
Slideshow, Greetings, Landing pages, Page Background, OnePage Design extensions

Geek Landing Page Builder Plugin allows you to easily create an impressive and highly effective landing page on your site just in some simple steps. It is very useful in case you want to quickly build a landing page to promote your new product or new campaign on your site without requiring redirecting to another page. Since it comes as a standard Joomla plugin, the plugin tolerates publishing a landing page to specific Joomla pages which is much easier than using an external micro website as a landing page.

Main features:

Easy and Powerful Backend
More flexible, powerful, and friendly than anything out there! Faster and easier visual editor for building creative landing pages. The plugin offers you very easy to use drag and drop landing page builder which is good enough even for a complete newbie. All changes are being made on the fly and the content shows up on your display is exactly the way it will be when it is published.

Responsive Design
Geek landing page builder plugin is completely responsive and your landing page created with this landing page plugin will look great in all devices and screen sizes.

Easily Manage Screenplay
Good combination of landing page content structure and animations will elicit the perfect emotional response from the audiences. There are 30+ built-in animations integrated in plugin which are intended to attract attention and entice users to take an action, like clicking on the banner to see more about the product or service.

Other Features

  • Extremely powerful Visual Layer Editor
  • Easily create your own layout and design content
  • Easily manage screenplay
  • Support many useful elements: Headings, Custom HTML, Image, Buttons, YouTube video, Vimeo video and 500+ built-in icons for various use purpose.
  • Support various background types including video background, image background, solid color background and gradient color background
  • Support add mask over the background
  • Set Background Opacity
  • Support create landing pages from built-in profiles (sample package)
  • Fully Responsive
  • Fullscreen scrolling pages
  • Supports 2 scrolling direction
  • Supports Keyboard scrolling
  • Controls displaying frequency
  • Set transition effect between the pages
  • Built-in 30+ Animation
  • Flexible page assignment system
  • Full settings of navigation control
  • Allows to load modules and module positions on pages. (NEW)
  • Auto close landing page after a specified number of seconds
  • Support Google Fonts
  • Automatically cycling a page
  • Parallax Scrolling

What can you do with a Geek Landing Page plugin?

  • Builds a landing page to promote a product, service or campaign.
  • Creates a splash page for Xmas, New Year, Thanksgiving, ...
  • Creates a greeting box to quickly introduce about your site
  • Creates an animated infographic slides
  • Coming soon page
  • Offline page
  • Fullscreen slider
  • ...


Version 4.0.3 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Jan 11, 2024
- Fixed. the setting "overflow auto" of Paragraph element not work on Firefox and iOS devices (scroll bar is invisible).

Version 4.0.2 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Jan 04, 2024
- Fixed. bug when selecting module position.

Version 4.0.1 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Jan 03, 2024
- Fixed. The Properties Form displays incorrect active tab.

Version 4.0.0 - Joomla! 5 Upgrade
Release Date: Oct 20, 2023
- Updated. compatibility with Joomla 5.0.0.
- Fixed. language texts that contain double quotes.
- Improved. Visual Layer Editor.

Version 3.9.0 - Improvement release
Release Date: Feb 04, 2023
- Improved. Updates plugin to work independently with responsive CSS classes of Bootstrap. This change helps the plugin can work well on all Bootstrap versions.

Version 3.8.5 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Jan 21, 2023
- Fixed. error when open profile in Joomla! 4.

Version 3.8.4 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Apr 18, 2022
- Fixed. error background image not work if file name contains spaces (in Joomla! 4).

Version 3.8.3 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Apr 06, 2022
- Fixed. css error Invalid Property Value.

Version 3.8.2 - New Feature release
Release Date: Mar 01, 2022
- New. Auto Close when users scroll down in the last section.
- Fixed. bug Youtube autoplay not work.

Version 3.8.1 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Oct 05, 2021
- Fixed. error images does not show in Layer Editor in Joomla 4!

Version 3.8.0 - New Features release
Release Date: Jun 21, 2021
- Updated. compatibility with Joomla 4 RC2.
- Updated. some minor improvements.

Version 3.7.7 - New Features release
Release Date: Oct 21, 2020
- New. Add button that enables users to put browser in full screen mode.
- New. Upgrade Mobile Detect Library to the latest version 2.8.34.

Version 3.7.5 - Improvement & Bug Fix release
Release Date: Sep 08, 2019
- Fix. bug landing page does not display well on mobile portrait mode.
- Fix. some css issue.

Version 3.7.3 - New Feature & Improvement release
Release Date: Apr 02, 2019
- New. Add custom code into head section (Google analytics code, open graph tags, etc.).
- New. Only display a landing page if the URL contains a specific parameter (E.g: utm_source=google).
- Updated. Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.33.

Version 3.7.2 - Improvements release
Release Date: Jan 01, 2019
- Update. Skip to content button.
- Update. to compatible with Joomla 4.0 Alpha 5.

Version 3.7.1 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: Oct 08, 2018
- Fix. error on Joomla 3.7 and older versions of Joomla.

Version 3.7.0 - New Feature & Improvement release
Release Date: Aug 13, 2018
- Updated. to compatible with Joomla! 4.0 Alpha 4 and Bootstrap 4.
- Updated. jquery.mb.YTPlayer to 3.2.5.
- Fixed. background video startAt setting does not work correctly.

Version 3.6.0 - New Feature & Improvement release
Release Date: Jun 19, 2018
- New. Test run animations in backend.
- Improved. Apply code feature.
- Improved. Layer Editor UI.

Version 3.5.0 - Improvements & Bug fixes release
Release Date: Apr 24, 2018
- FullPage.js updated to 2.9.7.
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer updated to 3.2.1.
- Velocity.js updated to 1.5.1.
- Improved. Display a countdown message for when landing page opened.
- Fixed. Scrollbar doesn't work on mobile if set overflow property is auto.

Version 3.4.8 - New Features & Bug fixes release
Release Date: Feb 05, 2018

  • New. Turn on / off landing page on specific devices.
  • New. Set position of content area.
  • Fixed. Menu doesn't work if navigation is disabled.

Version 3.4.5 - Improvements & Bug fixes release
Release Date: Jul 12, 2017

  • Update. FullPage library to version 2.9.4.
  • Update. mb.YTPlayer library to version 3.0.20.
  • Fixed. Background video sometimes display as a small box on top left corner of page.
  • Fixed. Small CSS error on Joomla 3.7.3

Version 3.4.2 - New Feature release
Release Date: Apr 20, 2017
- New. Set different Access Levels for each landing page.
- New. Add custom css to landing page.

Version 3.4.1 - Bug fix release
Release Date: Mar 10, 2017
- Fixed. Skip to content button displays under the countdown message

Version 3.4.0 - New Features release
Release Date: Feb 14, 2017
- New. Set background opacity
- New. Add Parallax Scrolling Background Image effect

Version 3.3.2 - Improvement release
Release Date: January 16, 2017
- Improved. Displaying and scrolling on mobile landscape view

Version 3.3.1 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: December 30, 2016
- Fixed. Sample data is not stored properly in database

Version 3.3.0 - New Features & Improvements release
Release Date: Nov 02, 2016
- New. Set transition effect between the pages
- New. Set a scrolling speed
- New. Insert custom content on Header and Footer of landing page
- New. Enable a scroll bar for vertical mode
- Improved. Upgrade Fullpage.js library to version 2.8.8
- Improved. Add cookie path

Version 3.2.0 - Improvements release
Release Date: Aug 01, 2016
- Improved. Mobile Portrait View

Version 3.1.0 - New Features & Improvements release
Release Date: Jul 01, 2016
- New. Support Google fonts and set font family for landing page elements
- New. Add an option of Automatically cycling a page. The option allows each page of a series to load automatically after a specified time
- New. Add 20+ effects for closing landing page
- New. Add option to display landing page as a part of main web page.
- Improved. Add new "Overflow" param for element type Custom HTML, Module and Module Position to allow user specifies what happens if content overflows an element's box.
- Improved. Display a message to notify that the be will be automatically closed
- Fixed. Sound of video still plays when page is not opened

Version 3.0.2 - Bug Fix release
Release Date: May 27, 2016
- Fixed. Error on Joomla 3.2
Version 3.0.1 - New Features & Improvements release
Release Date: Apr 23, 2016
- New Feature - Auto close landing page after a specified number of seconds
- Added - new parameter to show/hide footer text
Version 3.0.0 - New Features & Improvements release
Release Date: Apr 13, 2016
- New - Allow to insert link of Youtube video as backdrops to make the pages more appealing to the eye. The feature is developed by integration of jquery.mb.YTPlayer library by pupunzi
- New - Plugin comes packaged with free some stunning build-in profiles. Simply grab a profile, change the background or content then make it look just right.
- New - Add top menu navigation
- New - Add new parameter to turn ON/OFF loading Bootstrap Framework
- New - Add mask over background
- Improved - Add new visibility settings for border color, border style, border radius and border width
- Improved - Add set of parameters to customize Heading element : text background color, font-size, text shadow and text padding.
- Improved - Turn ON/ OFF background color of layer editor via a Toggle button
- Improved - Replaces collapsible content panels of page management section with tab
- Improved - Add new settings for element type icon
- Improved - Allow to add link to image
- Improved - Add style for footer text and navigation bar
- Fixed - Image is not shown when using absolute url for images
- Fixed - Can not find module from module list
- Fixed - Display blank page

Version 2.6.0 - New Features & Improvements release (Read More)
Release Date: Feb 17, 2016
- ADDED: New feature to Visual Layer Editor what supports to display only elements what are shown on selected device (Learn More).
- IMPROVED: to display better on mobile devices.
- IMPROVED: element type module to help user selects module name easier
- IMPROVED: element type module position to help user selects module position easier
- ADDED: new button types for navigation buttons what can be used to move to next or previous sections of landing page
- FIXED: Visual Layer Editor does not display image if site is located in sub folder of web document root

Version 2.5.1 - Bux fixes release
Release Date: Jan 01, 2016
- Fixed: Cut off main content if site use fixed header.
- Fixed: display blank section if Displaying delay parammeter is set to 0

Version 2.5.0 - New Features release
Release Date: Dec 23, 2015
- NEW: Support to create multiple landing pages (See documentation).
- NEW: Allow user can view source code of Visual Layer Editor (See documentation).
- ADDED: setting to display footer text at the bottom of landing page

Version 2.1.0 - New Features and Improvements release
Release Date: Oct 29, 2015
- NEW!: Add new elements what allows to load modules and module positions on pages.
- ADDED. new option to display landing page immediately on load without delay and Appear effect.
- IMPROVEMENT. hide navigation if has only one page.

Version 2.0.0
Release Date: Sep 06, 2015
- NEW!: Uses Geek Layer Editor to manage page's content - Watch video
- NEW: Uses Velocity javascript library for animation instead of Animate.css
- IMPROVEMENT: Switch page animation effect
- IMPORTANT: Since new version uses Geek Layer Editor to manage page's content instead of normal Joomla editor that used in previous versions, so you need to update plugin content after upgrade plugin to new version

Version 1.0.1
Release Date: Aug 09, 2015
- Fixed. Returns wrong background URL of slides if Joomla site is placed inside a sub folder of Document root

Adds a page before the home page. This page is customizable with many settings. It can be different depending on the device.
Ease of use
The use is a little tricky, but I'm not sure we can do better. I used it a first time without reading the documentation.
very good support at JoomlaGeek. I also use Geek Elasticsearch so I already knew I could be helped.
I didn't read all the documentation, but I found what I was looking for.
Value for money
The result is very good for a very reasonable investment.
I used this to: I used this extension for a shop site for a winery.
Works very well "out of the box" - though the [friendly] developers are all too keen to add new features or incorporate suggestions.
Ease of use
The "drag 'n' drop" interface works well. The whole process is very intuitive.
Totally incredible. Fast, helpful and friendly. What more could you want?
Good - with a good video showing most of its current features.
Value for money
Get the "Developer" package: with the current offer, it's a fantastic deal!
I used this to: Though this plugin doesn't have the marketing/CRM functions that other Landing Page extensions may offer, it does allow you to easily create these additional marketing pages.
It does everything advertised. I was happy with the workflow and the results.
Ease of use
It took no time to get started. Saving was a bit odd for multiple profiles at first, but I figured it out. Very easy!
I was confused about saving a profile when I set up for multiple pages, but their forum helped.The initial howto video was really helpfull
The page has been helpful for my few questions.
Value for money
Definitely worth it for this price.
I used this to: Advertisement landing page on our company website, and main homepage landing page so far. I've just begun...

Very Good

Posted on 05 January 2016
Think Weebly/Illustrator. A unique way to create content like a designer. Elements can be moved and animated. What I have been waiting for.
Ease of use
As simple as any creating a document in PowerPoint and almost as flexible. For a non coder, this provides huge possibilities.
Support was outstanding. Developers had written a fix (2.5.1) within hours of me contacting them. Seem eager to provide a super service.
Very straight forward. Forum provides answers for any additional questions and followups.
Value for money
Well worth the small price paid. No regrets.
I used this to: Creating a visually rich landing page. Replaces pop ups as well as I can create targeted messages that look good.
Geek Elasticsearch
Paid download

Geek Elasticsearch

By JoomlaGeek
Site Search
HIGH PERFORMANCE SEARCH FOR JOOMLA! Geek ElasticSearch is the most powerful, extremely fast, highly relevant and flexible search and filter system for your Joomla site. Our extension uses the Elasticsearch engine - a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine to index data and perform the search. Hence, it is possible to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quick...
Geek OpenStreetMap
Paid download

Geek OpenStreetMap

By JoomlaGeek
Maps & Locations
Geek OpenStreetMap Module allows you to easily integrate OpenStreetMap into your website. It comes with a simple-to-use back-end control panel and various advanced settings to help you be able to easily customize a map to fit your requirements. MAIN FEATURES Multiple data sources Module allows you to load markers from multiple data sources including managed list, GeoJSON files, articles and wo...
Geek Masthead

Geek Masthead

By JoomlaGeek
Geek Masthead is used to display a masthead with titles, images, videos and a short description. Supports various background types: - Video Background (MP4, WebM, Ogg) - Image Background - Solid Background - Gradient Background (Linear & Radial) - Add mask over background - Support mask image and mask color - Set text color and text shadow color for text ChangeLog Version 1.1.0 - New Feature & I...
Geek Form Builder
Paid download

Geek Form Builder

By JoomlaGeek
If you are looking for a tool to help you create customer survey, application form, contact form ... for your Joomla site, Geek Form Builder component is all you need. The Joomla extension is easy-to-use form builder with lots of useful features, intuitive and drag-n-drop configuration panel will help you build professional forms in just some simple clicks. Highlight Features: Powerful Form Buil...
Geek Google Map
Paid download

Geek Google Map

By JoomlaGeek
Maps & Locations
Geek Googlemap Module allows you to easily integrate Google Maps into your site. It comes with a simple-to-use back-end control panel and various advanced settings to helps you be able to easily customize a map to fit your website. Main Features: - Supports various map types are: Road Map, Satellite Map, Hybrid Map, Terrain Map. - Supports multiple pointers. - Supports get maker list from data fi...
Geek Facebook Chatbot
Paid download

Geek Facebook Chatbot

By JoomlaGeek
Live Support
Geek Facebook Chatbot is a Joomla component that dipped its foot into the world of artificial intelligence by offering a customer support and online service. The component enables you to handle unlimited number of customer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week processing data and assisting customers.The component automatically acts on its own by delivering the most relevant answers to the customers. The...
Geek Layer Slider
Paid download

Geek Layer Slider

By JoomlaGeek
Geek Layer Slider - Joomla Extension is a premium responsive layer slider module for mobile and desktop. The extension has a beautiful and friendly backend interface supporting modern features like drag n’drop, real-time preview and transaction builder for custom animations. It comes with the idea of device friendly mode with fully responsive, multiple layouts on mobile devices. You can create s...
Geek Image Annotation
Paid download

Geek Image Annotation

By JoomlaGeek
A Joomla module allows you to add unlimited annotations to specific areas that you want to point out on your image, to make the image more informative. Web designers can use informative images to model new apps, softwares, games, or many other products! Easy to manage annotations with Drag & Drop function The Drag & Drop feature enables you to easily add annotation to any position of your image....
Geek Sliding Puzzle

Geek Sliding Puzzle

By JoomlaGeek
Board & Table Games
Geek Sliding Puzzle helps you to easily integrate sliding puzzles into your web page. You can use it for your promotion campaign to hide promotion code to users and they need to solve a puzzle to unlock this information, or you can simple use it to make some fun for your website to keep users stay longer on your site. Features: Three difficulty levels Select multiple images and show a random...
Geek Camera Slideshow
Paid download

Geek Camera Slideshow

By JoomlaGeek
Geek Camera Module is an awesome responsive slideshow with data source is from articles or selected images. It comes with full settings consisting of transition effects, skins, loader and navigation control to help you easily get a nice slideshow that fits the design of your site. Main Features: - Responsive slideshow and mobile friendly - Supports to get data from Articles and Images - Get artil...
Geek Popup

Geek Popup

By JoomlaGeek
Geek Popup Plugin allows users to easily check all images in an article by automatically grouping all images in article into a simple gallery on top or bottom of article's body. You can also enable plugin for the category listing view, and it is really useful for listing website that built with Content component such as blog, real estate, car dealing, etc ... Supports 2 Integration modes: Automa...
Geek Facebook Embed

Geek Facebook Embed

By JoomlaGeek
Social Display
Geek FacebookEmbed module allows you to embed Facebook post and video from Facebook page on your site. Supports embed multi posts from Facebook page Supports embed single post Supports embed single video Built-in 2 layouts: Grid and Carousel CHANGELOG Version 1.2.1 Release Date: Aug 7, 2018 - Improved. Display detailed error message if can't get data from Facebook. - Improved. Add information...
Geek Article Utilities

Geek Article Utilities

By JoomlaGeek
Articles Sharing
Geek Article Utilities Plugin provides the most commonly features in an article including Disqus comment, social sharing buttons, Facebook comment and Open Graph meta tags. You can easily enable plugin for specific categories and articles via 2 integration modes With the solid features that this plugin could bring, this must be a perfect choice to replace many other utility extensions on your site...
Geek YouTube
Paid download

Geek YouTube

By JoomlaGeek
Mass Content
Search and import resources from YouTube into Joomla as articles. It comes with advanced import page and supports ajax-based workflow which allows you can easily find resources, configure parameters for articles and do import items on the same screen. With Geek YouTube component, you will find importing content has never been so easy and happy like that. It not only help to import content but also...
Geek Snow Storm

Geek Snow Storm

By JoomlaGeek
Decorate your website with snow falling effect. - Support 2 snowflake modes: Image and circle - Select image for snowflake - Set color for snowflake - Snow movement can respond to user's mouse - Set size of snowflake - Set maximum number of snowflakes - Ability to enable/disable plugin on mobile CHANGELOGS Version 1.2.0 - Joomla! 5 Upgrade Release Date: Oct 24, 2023 - Upgraded. compatibility wit...
Geek Infinite Scrolling Image Grid
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Geek Infinite Scrolling Image Grid

By JoomlaGeek
Photos & Images
A Joomla module that enables users to create infinite scrolling image grid on websites, which replaces traditional sliders to make web page look much more impressive. The module's rich back-end configuration will cover all built-in functionalities such as: scrolling control, thumbnail creation mode, images size, image filters and much more. Main Features Sets scrolling direction and duration. D...
Geek Content Blocks
Paid download

Geek Content Blocks

By JoomlaGeek
Content Construction
Geek Content Blocks component enables you to create reusable content blocks and boilerplate texts, then using them to quickly create articles and other content such as Custom HTML module, VirtueMart product’s description, EasyBlog post’s content, etc… You can create any content blocks that you frequently use in your website such as Bootstrap Grid, Product template, Video block, Quote block,...

Geek Landing Page

Last updated:
Jun 03 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Aug 05 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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