
Articles Images, Image overlay

SIGE (Simple Image Gallery Extended) is a powerful gallery content plugin for Joomla!

It offers numerous opportunities to present pictures quickly and easily in articles. The special feature of the plugin is that you can control any parameter on the syntax call. New feature: Turbo mode. Load huge galleries within seconds!

Highlights are: parameter call, watermark function, read IPTC data, read text files (support for multilingual files), thumbnail storage, crop function, sort by modification date, output as a list, CSS Image Tooltip, Editor Button SIGE Parameter and much more!


  • Thumbnail generation and storage: Preview images are created and stored - faster loading, better quality
  • Valid XHTML 1.1 / HTML 5 - CSS and JS files are included in the head section, eliminates syntax errors
  • Turbo Mode - the whole gallery is loaded from a text file
  • Parameter call - individual galleries possible
  • Integration of Slimbox, Lytebox, Shadowbox, Milkbox and Mootools
  • Lytebox installed to display a slide show and avoidance of JS conflicts
  • Number of images displayed adjustable
  • Pictures can be displayed without a link -> web 1.0 gallery
  • Random order of the images
  • Sort by modification date possible
  • Captions
  • Read IPTC data (title and description)
  • Read text file (title and description) - support for multilingual files
  • Print option - print image easily in the JS view
  • Download Option - download image with one click
  • Show single image (no gallery and with gallery)
  • List view - image output as a list
  • Crop function
  • Watermark function
  • CSS Image Tooltip
  • Editor Button - SIGE Parameter
  • Link words with gallery
  • Original image can be resized
  • An index.html is automatically generated in each image folder, to protect against the reading of the content by the browser
  • Backend German / English and some more languages


Editor Button - SIGE Parameters. With the button, you can set the parameters very easy on-the-fly in an article. It is a great addition to the SIGE plugin.
Joomla! 3.x -


The extension is completely free, but you need a subscription for support:

SIGE (Simple Image Gallery Extended) ist ein mächtiges Galerie-Inhaltsplugin für Joomla!

Funktion: Galerie im Artikel - Bilder werden aus angegebenem Pfad geladen
Sprachen: Deutsch / Englisch
Zusatz: Editor Button - SIGE Parameter


  • Thumbnailgenerierung und -speicherung: Vorschaubilder werden erstellt und gespeichert - schnelleres Laden, bessere Qualität
  • XHTML 1.1 valide - CSS und JS-Dateien werden im head-Bereich eingebunden, Syntaxfehler beseitigt
  • Turbomodus - Galerie als Textdatei abspeichern und bei weiteren Aufrufen einlesen lassen
  • Parameteraufruf - individuelle Galerien möglich
  • Einbindung von Slimbox, Lytebox, Shadowbox, Milkbox und Mootools optional, wenn sie nicht bereits durch andere Komponenten (Mootools von Joomla) eingebunden werden
  • Lytebox zur Darstellung einer Diashow und Vermeidung von JS-Konflikten eingebaut
  • Shadowbox zur Anzeige der Bilder eingebunden
  • Milkbox - leichtgewichtiger Lightbox Klon für die aktuelle Mootools Version
  • Anzahl der angezeigten Bilder einstellbar
  • Bilder können ohne JS-Effekt (Verlinkung) angezeigt werden
  • Zufällige Reihenfolge der Bildanzeige möglich
  • Sortierung nach Änderungsdatum möglich
  • Bildunterschrift einblenden
  • IPTC Daten auslesen (Title und Description)
  • Bildinformationen aus einer Textdatei auslesen (Mehrsprachigkeit)
  • Druckoption - Bild in der JS-Ansicht bequem ausdrucken
  • Downloadoption - Bild mit einem Klick runterladen
  • Einzelbild anzeigen - das Plugin kann auch einzelne Bilder anzeigen
  • Listenansicht - Bilder als Liste ausgeben
  • Wörter mit einer Galerie verbinden
  • Crop - Bildausschnitt anzeigen lassen
  • Wasserzeichen-Funktion (unterschiedliche Wasserzeichen möglich)
  • CSS Bildertooltip
  • Originalbilder können verkleinert werden
  • Eine index.html wird in jedem Bildordner zur Absicherung vor dem Auslesen des Inhalts über den Browser automatisch erzeugt
  • Editor Button - SIGE Parameter
  • Backend deutsch / englisch


Editor Button - SIGE Parameters. Damit kann man den benötigten Syntax mit der Möglichkeit, alle Parameter des Plugins auszuwählen, sehr einfach in das Schreibfeld einsetzen. Es ist eine große Erleichterung und Bereicherung bei der Nutzung des SIGE Plugins.
Joomla! 3.x -


Die Erweiterung ist komplett kostenfrei, für Support wird eine Subscription benötigt:

Joomla plugin for creating galleries and inserting them directly into materials and wherever content plugins are processed.
Ease of use
It took me two minutes to create the first gallery. And then another 15-20 minutes to get acquainted with the different settings of the plug
Quite normal documentation. There are several examples of parameter changes for individual galleries.
I used this to: create a gallery of my images in a folder on the site. Added subscriptions to pictures and pasted into the article.
Although very easy to setup the gallery has a lot of powerful features.
Ease of use
One has to get used to the syntax and sometimes it is a bit "trial-and-error", but nevertheless easy to use!
All features listed, explained and examples given. A demo to view the effects would be even nicer...
I used this to: Singe image zoom and gallery with subtitles on my private website.
Diversas configurações de imagem e animação. Possibilidade de indicar o caption das imagens via txt. Funciona bem com sites responsivos.
Ease of use
Fácil de instalar e configurar. Basta subir as imagens via FTP para a pasta e indicar o código no artigo.
A documentação é completa e te orienta a configurar a galeria do modo como preferir. Contudo, é tudo em inglês.
I used this to: Para publicar imagens em artigos. Grupos de imagens, galerias, de modo que fiquem dispostos dentro de um artigo e não como um módulo.
Das SIGE Plugin ist innerhalb von Sekunden installiert und liefert alle Funktionen die man sich vorstellen kann.
Ease of use
Es gibt kein negative Auswirkungen auf das restliche System. Das Simple Image Plugin muss abgeschaltet werden das es SIGE überschreibt.
Der Support ist kostenpflichtig, die Plugins jedoch kostenlos. Der kompetente Support rechtfertigt die Kosten in jedem Fall
Die Dokumentation ist übersichtlich und völlig ausreichend
I used this to: Ich nutze die Erweiterung für meine Bildergalerie im Frontendbereich. Hier ist es möglich z.B. nur vier Thumbnails, aber nach Anlicken alle Bilder der Fotostrecke anzeigen zu lassen.

Einwandfreie Funktion

Posted on 18 November 2018
SIGE macht was es verspricht.
Ease of use
Einfache Installation und Einstellung
Sehr gut
I used this to: Fotogallerie
The best gallery for Joomla
Ease of use
Extremely easy even if not expert
Viktor is the best, thank you!
Ease of use
I used this to: Artistic project
Les options sont nombreuses et permettent de multiples utilisations, même de plusieurs galeries paramétrées différemment sur une même page.
Ease of use
Installé et c'est fonctionnel. Et on peut peaufiner tant qu'on veut avec les nombreuses options, galerie par galerie. Extra!
Forum accessible et souscription minime pour un support personnalisé, que dire si ce n'est : Merci!
Tout est très bien décrit sur le site du développeur.
I used this to: pour de nombreuses galeries ou mises en valeur d'articles de presse numérisés sur de multiples sites.
Le code est facile d'accès pour encore améliorer le plugin. J'ai p.ex. modifié le CSS pour rendre les vignettes responsive.
Bravo et merci au développeur!

In control

Posted on 23 April 2017
Very easy to use and the first, easy to use, gallery software that I've found that clearly publish Title and Alt tags in the html code!
Ease of use
With it's easy UI and text files for adding Title and Alt tags it was an absolute must for me when I needed to migrate 850 pictures
Cheap and fast
Easy and correct
I used this to: Publishing thumbnails for more than 800 pictures


Posted on 24 February 2017
Wonderful photo gallery
Ease of use
easy to install, easy to set up with nice features and possibilities
I used this to: private homepages
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Site Security
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By Viktor Vogel
SEO & Metadata
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BLS - Backend Language Switcher

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By Viktor Vogel
Admin Performance
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LLFJ - Lazy Load for Joomla!

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By Viktor Vogel
With this plugin, images are only loaded when a visitor scrolls to the images. It saves your server bandwidth and saves your users from load images that they never scroll to. This increases the loading speed of all pages. The plugin only has to be activated, there are no further adjustments necessary. Easy and effective! Features Two different scripts included - for jQuery or Mootools (Joomla...
PCE - Page Cache Extended

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By Viktor Vogel
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DSC - Device Specific Content

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By Viktor Vogel
Mobile Display
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OYL - Obscure Your Links

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By Viktor Vogel
Site Links
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EOR - Easy Output Replacer

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2 Click Social Buttons

2 Click Social Buttons

By Viktor Vogel
Social Display
2 Clicks For More Privacy (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and XING) 2 Click Social Buttons integrates social buttons privacy safe - buttons are not loaded until the user clicks on them. The plugin and the module is a result of the problems that the integrated buttons of known social services already transmit personal data, although they still have not been clicked. So the visitors can be identified...
FRC - Fewest Read Content

FRC - Fewest Read Content

By Viktor Vogel
Popular Content
Fewest Read Content displays the fewest or most-read articles. It shows a list of the currently published articles which have the fewest or most number of page views. The module is also able to create article lists sorted by date, by which most needed use-cases are covered to display articles on module positions. FRC is based on the original module 'Popular Content'. The original module was exten...
EJS - Easy Joomla Spoiler

EJS - Easy Joomla Spoiler

By Viktor Vogel
Site Access
Easy Joomla Spoiler provides a simple spoiler function by using CSS. If you move your mouse over the spoiled text, it is displayed normally. The plugin can also be used as a normal access control plugin for content in articles (guest - registered users)! No JavaScript required! Features Spoiler function for Joomla! Restriction for guests - only registered users can see the content of the spoil...
PWD-GEN J! - Password Generator J!

PWD-GEN J! - Password Generator J!

By Viktor Vogel
Site Security
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EER - Easy Error Reporting

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By Viktor Vogel
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EUL - Easy User Login

EUL - Easy User Login

By Viktor Vogel
Site Access
With Easy User Login, administrators can log into other user accounts in the frontend. The plugin adds a login button in the overview of the User Manager in the backend. Both core templates (Isis and Hathor) are supported. After the login, the logged-in administrator can perform all the actions that the user can do with his normal login. For security reasons, only users from the 'Super Users' gro...
DSK - Display Searched Keywords

DSK - Display Searched Keywords

By Viktor Vogel
Search Results
Display Searched Keywords lists keywords with which the loaded page was found in a search engine! It shows important search terms that were entered in a search engine (default is Google) to find the corresponding pages. Advantages Optimizing the site for search engines Increase the keyword density with appropriate keywords Analysis of the key search terms Features Shows important keyword...
ASK - Auto Subscription for Kunena

ASK - Auto Subscription for Kunena

By Viktor Vogel
Kunena extensions
ASK - Auto Subscription for Kunena - Automatic activation of subscriptions in Kunena 2.x / 3.x / 5.x With this plugin, subscriptions are assigned automatically or manually to all new and existing users. ASK is performed automatically after successful registration and assigns the specified categories to the new user or manually to existing users. There are 2 modes available: Automatic and Selecti...


By Viktor Vogel
URL Redirection
Non-SEF to SEF redirects Non-Sef URLs (dynamic URLs) to SEF URLs. Even though the SEF option is activated, the pages can still be loaded through the not optimized URLs. If the plugin detects such a call, then it redirects it automatically to the correct, optimized URL. The SEF URL is determined by the Joomla internal functions. If a menu item is set, it redirects to it. If no menu item is availabl...
ECR - Easy Content Restriction

ECR - Easy Content Restriction

By Viktor Vogel
Access & Security
Protects content in articles with a password or only displays the content to approved user groups. With this plugin, you can hide text in your articles with a password or from specified user groups with a simple syntax call directly in the articles. Special features are the unusual syntax use (square brackets) and the Safe Mode to avoid hidden text to be showed in other components (e.g. search c...
FPC - Force Password Complexity

FPC - Force Password Complexity

By Viktor Vogel
Site Security
With Force Password Complexity strong passwords are enforced based on individual rules! The system plugin checks user passwords using defined security patterns and rejects weak passwords. In this way, FPC ensures stronger security of the whole system. The execution of the plugin and the checks of the passwords can be set completely customized to ensure an own standard of security. Features For...
RIE - Random Image Extended

RIE - Random Image Extended

By Viktor Vogel
Random Image Extended displays random images from a chosen directory. The random images can be displayed in a so-called Lightbox view (Shadowbox, Slimbox or Milkbox). Other images from the specified folder can be displayed in this view as a gallery. Highlights of the module are the storage of thumbnails, data from information text file, reading from all subfolders of the specified directory and...
JVE - Joomla Vote Extended

JVE - Joomla Vote Extended

By Viktor Vogel
Ratings & Reviews
This plugin is an extended version of the Vote plugin from the core package. You can display the rating stars before or after the content. It's possible to limit the loading execution only to the article view. The votes are transferred via Ajax requests to the server which increases the user experience greatly (the page does not have to be reloaded completely). You can add an intro text using a J...
RYV - Random Youtube Videos

RYV - Random Youtube Videos

By Viktor Vogel
Social Media
Random Youtube Videos shows an unlimited number of Youtube videos in shuffle mode in Joomla! Random Youtube Videos is a small module, which allows you to integrate any number of self-defined videos from the platform Youtube on a module position. The videos can be entered in the backend, it is possible to enter the video ID or the whole URL of the video. A video will be selected at each loading ra...
JBC - Joomla Backlink Checker

JBC - Joomla Backlink Checker

By Viktor Vogel
Site Links
Joomla Backlink Checker (JBC) is the first and only backlink checker for the CMS Joomla! With this extension, you can check as many specified link connections as needed. Manage and check all links to your website(s) and control your web partners without having to visit their website manually. The component can check an unlimited amount of websites fast and reliably using the HTTP class which is p...

SIGE - Simple Image Gallery Extended

Viktor Vogel
Last updated:
Aug 02 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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