
Ideal Related Articles
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Ideal Related Articles

By Ideal Extensions
Articles Display
Ideal Related Articles (iRelated) displays related articles to Joomla articles. Quickly increase your readers' engagement with your articles by adding Ideal Related Articles inside your content. Automatically added Related Articles can increase your internal traffic up to 10%. Just install and activate. To attract attention and improve SEO you can manually link out to Related Articles across the w...
Related Items Extended
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Related Items Extended

By TemplatePlazza
Articles Display
Related Items Extended is an enhanced version of standard Joomla core Related Articles module. It brings additional article functions such as thumbnail and themes, that will make easier for you to create a lot of layout possibilities by only changing and combining the backend parameters. Highlights - Match by Tag or Meta Keyword - Comes with 8 Pro Themes - Custom Field support - Slidebox Option...
RAXO Related Articles
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RAXO Related Articles

By RAXO Group
Articles Display
RAXO Related Articles is a feature-rich module to display related articles with automatically generated thumbnails. It helps to expand your article page with related content presented in a very attractive way to keep your site visitors engaged and make them stay longer on your site. Showing related articles below your article is a great way to keep visitors on your website. That’s why lots of we...
Ruxin Related Articles
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Ruxin Related Articles

By RuxinCode
Articles Display
Ruxin Related Articles is a powerful extension for Joomla that allows you to display a list of related articles on Joomla and K2 - Display Related Articles using tags or content in the same category - Ability to display Related articles anywhere in the text of the article using the Editor button (Shortcode) - Ability to automatically display Related Articles at the end of the article - Ability to...
Alter Articles
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Alter Articles

By AlterBrains
Article Elements
Expand functionality of Joomla articles with highly customizable map, gallery, attachments and related articles features. Admin can configure additional data in backend article edit page, each feature can either inherit global settings or use own individual settings per article. Common features: Each feature can be enabled/disabled for certain categories. You can setup the feature position: 'A...
Product related for Easy Shop

Product related for Easy Shop

By JoomTech
Shopping Cart
The EasyShop - product related allows you add the related products based on the product detail and an association feature helps you manage the related products easier. KEY FEATURES Related Associations Unlimited related products Three result display mode: on tab, module or after product detail page Display related products with carousel effect...
SV Related Articles
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SV Related Articles

By svtemplates
Articles Display
"SV Related Articles" is a Joomla module that displays other Articles that are related to the one currently being viewed. These relations are established by the Meta keywords. All the keywords of the current Article are searched against all the keywords of all other published Articles. The result is that if you are viewing an article with a meta keywords included * For example Joomla * will show a...
Single Item Redirect for K2

Single Item Redirect for K2

K2 extensions
K2 Single Item Redirect plugin it's a simple tool that prodivdes redirect from K2 category to Item. When you are clicking on category and there is only one item, then the plugin redirects to the item instead on category items view, so with this way user will skip one click. Checks 1) Can Skip Redirect if subcategories exists (Option) 2) Skips Redirect when has 0 items or more than 1 items (Auto...
Filterable Items for K2
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Filterable Items for K2

By Mostafa Shahiri
K2 extensions
Filterable Items for K2 is a simple module that displays K2 items as portfolios based on different filters.It is a very useful and applicable extension for news website,company websites,shopping websites or other websites that work with portfolios or filterable items. This module enables you to show K2 items based on different filters. You can set the options of this module to filter K2 items ba...


By Peter v.d. Hulst
Articles Display
Extranews plugin: Older,Newer,Related,Random,Popular,Lastest and Same Author Articles The original plugin for Joomla 1.5 - 3 has been created by Viet NguyenHoang but is not available online anymore. Peter v.d. Hulst has adapted the plugin for Joomla 4+, including some bug fixing and enhancement also for Joomla 3. Features: - Display a list below the article with Related (based on Meta Keywords...