Joomla! Extensions Directory


Instant Facebook Login
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Instant Facebook Login

By J!Extensions Store
Site Access
Adding a Facebook, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn social login and registration to your Joomla site has never been so easy thanks to Instant Facebook Login, now even GDPR compliant! It's the easiest and cheapest extension to add the ability to perform a social login and register using social accounts! Moreover Instant FBLogin includes a bunch of amazing social features and integrations with Facebook...
SAML 2.0 IDP for Joomla

SAML 2.0 IDP for Joomla

By miniOrange
Access & Security
Login using Joomla Users ( Joomla as SAML IDP ) provides SAML functionality for Joomla SSO. - The SAML Identity Provider plugin acts as a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IDP) which can be configured to establish trust between the Joomla site and various SAML 2.0 supported Service Providers to securely authenticate the user using the Joomla site credentials. Login with Joomla allows users residing on...
SAML SSO for Joomla

SAML SSO for Joomla

By miniOrange
Access & Security
Joomla SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) allows you to secure your Joomla site by allowing users to login into Joomla site by different SAML Identity Providers like Azure AD, Okta, GSuite / Google Apps, Keycloak, ADFS, Salesforce, Office 365, Shibboleth2, Shibboleth3, OneLogin, PingFederate, FusionAuth or any SAML compliant Identity Provider. Joomla SAML Single-Sign-On addresses the challenge of maintaini...
ArasJoomla Auto Login for Joomla

ArasJoomla Auto Login for Joomla

By arasjoomla
User Management
With this plugin will allow users to automatically login after successful registration. To run properly plugin must set New User Account Activation to None in user manage options. You can set custom message for display users after login and set Redirect Menu after login from Plugin parameters....
Digi Get Login

Digi Get Login

By Digigreg
User Management
This plugin allows you to login to Joomla! by a php GET request, so by an URL that contains Username and Password. Login by GET is useful to make APIs or to let users login in a web service, a web app or a smartphone app....
EV Front-end Admin navigation

EV Front-end Admin navigation

By EverLive.net
Admin Navigation
Get quick and easy access to your Joomla website back-end! EV Front-end Admin navigation is a Joomla plugin that brings your administration back-end in an easy to use overlay in front-end. If you are logged-in to front-end of your Joomla! website as an administrator, you do not need to login again in back-end. Joomla Admin from Front-end plugin brings your website back-end in an easy to use ove...
EUL - Easy User Login

EUL - Easy User Login

By Viktor Vogel
Site Access
With Easy User Login, administrators can log into other user accounts in the frontend. The plugin adds a login button in the overview of the User Manager in the backend. Both core templates (Isis and Hathor) are supported. After the login, the logged-in administrator can perform all the actions that the user can do with his normal login. For security reasons, only users from the 'Super Users' gro...
Auto Login Redirect
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Auto Login Redirect

By Mishel Naguib
Site Access
It is a login as user extension. New system that will help you ot give users one link to access your web site. No need for username or password. you can use it to login for both front and admin areas. you can use it to log as any user you want to test their ACL rights....
SCIM User Provisioning for Joomla

SCIM User Provisioning for Joomla

By miniOrange
User Management
User Sync / User Provisioning / User Management SCIM User Sync/provisioning plugin provides Automated user synchronization from the identity provider to Joomla. SCIM User Provisioning provides SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) capability to your Joomla site, converting it to a SCIM compliant endpoint that can be configured with any identity provider supporting SCIM protocol. As...
CC Login

CC Login

By Jensen Technologies
Site Access
CC Login is a social login extension for Joomla that has been written by the team behind Component Creator. You can enable login/registration using: Facebook Google GitHub Need another network? No problem, we can develop it for you. No Bloat The extension is developed using the exact Joomla specifications and contains no bloat. No extra Javascript or CSS libraries are loaded and the PHP code...
JT Elegant Login
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JT Elegant Login

By Joomlatema.net
Site Access
JT Elegant Login extension is Login and Sign Up form for joomla. It has a nice animation effect for both login and sign up form. You can use it instead of standart joomla login-signup form of your site. It can be installed as a joomla module and can be used instead of standart joomla login-signup form. Features: Joomla 3.x compatible Login Button Title Login Button Pretext Signup Button Title...
OAuth Login

OAuth Login

By TheAlex7r
Access & Security
This plugin automatically adds G Login button to each login form and allows to register and(or) login to Joomla with google account. Main features: - Profile photo imported on login - Profile link saved - Login into existing account (optional) - Register if has no account yet (optional)...
SAML SSO login with Google Apps

SAML SSO login with Google Apps

By miniOrange
Access & Security
**SAML SSO – Secure your website login by Google Apps Login which lets you Single Sign-On (SSO) into Joomla using Google credentials (G-Suite) for your users or employees. Users can do a One-Click Login to their Joomla account with their Google Credentials, thus eliminating the need to remember multiple sets of usernames & passwords. This plugin also has support to map roles and user attributes...
RO Single Sign On
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RO Single Sign On

By RolandD Cyber Produksi
Site Access
RO Single Sign On is an SSO solution that allows your Joomla site to act as a service provider and use the login from a trusted identity provider. You can even turn your Joomla site into your own identity provider and become the single place where you manage your users. Instead of using an external party like Google or Facebook to handle your authentication you can use your Joomla site as an Ide...
Single Sign-on

Single Sign-on

By Watchful LLC
Watchful Client extensions
This App works with the Watchful service. It allows you to synchronize and manage users across all of your Watchful-powered websites. It is commonly used by web developers to control access the backend of a Joomla site for ongoing maintenance. By using this app, you no longer need to create users on individual sites for yourself and your staff....
JMP Social Login
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JMP Social Login

By JoomHelper
Site Access
JMP Social is used so that users can quickly register or login on your site if using their social network accounts: Facebook, Google, Twitter and VK Facebook Login, Google Login, Twitter Login, VK Login...
JMG Login Hash Url
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JMG Login Hash Url

Access & Security
Use a Hash in the URL to Authenticate Logins to your Joomla Website. This extension uses a secret hash (appended to the URL) to automatically authenticate the user. Authenticating users using a hash in the URL means that by having something like http://www.yourjoomlawebsite.com/index.php?loginhash=[secrethash] will allow you to login to the website without entering any username and password (prov...
miniOrange User Provisioning with Azure for Joomla

miniOrange User Provisioning with Azure for Joomla

By miniOrange
User Management
miniOrange User Provisioning with Azure for Joomla | Joomla Azure User Sync miniOrange User Provisioning with Azure for Joomla allows to perform a bi-directional synchronization of users from Azure AD to Joomla and vice-versa. The plugin automatically updates a user’s profile present on Azure AD once a user is created, updated, or deleted on Joomla. It also provides an option to sync all the us...