BA News Ticker
The module adds a News Ticker with which you can create Articles tickers with updates and news in every positions of your Joomla site. This module is especially useful for displaying news headlines in magazine and news websites. You can control and adjust the style of the bar from the admin panel.
- Responsive and friendly to any mobile devices
- You can use it to display News, Breaking News, Offers, Notice, Testimonials, Messages.
- 3 Types: Slider, Typewrite, and Marquee
- 25+ predefined Themes and Custom Styling Option.
- Can specify speed, size, styles and many other parameters
- Put Heading & News texts in any language.
- Lightweight, Fast and Robust
- Comfortable to use multiple instances of the module on a page with module ID generated automatically
- SEO friendly & optimized for speed
- Unlimited Color and Styling options
- Easy and friendly administration
- Possibility to display module within article content using loadposition plugin
- Ability to use articles from joomla content categories or articles ID’s
- Supports auto-play mode
- Used native JavaScript: No framework required
- Fully compatible: Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome
BA News Ticker
- Version:
- 2.0.6
- Developer:
- Last updated:
Feb 17 2025
3 weeks ago - Date added:
- Nov 06 2022
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5