- SEO & Metadata

Google Webmaster Tools Verification

Google Webmaster Tools Verification

By Daniele De Santis
SEO & Metadata
Google Webmaster Tools Verification is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to easily verify the ownership of a website on Google Webmaster Tools. It adds the required meta tag to the home page of your Joomla! website. Works with Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3+...
Maniac SEO

Maniac SEO

By agora32
SEO & Metadata
Easily optimize your Joomla Website with one plugin for more efficient SEO results, it is the most complete SEO plugin available for Joomla. It offers everything you need to optimize your site. Tool: Backlink Checker, keyword suggest, Keywords density, Keyword Position, Social URL Analytics, Page Rank Checker, Plagiarism Checker, SEO Analyzer,... Maniac SEO tool check web site, blog is everyday us...
BCS Open Graph Tags
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BCS Open Graph Tags

By BCS Website Solutions
SEO & Metadata
This plugin is designed to make social shares from your Joomla pages easy! Once installed, it adds all the necessary Opengraph and Twitter Card tags to make sharing on Facebook or Twitter easy. With the plugin installed and activated, your Joomla site will automatically have the necessary tags in place in your HTML code on all pages. There is no need to manually set tags on a per-page basis. The...
R2H CharacterCounter

R2H CharacterCounter

By R2H
SEO & Metadata
The CharacterCounter for Joomla! does pretty much what it says. It counts characters in text fields in the Joomla! backend (Title, Alias, Meta Description, Browser Page Title, etc.). This way, you get immediate insight into the number of characters you have typed. CharacterCounter is a small but very useful Joomla Extension for SEO purposes! Whenever you are typing in the Page Title field Charac...
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By stackideas
SEO & Metadata
MetaMan simplifies your daily meta data, opengraph and twitter tag management. It allows a site administrator to be able to load up the respective forms on the front end without having the hassles to go through each of these metadata settings in the menu. You can even upload images for opengraph and twitter directly on the page too....


By Kyrill Poelmans
SEO & Metadata
Textmetrics is the easiest way to make your website content SEO proof, resulting in higher search engine rankings and more traffic to your website. With Textmetrics everyone can create great content and make sure it's SEO proof at the same time. We've put the knowledge and expertise of many many SEO experts in our SEO suggestions engine and made it very easy to use. You don't need to be an SEO ex...
Dublin Core Extended Metadata

Dublin Core Extended Metadata

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
SEO & Metadata
An integration of Dublin Core Extended metadata for Joomla! 1.7+. Loosely based on Dublin Core Extended plugin for Joomla 1.5 by Erwin Nindl Simply upload, add the required fields as part of the plugin parameters and publish for all pages. Dublin Core Extended covers the following metadata specifications for Joomla: the basic Dublin Core specification the Australian Goverment Locator Service (...
Scorpion Site Verification

Scorpion Site Verification

By Scorpion Computers & Software
SEO & Metadata
Findability is a topic that is (or should be) on every web site administrators agenda. Implementing Sitemaps and Analytics are some examples of technical solutions that can contribute to this. Parties such as Google, Yahoo and a number of others have developed webmaster tools so that webmasters can easily find everything in a location. Often it is necessary to show that you are authorized to adju...
SEO Titles for Virtuemart
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SEO Titles for Virtuemart

By Kirill
SEO & Metadata
This plugin lets you improve SEO for VirtueMart product pages in one minute! It never had that easy before. So you should just enable this plugin and customize template as you wish. You can use two variables: product name (%t) and product price (%p). Also you can remove category name from title or make title capitalized. Example Page title before "Tools: BIG SHOVEL" Page title after "Buy shovel i...
Nifty Open Graph
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Nifty Open Graph

By In2 Computing
SEO & Metadata
Start controlling social media content of your Joomla! website. Supports Twitter Cards and other types of Open Graph protocol meta tags like article, book, profile, website, music and video. Easy to setup Supports both Twitter Cards and Open Graph protocol Supports Social Sharing icons Support almost all type of Open Graph meta tags Set default meta tags for all pages and articles in single conf...
TF Structured Data

TF Structured Data

By Tech Fry
SEO & Metadata
Joomla plugin to add structured data (rich snippets) to content items using Joomla custom fields. You can use this plugin to add schema markup using JSON-LD. You can also use combination of these for different Joomla categories. The plugin supports following types: Article NewsArticle BlogPosting Course Event FAQPage Movie Product Recipe Special Announcement Video...
XT Perfect SEO Pagination
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XT Perfect SEO Pagination

By Extly Tech
SEO & Metadata
An essential solution to improve the SEO navigation of your site. The basic page navigation of a Joomla site works perfectly fine for a small site. Once a site reaches a big number of published pages, Google crawling budget must be managed to focus the effort on the critical pages. XT Perfect SEO Pagination helps to properly describe the pagination to the search engine. Enhance Page Title with...