
Directory, Forms, Ratings & Reviews, Content Construction, SobiPro Extensions

SobiPro is an advanced, powerful multi-content component for Joomla that has been originally designed as a directory extension with CCK features.
With SobiPro you can easily create multiple directories or any type of content.

SobiPro comes with a fully responsive template with multiple colour themes and different styles!!

The SobiPro template, included in SobiPro, is not only fully responsive, but also supports Bootstrap 3 to 5 to match your Joomla template.

This listing is for SobiPro 2, a SobiPro version for Joomla 3 and Joomla 4/5!
There is a free of charge trial version available.

SobiPro 2 Key Features:
  • The pioneer of the multi-directory feature, provides as first component, the category fields! Category fields are fields you can add to a category view. So not only an entry is based on content construction methods, but also a category.
  • SobiPro is continuously improved!
  • There is a wide range of additional SobiPro applications available, to enhance the functionality of SobiPro (see below)
  • Makes usage of MVC (model view controller) software architectural patterns.
  • Uses CSS3, HTML5 and XSLT to render the output on frontend.
  • Has an integrated router for SEF URLs.
  • Supports Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5.
  • Features native multi-language support.
  • Has an unlimited nested category tree structure (only limited by the server settings).
  • Entry modifications history/logging (conservative or moderate) with revision comparison.
  • A basic PayPal payment system is integrated.
  • Features 10 predefined input filters (alpha, alphanumeric, float, integer, email address, web URL, complete web URL, single letter, phone number, entry title).
  • Offers the possibility to create own input filters using regular expressions.
  • Maintenance includes a system check and error logging feature
  • Features action logging.
  • XML data debug system
  • advanced front-end ACL based on Joomla user groups
  • advanced back-end ACL for each section
  • advanced optimization techniques (XML view cache, SQLite data cache, JavaScript and CSS cache, JavaScript compression/minifies)
  • site crawler to build the cache (also as cron job available)
  • built-in application manager to install additional functionality
  • possibility to connect to a remote repository to install additional applications
  • context-sensitive help
  • flexible template system using CSS, HTML and XSL
  • integrated template editor
  • possibility to integrate own PHP scripts in the templates
  • different views to present the content (e.g. section view, category view, details view, vCard view)
  • template override for each view available
  • alpha index with filter by custom field
  • 12 integrated core field types (input box, textarea w/ and w/o Wysiwyg, single select list, multiple select list, checkbox group, radio button, email field, URL field, image field, category field, information field, button field)
  • possibility to install additional field types
  • integrated category field with 5 different category selection methods (single select list, multiple select list, tree, dependency, fixed choice)
  • integrated image field supports resizing, cropping and thumbnail creation
  • integrated email field supports MX record validation and bots protection
  • integrated URL field supports URL validation, different protocols and a click counter feature
  • pay for field feature
  • automatic metadata creation by custom fields
  • microdata support (
  • advanced customizable search
  • priority search (10 different priorities available)
  • different search field types (single select list, multiple select list, checkbox group, radio buttons) dependent on the field type
  • range search with predefined or free data selection
  • category filter in search

Many more features are available by installing our applications for SobiPro such as:

  • Send emails to authors and/or administrators (Notifications Application)
  • Implement different contact forms (Contact Form Field)
  • Download files with licence management (Download Field)
  • Date fields to create, e.g. events or individual expiration dates for entries (Calendar Field)
  • Create coupons for discounts or free publishing days (Coupon Field)
  • Implement an image gallery (Gallery Field)
  • Expiration and renewal control (Expiration Application)
  • Geographical map (Google, OpenStreetMap with Leaflet) for each entry w/o proximity or radius search (SP-GeoMap Field)
  • Geographical map (Google, OpenStreetMap with Leaflet) Module (SP-GeoMap Module)
  • Show entries in a module with various sorting possibilities (Entries Module)
  • Module to select a category and jump to it (Category Select Module)
  • Categories module to show and link to categories of a SobiPro section with various templates (Categories Module)
  • Import and export entries and categories (Import/Export Application)
  • Show favoured entries on top of the search results (Favoured Search Application)
  • Bookmark entries, create favourites lists (Collection Application)
  • Tag entries (Aggregation Field)
  • Add a QR-Code to an entry (QR-Code Field)
  • Add reviews/comments to entries and let rate them (Review & Rating Application)
  • Add comments via Disqus (Disqus Application)
  • Connect several directories with user registration (Profile Field)
  • Create an installable package from one of your sections to install it on other sites with configuration, fields, categories and template (Template Packager)
It is a bit more complex, but once you learn how to use it, you basically have unlimited possibilities. Hats off to the developers...
Ease of use
Its powerful features may take some time to master, but the flexibility and possibilities it offers make it worth the effort.
Value for money
The extension offers excellent value for money. It provides a wide range of features and flexibility that justify its price
I used this to: I use this for creating various types of portals, as it provides great flexibility and customization options. It allows me to build complex websites with ease, making it a valuable tool for my projects.
we run many client sites; event booking , fourms , jobsites, community groups .. we can mix and match Sobipro into other joomla components
Ease of use
small learning curve, well worth it, you endup with full control
need to be a memeber basically , but this covers maps, reviews, contact , migration and a full length apps so excellent value small money
good ,there is also lots of in app information bubble information
Value for money
omg .. in the long run .. you want the fastest lightest most open code .. for small money your set to go for a decase
I used this to: client sites ; event listing integration with maps and business listings , jobsites , classified sites , social integration with joomsocial CB etc ..
I have used many Joomla components and this one seemed to offer all the functionality I required and it does. But regret using it
Ease of use
I have invested a lot of time using this. But find it incredibly frustrating to use and work with nothing is intuitive.
Lack of free-forum support to get simple answers, not a large enough user base. Paid support is overpriced
The website is complicated to navigate and impossible to find what you need. You tend to go around in circles.
Value for money
Heavily overpriced, I would not use it again on another project. Minimal access to updates unless you overpay
I used this to: I use SobiPro for a non-commercial business website database. It does the job, but I wouldn't use it again
Owner's reply: Thank you for this review, even if it's not entirely fair. I really did my best to help you, but without access to the server/website it's difficult to give you the support that we normally give.
Index listing with the usual fast search , templates to get started, dynamic contact form and joomla integrations
Ease of use
uncluttered templates and easy configuration panels , suitable for the Joomla admin to operate
Ticket system is re-active , subscription is required, the community pages can be hard to find answers but support tickets are responded to
Excellent documentation, just follow the documentation and use full screen hints
Value for money
The right choice - thats the value, otherwise you will waste time on others over time. Great value completely useful as free option
I used this to: Job Listing Websites, itegrated to community builder and subspro; like deal .ie jobsdone ie donedeal .ie
Owner's reply: Thank you so much for this review. Such reviews motivate us to further develop and improve SobiPro.
Constantly issues with the license update. You have to resubmit keys all the time.
Ease of use
Became very difficult to use over time. Became very difficult to use over time.
Very slow to non-responding. Very slow to non-responding. Very slow to non-responding.
Average. Average. Average. Average. Average. Average. Average. Average.
Value for money
There are better directory components out for a lot let money and better functionallity.
I used this to: Making bread, what else? Making bread, what else? Making bread, what else?
Owner's reply: > From Free to Expensive
SobiPro is still one of the cheapest directory components for Joomla on the market. You really should try SobiPro 2!

> Constantly issues with the license update. You have to resubmit keys all the time.
For your security, our repository is SSL secured. Therefore, you must resubmit the subscription token once a year, as the SSL certificate is no longer valid. We can't do anything about that, because it's not in our hands. Also, you need to resubmit the subscription token every time you renew your subscription to let our servers know about it. To reduce the number of resubmits, buy longer-term subscriptions. If you need to resubmit the token more often, then you DO NOT use SobiPro 2!

> Became very difficult to use over time.
Apparently you haven't used SobiPro 2 yet. The new user interface offers a great user experience and a lot of functions have been simplified and improved.

> Very slow to non-responding.
As our support usually replies within 24 hours on workdays, you obviously haven't had a subscription yet.

> There are better directory components out for a lot let money and better functionallity.

In summary, it looks like you haven't used SobiPro 2 yet, nor have you purchased a subscription for it, but are leaving a negative review because it's now paid.
YOU MUST rate the SobiPro 2 component here, not SobiPro 1 and not our business.

Thank you
Contact Form Field fo SobiPro
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Contact Form Field fo SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Contact Form Field is an application which adds any kind of contact form to a SobiPro entry. The Contact Form field comes with eight pre-defined contact form templates to easily add a Contact Author, Claim Listing, Report Listing or Reservation Form to the details view of the entries in your directory. But the Contact Form field is not limited to these contact forms. The Contact Form...
SP-GeoMap for SobiPro
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SP-GeoMap for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
This module shows SobiPro entries in a Joomla! module position on a geographical map. The module comes with several features such as: Entries close to each other (depending on the zoom level) can be clustered. Initial zoom level and start point coordinates can be set. The map can be automatically centred to all shown markers. Entries with same coordinates are grouped to one info window. The inf...
SP-GeoMap Field for SobiPro
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SP-GeoMap Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro SP-GeoMap Field extends the types of possible fields for SobiPro with a field for showing the location of an entry on a Google Map and with the possibility to do a Radius or Proximity Search. The SobiPro SP-GeoMap Field extends the types of possible fields for SobiPro with a field type for showing the location of an entry on a geographical map. While editing an entry, it creates coord...
Entries for SobiPro
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Entries for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
This module displays entries of a SobiPro section. As the sorting order for the entries can be set to different values, the module can be used as a Most Popular Entries Module Latest Entries Module Last Updated Module Module for Entries Expiring soon Random Entries Module As the sorting order can also be set to every text field (input box) of your directory, the module can be used as a Sort...
Calendar Field for SobiPro
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Calendar Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Calendar Field lets you create a complete events site, add a date to your entries or control your entries start and stop publishing dates. Key features: specifies entry start publishing date specifies entry stop publishing date daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurring dates popup calendar in entry form time selection possible calendar listing view Supports Microdata (
Download Field for SobiPro
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Download Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
With the Download Field for SobiPro you can upload (in the entry form) and download (in the details view) files for/of an entry in a SobiPro directory. The Download Field adds an additional field type to your SobiPro component. It allows users to upload files from the front-end (in the entry form) and download files (in the details view) for/of an entry of the used SobiPro section/directory with...
Notifications Application for SobiPro
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Notifications Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Notifications application for SobiPro sends emails to users/authors and/or administrators on events like add, edit, publish, approve and payment. Each email has own template and can be adjusted freely. You can customize the message, the subject and also the list of recipients. Key features: send emails to authors and/or administrators various triggers (e.g. add, edit, publish, approve and...
Import/Export Application for SobiPro
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Import/Export Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Import/Export Application enables to import entries and categories to a SobiPro section from a CSV File and to export entries and categories from a SobiPro section to a CSV or XML file. Key Features: Import entries from a CSV file Export entries to a CSV or XML file Import categories from a CSV file Export categories to a CSV or XML file CLI export of entries CLI import of entries F...
Review and Rating Application for SobiPro
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Review and Rating Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Review and Rating Application allows you to extend your SobiPro directory to a fully featured review site. It will allow you to set up ratings for several different criteria, as well as allow visitors to list likes and dislikes along with the review. Reviews can be edited from front-end by either the reviewer, the entry owner or a moderator. The SobiPro Review and Rating Application a...
Profile Field for SobiPro
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Profile Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Profile Field allows users to register on a website during the process of adding an entry to a SobiPro directory The Profile Field also allows to create a directory section where user profiles can be shown with all related entries of that author from any or all of the SobiPro sections on a site. The Profile Field also let's you show a link and selected data within entries that links b...
Expiration Application for SobiPro
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Expiration Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Expiration Application extends the SobiPro functionality by adding the possibility to send notification emails about upcoming entries expiration dates and giving users the possibility of requesting renewal of their entries. Key Features: sends emails to authors and/or administrators adds 10 additional email triggers to the Notifications App sends up to 2 reminder email messages sends after...
Collection Application for SobiPro
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Collection Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Collection application lets users and/or visitors 'collect' entries from a SobiPro section. SobiPro entries can be collected either only in the general collection list, the so called Favourites, or in specific collection lists. Each user, even guests have their own collections. Collections can be shared with others by email invitation. Emails can be send to the owners of the collected entries...
Aggregation Field for SobiPro
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Aggregation Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Aggregation Field allows users to add tags to an entry that will create a hyper-linked keyword in the front-end output that site visitors can click to view all related entries that have been tagged with the same keyword. Key features tag lists to aggregate keywords multi-aggregation lists (several list types simultaneously usable) tag list view with XSL template predefined lists wit...
QR-Code Field for SobiPro
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QR-Code Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro QR-Code Field shows a QR Code within a SobiPro entry. Key features ECC (error correction code) adjustable Point Matrix Size adjustable Template for parse data Placeholders with entry data Available in several languages This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using the SobiPro installer (App...
Template Packager Application for SobiPro
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Template Packager Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Template Packager Application will create an installable template package of a SobiPro template including the section configuration, fields and categories. Using the Template Packager is a perfect method to develop your own SobiPro templates and re-install them on other sites or copy a pre-configured SobiPro section....
ACL Override Application for SobiPro
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ACL Override Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The ACL override applications allows you to change the default access permissions for specific entries. This means, if your ACL rules disallow access to entries in a section, you will be able to allow access for some specific entries only, and vice versa. This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using the...
Category Select for SobiPro
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Category Select for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Category Select Module is a module to select a category of a section and opens it page (quick jump). This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using the SobiPro installer (Application Manager) or the Joomla Extension Manager....
Coupon Field for SobiPro
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Coupon Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Coupon Field lets you generate discount or prolongation codes for SobiPro entries With the Coupon field you can give your customers either a price discount or additional publishing days for their entry. Coupons can be valid for multiple uses or only once. This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using...
Disqus Integration for SobiPro
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Disqus Integration for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Disqus Integration application lets you use the Disqus commenting system in a SobiPro entry (details view). The number of comments, linked to the comments in the details view, can be shown in the vCard of each entry. This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using the SobiPro installer (Application Mana...
Gallery Field for SobiPro
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Gallery Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Gallery Field adds an image gallery to the entries or categories within a SobiPro directory. The image gallery is optimized to work on mobile devices as well as on desktop computers. Features list: Optimized for mobile devices as well as desktop computers Easy parallel (up to 20) image uploading via drag and drop Prominent image selectable for the listing view (vCard and details view separ...
Favoured Search Application for SobiPro
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Favoured Search Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Favoured Search Application lets you show favoured entries on top of the search results. Control the favoured entries with a simple checkbox or radio field. This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using the SobiPro installer (Application Manager)...


Sigrid & Radek Suski
Last updated:
Oct 03 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Apr 30 2011
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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