla site. Main Features: Nested Cate...
Payment Form
Paid download

Payment Form

By Ossolution Team
Payment Form (PMF) is a Joomla extension allows you create forms to collect customers information and get payment from them (for a service, for an event registration ...) via online payment gateway such as: PayPal,, Eway, WorldPay, Stripe.... Main features: ✔ Support different form types: ★ Free Form: Form with no payment needed. You can use this type of form to collect informa...
Helpdesk Pro
Paid download

Helpdesk Pro

By Ossolution Team
Help Desk
Helpdesk Pro is a professional Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x helpdesk/support tickets extension developed by Ossolution Team. Building on the top Joomla framework and Twitter Bootstrap, Helpdesk Pro not only provide you an easy to use, features rich, effective support tickets system but also a nice, clean, modern interface to end-users. Main features: Nested Categories: Helpdesk Pro allows you to add c...
Documents Seller
Paid download

Documents Seller

By Ossolution Team
Paid Downloads
Documents Seller (aka DMS) allows selling your downloadable products : Documents, Ebooks, Softwares, Joomla extensions, Joomla templates and get paid via PayPal,, Eway, MoneyBooker and Offline payment payment gateway. Note : Beside the core payment plugins which come with the extension by default, there are many extra payment plugins which support other popular payment gateways like...
OS PDF Indexer
Paid download

OS PDF Indexer

By Ossolution Team
Site Search
Documents Indexer is a Joomla extension to allow indexing and searching base on content of online documents of your Joomla site. Features : Indexing documents (pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx... etc) and save content of these documents into database for searching. These documents can be uploaded to different directories . Indexing all documents stored in a folder and all it's sub-folders within one c...
OS Calendar
Paid download

OS Calendar

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
OS Calendar provides availability calendar feature for properties of OS Property. OS Calendar 6.0 even better, it allows administrator/ agent or owner to be able to setup price for their apartments, hotels, villas, holiday or camp site in their OS Property system. Main features: ★ Online Booking: Book Online: rooms, villas, apartments etc of properties. Detailed availability calendar with booke...
Mailer Pro
Paid download

Mailer Pro

By Ossolution Team
Mailer Pro is a Joomla 2.5, 3.0 extension developed by Ossolution Team to provide you a quick, easy, reliable way for sending mass mails to your customers/site users. With Mailer Pro, you can send emails to: -Users from certain Joomla groups. -Users returned from SQL Query (for example, customers who purchased certain products in Virtuemart or all registrants of a specific events in Events Booki...
EShop Free Shipping Pro
Paid download

EShop Free Shipping Pro

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a shipping plugin for EShop e-commerce extension. It gives you greater flexibility in determining when Free Shipping option is available to your customers. It supports a flexible and wide variety of criteria including: ★ Category Comparison: ANY, ALL, NOT, ONLY ANY, ONLY ALL, NONE. ★ Manufacturer Comparison: ANY, ALL, NOT, ONLY ANY, ONLY ALL, NONE. ★ Item Length/Width/Height ★ Num...

OS Services Booking

Ossolution Team
Last updated:
Feb 04 2025
1 week ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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