
Social Web, Social Share

The Social Media Share module displays social media icons that visitors can click to share a page with their own social network via social media. The module has 6 Icomoon icons (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Email and Pinterest) that can be styled via CSS or make use of the Layout Override for Font Awesome icons.

Social Media Share module


Most Social Media extensions had too much options for me. Some of them download JavaScript from external sites and call back to social media sites to show how many of your friends have shared / liked the page. Besides of a performance decrease because of the loading, it can also cause privacy issues. Therefore I created a small social media share module with only the functionality that I needed.

Share button only

This Module displays Icons with hyperlinks to make it easier to share the page via Social Media. It does not use JavaScript, nor does it communicate any information to the social media websites if the buttons are NOT clicked. When a visitor clicks on one of the buttons, it opens a small window from that social media. The visitor can change the text and link to your page, and share it with their friends.

Easy configuration

In the back-end of the Module you can configure the order of the buttons and visibility (to make an icon invisible, set order to "0").

Image icons or CSS icons

You can choose between Image icons that are optimized for accessibility or CSS icons. When you choose CSS icons, you can load the default CSS, or choose to add the CSS to your own template CSS (for better performance). An url to an image (e.g. your logo) can be set in the "
URL of Logo for Pinterest" field.


db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.7.0 [13-April-2017]

Accessibility + Added icons

db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.6.0 [31-March-2015]

Conditional loading CSS + "Fontawesome" Alternative Layout

db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.4 [18-April-2014]

Moved the CSS import to the tmpl file so that template overrides will be easier. Added minified version of CSS.

db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.3 [17-April-2014]

Fixed for automatic future update notifications & one-click-update functionality

db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.2 [16-April-2014]

Added information screen to Module back-end with links to documentation and github.

db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.1 [16-April-2014]

Has 6 icons for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Email and Pinterest. The icon images have been replaced with icomoon icons made with

db8 Social Media Share J3.x v1.0 [6-February-2014]

Added 1st version to github with 4 image icons for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Simple and easy

Posted on 18 August 2015
It does exactly what is has to do, simple and easy
Ease of use
Install it and publish it on the pages you want, that's it.
No support needed
Didn't have to use it.
I used this to: sharing the page on social media

almost excellent

Posted on 13 March 2015
perfect, nice icons wich will be set wherever you want with a module, only I miss instagram
Ease of use
Easy, only you wont see this at your plugins but as a module
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db8 Social Media Share

Peter Martin
Last updated:
Apr 13 2017
7 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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