IPrice PopUp news

Simple and fast module allows you to display the site news (text HTML or the latest article from a specific categories) in a pop-up window when loading the page of the site. The news will be shown to the site user only once, until you change the text of the news or create a new article in the categories specified in the module parameters. Also, the user can click the "Remind me later" button, while the news will be displayed to the user again at interval set in the parameters of the module.
version 1.0.4: Added parameters "Minimum window width" and "Maximum window width" for the news window.
version 1.0.3: An option has been added that allows you to place arbitrary text under the article or above the article in the pop-up news window.
version 1.0.2: Added option "Article title is link to the article". If 'yes', then the title of the article in the news links to the original article.
version 1.0.1: Added the button "Remind me later" to the popup window with site news. When the user click on this button, then the same popup news will be displayed for the user again after the remind period expired. You can set the remind period in the module parameters.