Site Management

External Link Warning Pro
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External Link Warning Pro

By Michael Richey
Site Links
Like the free version, provides a warning to your users when they are about to follow a link that takes them away from your website. Some customers wish to provide these warnings as a legal requirement, others simply want to prevent confusion for users leaving their site. Prevent warning for specified domains Prevent warning for links with specified CSS classes Apply CSS classes to links which...


By Simon Champion
Site Links
Pops up a disclaimer message whenever your site visitors click on a link to an external URL. Features: Treat any number of domains as 'internal', so they don't get the popup. Override patterns allow you specify certain internal links as external (eg for redirect links)...
Remove article Id from sef url
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Remove article Id from sef url

By Mishel Naguib
SEO & Metadata
do you want to remove articles id from joomla sef url? without hacking any joomla core files!! now you can do that with our plugin. just install plugin , enable it....
Scorpion Site Verification

Scorpion Site Verification

By Scorpion Computers & Software
SEO & Metadata
Findability is a topic that is (or should be) on every web site administrators agenda. Implementing Sitemaps and Analytics are some examples of technical solutions that can contribute to this. Parties such as Google, Yahoo and a number of others have developed webmaster tools so that webmasters can easily find everything in a location. Often it is necessary to show that you are authorized to adju...
Expires Headers Pro
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Expires Headers Pro

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
YSlow and Pagespeed look at Expires Headers when evaluating your site. This plugin allows an administrator to set global Expires, Cache-Control and Pragma headers, as well as individual settings (inclusive or exclusive) for particular menu items. Speed up your site by following the rules! Set short time-spans for pages that change frequently, and longer time-spans for pages that don't. Note: Exp...
pj Links
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pj Links

By Premek
Site Links
Manage & Display as set of commented web links Displays a set of commented web links Shows site's icon, title, url, logo and a description Check utility checks the url and retrieves title, icon and logo Implement as Joomla! Component (Menu) or Module Optionally, a short comment for Module and a full one for Component Rich layout options Supports Categories and Tags...
SEO Titles for Virtuemart
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SEO Titles for Virtuemart

By Kirill
SEO & Metadata
This plugin lets you improve SEO for VirtueMart product pages in one minute! It never had that easy before. So you should just enable this plugin and customize template as you wish. You can use two variables: product name (%t) and product price (%p). Also you can remove category name from title or make title capitalized. Example Page title before "Tools: BIG SHOVEL" Page title after "Buy shovel i...


By KWProductions Co.
URL Redirection
In a Joomla multi-language site, user login redirection after selecting the related language from module switch language shall be to the correct redirected page, the vary page to be chosen by you on login, on logout, on login failure and etc....
Rapi Animate 404 Page
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Rapi Animate 404 Page

By RapiCode
Error pages
Change the default Joomla 404 template to an attractive format with just a few clicks. - 9 Attractive Templates. - Ability to change the text (above, middle and back button text). - Fully Responsive. - Very Light. - User Friendly Design....
Google Analytics with gtag.js

Google Analytics with gtag.js

By pwouda
GDPR compliant Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager script This simple but usefull plugin adds Google Analytics code to your website, using gtag.js that is recommended by Google (in 2018). It has AVG / GDPR privacy-rules options to be fully compliant with the new European regulation that started 25 may 2018. Release-notes: Version 1.2.1, june 2018: Modified description and labels Version 1....
Nifty Open Graph
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Nifty Open Graph

By In2 Computing
SEO & Metadata
Start controlling social media content of your Joomla! website. Supports Twitter Cards and other types of Open Graph protocol meta tags like article, book, profile, website, music and video. Easy to setup Supports both Twitter Cards and Open Graph protocol Supports Social Sharing icons Support almost all type of Open Graph meta tags Set default meta tags for all pages and articles in single conf...
Maniac SEO

Maniac SEO

By agora32
SEO & Metadata
Easily optimize your Joomla Website with one plugin for more efficient SEO results, it is the most complete SEO plugin available for Joomla. It offers everything you need to optimize your site. Tool: Backlink Checker, keyword suggest, Keywords density, Keyword Position, Social URL Analytics, Page Rank Checker, Plagiarism Checker, SEO Analyzer,... Maniac SEO tool check web site, blog is everyday us...
JS Google Analytics

JS Google Analytics

Joomla Sales Google Analytics is a plugin built to add Google Analytics tracking code to all of your site's pages with support for various GA features. was created to help Joomla webmasters to make better marketing decisions. Even though there is so much that can be done on-site to boost your conversion rate, good marketing decisions all start with good tracking. The fact that you'...
JS Google Tag Manager

JS Google Tag Manager

Joomla Sales Google Tag Manager is a plugin built to add Google Tag Manager Container to all of your site's pages. At our mission is to enable Joomla webmasters to make better marketing decisions. Even though marketing can encompass a wide variety of strategies and methodologies, the basis of any good marketing strategy is solid tracking. The fact that you're adding Google Tag Man...
JS Google Content Experiments

JS Google Content Experiments

JS Google Content Experiments is a module built to help you easily conduct split testing using Google Analytics' Experiments functionality. To get started simply create your experiment in your Google Analytics account. Create multiple articles in your Joomla Article Manager. These articles will be used as the variations in our experiment. JS Google Content Experiments allows up to 5 variations per...
JS Google UTM Tagging

JS Google UTM Tagging

Generate custom campaign parameters for your advertising URLs from your Joomla Administrator. The JS Google UTM Tagging component is an administrator component to help you with easily adding parameters to URLs you use in custom web-based or email ad campaigns. A custom campaign is any ad campaign not using the AdWords auto-tagging feature. When users click one of the UTM Tagged custom links, the...
Heartbeat for Google Analytics
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Heartbeat for Google Analytics

Suppose a visitor lands on a very good page on your website and takes 2 minutes and 43 seconds to read the article. After that he just leaves. This visitor stayed 2 minutes and 13 seconds on your page, but never interacted with it. For Google it is a bounce! And bounced visits are marked 0:00 Time on Site. Not fair, right? Many SEO experts believe that a high bounce rate is a killer for your Goog...
CW Redirect
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CW Redirect

By Cory Webb
Short URL
CW Redirect enables you to create a simple redirect by creating a Joomla menu item. Redirect the user from to any link you choose. This component makes it easier than ever to redirect users from a URL on your site to any URL on the internet. Simply create a CW Redirect menu item, and CW Redirect turns that menu item into a 301 redirect to whatever URL you choose....