Vina Treeview for VirtueMart

Vina Treeview for VirtueMart is a great module for Joomla 3.x and VirtueMart 3.x component. It's allows display VirtueMart categories in a tree view, like a file explorer. It helps readers to reach the root categories and also subcategories they want to view products. You can save time to create menus for each category by using Vina Treeview for VirtueMart.
Main Features:
6 module styles: Default, File Tree, Red Tree View, Black Tree View, Gray Tree View and FamFamFam Tree View.
Powered by jQuery, so no more JS is required to be loaded.
You can set the root category.
You can turn on/off displaying items count for each category.
Supports optional animation with variable speed.
Controls can be added that collapses, expands, or toggles all nodes within a tree.
Allow to change transitions speed, duration, and desired effect.
Support Multi-Module on a page.
To manipulate almost everything!
Totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS.
Nice looking listing of VirtueMart categories demonstrates the categories hierarchy.
Easy VirtueMart categories navigation.
W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid.
Tableless design and 100% CSS-based.
Prevent the conflict between the module with other modules.
Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5
VERSION 1.0.0 - November 29, 2014
- First release.
VERSION 1.0.1 - February 14, 2015
- New Function: Enable/disable function load categories from cache.
VERSION 1.1 - November 25, 2015
- Add 3 New Styles: Black, Gray, FamFamFam
- Remove background color for active item.
- Remove white background of children items.
VERSION 1.2 - October 11, 2016
- Fully compatible with Joomla 3.6.2
- Fully compatible with VirtueMart 3.0.18
- Remove function loadMediaFiles.
- Add load css and js in the file default.php
Vina Treeview for VirtueMart
- Version:
- 1.2
- Developer:
- Last updated:
Oct 11 2016
8 years ago - Date added:
- Dec 18 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m e
- Compatibility:
- J3
This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System