DJ LikeBox is a Joomla Facebook module purposed for displaying a FaceBook Fan Box, Facebook events, Facebook Messenger on the website. This Facebook module is very easy in use, because you do not have to look for the Facebook API key, but enter the url address of your Facebook Fan Page only. Of course there are some Facebook module settings to configure. And that’s all you need to configure the Facebook module.
All you need to do is choose the best place on the website to display Facebook widget - it can be a Joomla module position or single article and place the like box facebook module there. What can you expect later? For sure many new fans following your Facebook page.
You should know that adding the Facebook feed widget on your Joomla site can quickly improve a number of fans you get to your FaceBook page and get more likes and Facebook followers.
Latest FaceBook Fan Box module version is 3.1.0.
Facebook module features
DJ Like Box Joomla FaceBook module meets the latest Facebook standards - new Facebook API.
There are also some useful features, allowing to customize the Facebook Feed widget easily!
All features that you will find in latest Facebook API are also configurable in the module.
Let’s take a look how the module edition looks like and which options are you able to define:
- Facebook page URL - Provide your FaceBook Page URL to display the feed
- Include FaceBook SDK - usually, you need to set it to “Yes” and the module will use the SDK from Facebook
- Facebook App ID - You can provide your Facebook App ID for javascript SDK inclusion
- Width - provide the width of the Facebook feed widget
- Height - provide the height of the Facebook feed widget
- Tabs - select what you want to be displayed in the Facebook widget
- Hide Cover Photo - decide if you want to show or hide the Cover image of your Facebook page
- Show Friend’s Faces - enable or disable displaying of Facebook friends’ faces in the widget
- Hide custom call to action button - hide or show the CTA button if set on your Facebook Page
- Use small header - enable to display the smaller header of the Facebook page in the widget
- Adapt to module container width - responsive settings, set to “Yes” for module to try to fit the Facebook widget to fit the container
There are also new Facebook tabs settings available. Currently you can choose between three Facebook tabs.
You can combine them all or choose only one. They can be set as the Facebook widget where users can switch between tabs or choose one or two features it will handle.
Available tabs are:
- Timeline - displays the tab with news feed from your Facebook page
- Events - displays the Facebook events published on your page
- Messages - lets the visitors to contact you via Facebook Messenger
For example - DJ LikeBox can be used to display only the Facebook Messenger placed on the web page to let your users easily contact you.
These can also be Facebook Events or Facebook Newsfeed only or all of them combined.
Summarizing, you can create the unlimited number of DJ-Likebox FaceBook module instances and use them for completely different purposes in different areas!
FaceBook Fan Box module documentation section
Like every extension we provide, DJ Like Box Facebook Fan Box module comes with an extended documentation section where you can learn more about:
- Installation
- DJ-LikeBox Facebook module
- DJ-LikeBox Facebook system requirements
DJ-LikeBox to prosty moduł, który wyświetla okno przedstawiające fanów z Facebooka.
Nie wymaga on wpisywania indywidualnego klucza API, wystarczy wpisać tylko adres url do strony fanów i ustawić podstawoweparametry aby moduł zaczął działać.
DJ-LikeBox ist ein einfaches Modul, das die Facebook Fan Box anzeigt. Bei diesem Modul ist es nicht notwendig einen API
Schlüssel zu generieren. Geben Sie einfach die Url Ihrer Facebook Seite ein und bestimmen Sie die Position. Das wars.
- Version:
- 3.1.0
- Developer:
- DJ-Extensions
- Last updated:
Jan 19 2024
1 year ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3