- Articles Display

BM Articles Accordion
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BM Articles Accordion

By Brainymore
Articles Display
** Module BM Articles Accordion show your items in the acoordion. ** This module support Content component . You can use this module on the top of your website as a slideshow. Your website will be more beautiful. This Module support 2 direstions are Horizontal and Vertical. Support 3 styles: Dark, Light, Sticth. You can config with and height of Acoordion, if - you want it auto resize follow scr...
Recent Article

Recent Article

By Bilal Kabeer Butt
Articles Display
Shows the recent article from the selected category, improved code. With option with to show Intro and/or Full article....
OS Accordion Slider
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OS Accordion Slider

By OSTheme Team!
Articles Display
The clean and simple OS Accordion Slider Module is a module which uses nice sliding transitions while hovering the items. The OS Accordion News uses the articles to display its content from joomla or K2. All articles can display any kind of HTML formatted content like text/images/flash. There are three styles for you now! let try and enjoy! Buy it at Ladadeal: https://www.ladadeal.com/os-accordio...
Calendar Filter
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Calendar Filter

By NorrNext
Articles Display
Filter your Joomla articles using two modes: a visually appealing calendar with daily selection or a list of months for sorting by month. This functionality is useful for magazines, blogs, or any website with extensive content. The module includes multiple built-in themes, such as a universal calendar theme and Bootstrap 5 and UIkit list layouts....
Magic News Ticker
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Magic News Ticker

By Magic Point
Articles Display
This is fully customizable News Ticker. Main advantage of this product is that it can adapt perfectly to your site design, because you can change any color. Supports any size, contain three different fonts, three bullets type (square, circle and line), news speed and bar gradient. With our product, you can make your own news ticker in just few minutes! New Feature: From now you have possibility t...
Articles - Newsflash Enhanced

Articles - Newsflash Enhanced

By Deligence Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Articles Display
This extensions is an enhanced version of Joomla's default module - Articles - Newsflash (modarticlesnews). Besides all the features of Articles - Newsflash module - this module allows you to add X number of Links/Titles i.e. now you have the power to display X number of articles with intro text (default feature) and X number of articles without intro text (enhanced feature). So essentially this...
ARI Paginator
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ARI Paginator

By ari-soft.com
Articles Display
New version has been release. It supports Joomla! 3.0. ARI Paginator is a Joomla! module which provides easy way to show articles preview with fancy sliding effect. It can be useful for showing events, news and other information. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Provides advanced filters for the selection of articles; * Supports auto rotation of pages; * Can specify number of article...
SJ Mega News
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SJ Mega News

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Mega News Module Joomla Extension is a great Content Component module. The most of sites need this module on the frontpage. Please see the demo site to have a closer look. With 3 themes and a lot of options, i am sure that you will enjoy it. Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive Layout Fully browsers compatible Multi-Module in the same page Support Multi-Language Support SEO...
Faster Content with Spritz

Faster Content with Spritz

By Riccardo Zorn
Articles Display
Spritz your text! ★ Spritz is a great technology that allows you to increase your reading time by 2x at least, by reducing (slow) eye movements. ★ While it may not be appropriate for source code, you will find it's very effective for simple text, such as blogs. ★ Quickly add a Spritz box to all your pages. Many configuration options allow to fine-tune your Spritz redicle. Find out mo...
introduction product description wonderful

introduction product description wonderful

By joomhome team
Articles Display
introduction product description wonderful , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for production slider or banner product web joomla...
TF Articles

TF Articles

By Tech Fry
Articles Display
This Joomla module can displays articles from one or more categories in multiple columns. You can display article elements like image, date, limited intro text, read more link, category, tags according to the settings. The module support three layouts: - Card - List - Slider Features - Display articles related by Tags - Display articles related by Category - Add custom classes for styling - In...
SJ Dynamic Slideshow
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SJ Dynamic Slideshow

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
One module to show any types of content - as slideshow - right out of the box. That's what SJ Dynamic Slideshow brings to you. With up to 10 blocks to contain flexible content such as images, links and videos, this module is suitable to integrate into any Joomla! websites without depending on Joomla! versions or visitors' devices. Responsive layout and integrated bootstrap makeSJ Dynamic Slidesho...
PW Toggle text
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PW Toggle text

By Panky
Articles Display
The plugin allows to display only part of the Joomla article text. The whole text is displayed or hidden again after clicking on the button located below the text....
BA News Show
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BA News Show

By BestAddon.com
Articles Display
This is the top popular extension for creating the most elegant grids for any website with simple options. It would be great for displaying blogs, News, Magazine and whatever else your website is meant to showcase. It is fully responsive and mobile friendly so that the grids you use it to create all look great on all devices....
SJ Mega News II
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SJ Mega News II

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
Are you owning a news online site, an e-commerce site, a social news site or a private site...? And in the content part, are you making a layout to show news follow your ideas? Let's experience with SJ Mega News II - premium Joomla extension and see distinct things which the module of us can bring for your site. SJ Mega News II supports two levels for user choice: section level and category lev...
SJ Categories Full
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SJ Categories Full

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Categories Full Joomla extension is a new type of Categories-Display module made for default Content Component. It helps your categories' behavior more useful to users! It mean that your categories will show all necessary and exciting information within ONE eyesight, with many effects than ever! SJ Categories Full illustrates your categories with full of images, titles and brief descriptions.....
Quick Flip
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Quick Flip

By Pixel Point Creative
Articles Display
Quick Flip is a responsive flip book module that can display items from Joomla content or K2 (J3 only). It will find and auto re-size the first image in your content. There is also a nice re-sizing script included that allows you greater control over the image output. The options are Fill, Fit, Stretch and Center. You can customize this mod with many parameters including a custom link....
Fade Container
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Fade Container

By Infyways Solutions
Articles Display
Fade and Slide Container is a easy to use module that pulls articles from your selected category and fade or slide the articles. You can add into image and introtext to fade. The full article will show up inside a popup when the title or read more link is clicked. Key Features ★ Slide or Fade Transitions Effects ★ Ability to pull articles and images from a selected category/section. ★ Pa...