- Articles Display

Animate while scrolling
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Animate while scrolling

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Animate while scrolling module displays articles in beautiful horizontal layouts during scrolling. Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Featured Articles Tag Filter Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Count Open Link Article Custom fields - Yes / No Category Title Item Title Title Max length Description display Description Max length Date display...
Custom Fields Everywhere

Custom Fields Everywhere

By Luka Oman
Articles Display
Display custom fields of an Joomla article in a module. Use the WYSIWYG editor to enter the content you would like to be displayed in the module. In place you would like to use the content of the custom field you use the shortcode for the field. The shortcode is {field ID}. The ID is the id (number) of the custom field and can be found in the Administration Menu -> Content -> Fields -> Last colum...
Current News
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Current News

By svtemplates
Articles Display
"Current News" is a joomla module designated to introduce the users with the content / articles on your website. The module shows the users the articles title, the article image, the author of the article, number of views, date of update, article tags, intro text and category of article. This module comes with an option to add page navigation between articles. The module is highly compatible for t...
Content Gallery Carousel
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Content Gallery Carousel

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Content Gallery Carousel display articles from multiple categories in carousel slideshow. It is handy to use it in galleries or portfolios with many items. As it will display the articles in carousel mode, it is easy to view the items without need of filling the page with all the items. Data Source Articles Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Featured Articles Article Field...
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By CreateWeb
Articles Display
CW-timeline is a Joomla® module to show beautiful timelines on your website. Show the world what you have accomplished over time. CW-timeline is ideal to showcase: Company history Project progress Personal achievements Construction stages Future projections Many more CW-timeline comes with a variety of different layouts to choose from and can be customised in many ways. CW-timeline is best s...
Mx Display
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Mx Display

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Display module load articles, k2 or custom items at your choice in eight beautiful layouts. General settings Style - eight versions Height at your choice Loop - Yes/No Auto play - Yes/No Delay Time Detail position - Top/Bottom Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Tag Filter Featured Articles Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Number of items...
TF Random

TF Random

By Tech Fry
Articles Display
Joomla! module that displays random content (by day, week or month) from any database table. Features - Add multiple conditions to select random item or article. - Set which columns to display. - Set which Html tags to use for columns. - Option to add classes for styling....
BA Drawers
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BA Drawers

By BestAddon.com
Articles Display
A pure JavaScript based responsive accordion slider that allows you to horizontally expands the images on mouse click or hover. It is compatible with mobile, responsive design (adaptive width) and you can easy to opening with your fingers on your mobile. You can easily manage the slides with a Drag & Drop interface. Features: ❖ Responsive and friendly to any mobile devices ❖ Ability to use...
n3t Article

n3t Article

By Pavel Poles
Articles Display
Module to display selected article. This could be usefull as alternative to core 'Custom HTML' for administrators, who prefer to edit all their content at one place in articles manager, or for those withou access to module manager....
BA News Ticker
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BA News Ticker

By BestAddon.com
Articles Display
The module adds a News Ticker with which you can create Articles tickers with updates and news in every positions of your Joomla site. This module is especially useful for displaying news headlines in magazine and news websites. You can control and adjust the style of the bar from the admin panel. Features: Responsive and friendly to any mobile devices You can use it to display News, Breaking...
Mx content show
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Mx content show

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Content Show module shows joomla content with popup info for every item. Article settings Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Tag Filter Featured Articles Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Count Open Link Article Custom fields Category Title Item Title Title Max length Description display Description Max length Date display Date format Show Read More Images settings...
JT Columnar
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JT Columnar

By Joomlatema.net
Articles Display
JT Columnar is an extension to display articles from selected Joomla Users as columnists. The Module uses Joomla's own User-System. It displays selected Users' Article or Articles. It has a lot of options like Columnist's image, Article Count, Link to related category etc. Features Admin Panel Options: Module Padding Columnist Item Margin Columnist Item Padding Show /Hide Pretext Show Columnis...
mhp accordion module
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mhp accordion module

By Masterhomepage
Articles Display
mhp accordion is a Joomla native Accordion Module which allows you to display your contents/articles with nice effect. mhp accordion has four styles as Default, Button, Simple and FAQ....


By Peter v.d. Hulst
Articles Display
Extranews plugin: Older,Newer,Related,Random,Popular,Lastest and Same Author Articles The original plugin for Joomla 1.5 - 3 has been created by Viet NguyenHoang but is not available online anymore. Peter v.d. Hulst has adapted the plugin for Joomla 4+, including some bug fixing and enhancement also for Joomla 3. Features: - Display a list below the article with Related (based on Meta Keywords...
JT Infinite Content

JT Infinite Content

By Joomlatema.net
Articles Display
JT infinite Content is a joomla module to display more joomla articles endlessly using a load more button at the bottom of the page. It uses jquery and created by JoomlaTema.net. JT Infinite Content is a dynamic Joomla module designed to enhance your website's user experience. It seamlessly integrates jQuery functionality to effortlessly load more Joomla articles with a user-friendly "Load More"...
Top Authors
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Top Authors

By Michael Russell
Articles Display
This is a module that lists all of the authors on a Joomla website and the number of articles that they have written. The list can display either authors’ names or their usernames; the list can be limited to display the top n authors who have written articles. Version 1.1.0 You can choose whether to display only the count of published and archived articles or include trashed and unpublished a...
Content Ajax
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Content Ajax

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Content Ajax module loads items just by clicking on Ajax load more button without page reload. It is very flexible to define how many items will be loaded for each click. Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles - Include / Exclude Category Depth Tag selection Featured Articles - Only / Hide / Show Article Field to Order By - Article Manager Order / Featured Articles Order...
Dropdown Last Modified

Dropdown Last Modified

By Peter v.d. Hulst
Articles Display
This module displays a dropdown list with the last modification date on as dropdown text. Upon selection, the article is retrieved. The list is sorted on modification date from recent to older. Optional modification date can be shown before or after the article title or alias in the dropdown list. The module is an extension ('fork') from the module Dropdown Articles from Andrea Forgieri. It has t...