SobiPro is an advanced, powerful multi-content component for Joomla that has been originally designed as a directory extension with CCK features.
With SobiPro you can easily create multiple directories or any type of content.
SobiPro comes with a fully responsive template with multiple colour themes and different styles!!
The SobiPro template, included in SobiPro, is not only fully responsive, but also supports Bootstrap 3 to 5 to match your Joomla template.
This listing is for SobiPro 2, a SobiPro version for Joomla 3 and Joomla 4/5!
There is a free of charge trial version available.
SobiPro 2 Key Features:
- The pioneer of the multi-directory feature, provides as first component, the category fields! Category fields are fields you can add to a category view. So not only an entry is based on content construction methods, but also a category.
- SobiPro is continuously improved!
- There is a wide range of additional SobiPro applications available, to enhance the functionality of SobiPro (see below)
- Makes usage of MVC (model view controller) software architectural patterns.
- Uses CSS3, HTML5 and XSLT to render the output on frontend.
- Has an integrated router for SEF URLs.
- Supports Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5.
- Features native multi-language support.
- Has an unlimited nested category tree structure (only limited by the server settings).
- Entry modifications history/logging (conservative or moderate) with revision comparison.
- A basic PayPal payment system is integrated.
- Features 10 predefined input filters (alpha, alphanumeric, float, integer, email address, web URL, complete web URL, single letter, phone number, entry title).
- Offers the possibility to create own input filters using regular expressions.
- Maintenance includes a system check and error logging feature
- Features action logging.
- XML data debug system
- advanced front-end ACL based on Joomla user groups
- advanced back-end ACL for each section
- advanced optimization techniques (XML view cache, SQLite data cache, JavaScript and CSS cache, JavaScript compression/minifies)
- site crawler to build the cache (also as cron job available)
- built-in application manager to install additional functionality
- possibility to connect to a remote repository to install additional applications
- context-sensitive help
- flexible template system using CSS, HTML and XSL
- integrated template editor
- possibility to integrate own PHP scripts in the templates
- different views to present the content (e.g. section view, category view, details view, vCard view)
- template override for each view available
- alpha index with filter by custom field
- 12 integrated core field types (input box, textarea w/ and w/o Wysiwyg, single select list, multiple select list, checkbox group, radio button, email field, URL field, image field, category field, information field, button field)
- possibility to install additional field types
- integrated category field with 5 different category selection methods (single select list, multiple select list, tree, dependency, fixed choice)
- integrated image field supports resizing, cropping and thumbnail creation
- integrated email field supports MX record validation and bots protection
- integrated URL field supports URL validation, different protocols and a click counter feature
- pay for field feature
- automatic metadata creation by custom fields
- microdata support (
- advanced customizable search
- priority search (10 different priorities available)
- different search field types (single select list, multiple select list, checkbox group, radio buttons) dependent on the field type
- range search with predefined or free data selection
- category filter in search
Many more features are available by installing our applications for SobiPro such as:
- Send emails to authors and/or administrators (Notifications Application)
- Implement different contact forms (Contact Form Field)
- Download files with licence management (Download Field)
- Date fields to create, e.g. events or individual expiration dates for entries (Calendar Field)
- Create coupons for discounts or free publishing days (Coupon Field)
- Implement an image gallery (Gallery Field)
- Expiration and renewal control (Expiration Application)
- Geographical map (Google, OpenStreetMap with Leaflet) for each entry w/o proximity or radius search (SP-GeoMap Field)
- Geographical map (Google, OpenStreetMap with Leaflet) Module (SP-GeoMap Module)
- Show entries in a module with various sorting possibilities (Entries Module)
- Module to select a category and jump to it (Category Select Module)
- Categories module to show and link to categories of a SobiPro section with various templates (Categories Module)
- Import and export entries and categories (Import/Export Application)
- Show favoured entries on top of the search results (Favoured Search Application)
- Bookmark entries, create favourites lists (Collection Application)
- Tag entries (Aggregation Field)
- Add a QR-Code to an entry (QR-Code Field)
- Add reviews/comments to entries and let rate them (Review & Rating Application)
- Add comments via Disqus (Disqus Application)
- Connect several directories with user registration (Profile Field)
- Create an installable package from one of your sections to install it on other sites with configuration, fields, categories and template (Template Packager)
- Version:
- 2.6.1
- Developer:
- Sigrid & Radek Suski
- Last updated:
Oct 03 2024
4 months ago - Date added:
- Apr 30 2011
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5