Editing an Extension

If you are the owner of a listed extension you may from time to time wish to modify the information detailed in your extension listing. To do so you must be logged into the site.

  1. Once logged in, either navigate to the category where your extension is submitted to or by clicking the My Page link that is available from the main menu. Once you see your extension, you will find a blue Edit link beside your extension name. Click on that link to edit your extension.
  2. The edit listing form is similar to the form you get when you initially submit your listings. Again, all fields in bold are required.
  3. Once you have completed editing the changes, click the "Submit" button to save your changes. Your changes are reflected immediately in Joomla! Extensions Directory.
  4. An extension will be listed in Recently Updated list only when they update their version number. Developers are advised to update their extension's version number only when they have a new release.

Deleting an Extension

Extension removal can only be done by a JED Team member. To have one of your extensions removed submit a request via the Support Ticket system. Once your request is processed we will archive your extension for you.