Search Query for SEBLOD

Search Query for SEBLOD construct an SQL query in your search form so that you can retrieve a list of items from any table in your database.
• Construct powerful custom SQL queries
• Return a list of non-SEBLOD items from your database
This plugin allows you to construct an SQL query in your search form so that you can retrieve a list of items from any table in your database. Please note that this plugin requires a working knowledge of how to construct an SQL query. While we have provided some worked examples below, please be confident in your ability to construct SQL queries before purchasing this plugin. There are resources for learning SQL available online at W3Schools.
View the tutorial "Using the SEBLOD Search Query Field Plugin" to see how to use this plugin :
Example 1 - return items from 1 table, where the Search Query field is the only filter in your Search Form. In this example we are specifically returning a list of Joomla menu items. The "AND access IN ($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())" line is ensuring that only the menu items that the user is authorised to view, based on their Joomla Access Level, are returned.
SELECT title, id, level, link, menutype, note, params, type FROM #__menu
WHERE type IN ("alias","component","url")
AND published = 1
AND access IN ($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())
AND menutype = "mainmenu"
ORDER BY menutype ASC, lft ASC
Example 2 - return a list of items from 1 table, where you have the Search Query field and other filters in your Search Form. In this example we letting the user enter some key words (using a SEBLOD field), and select a menu (also using a SEBLOD field), and then returning all the Joomla menu items that meet all of the criteria.
SELECT title, id, level, link, menutype, note, params, type FROM #__menu
WHERE type IN ("alias","component","url")
AND published = 1
AND access IN ($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())
AND [MATCH]title||$uri->getValue('sebkeywords')[/MATCH]
AND [MATCH]menutype||$uri->getValue('sebmenu')[/MATCH]
ORDER BY menutype ASC, lft ASC
Example 3 - return items from 2 different tables. In this example we are returning Kuena Forum posts and some Joomla article content.
SELECT AS myid, a.title AS mytitle, a.alias AS myalias,
b.longdesc AS mysnippet, c.title AS mycategory, "Content" AS mytype
FROM #content AS a
LEFT JOIN #cckstoreitemcontent AS b ON =
LEFT JOIN #categories AS c ON = a.catid
WHERE a.state = 1
AND a.access IN ($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())
AND [MATCH]b.longdesc||$uri->getValue('sebgenericsearchkeyword')[/MATCH]
SELECT a.thread AS myid, a.subject AS mytitle, c.alias AS myalias,
b.message AS mysnippet, AS mycategory, "Forum" AS mytype
FROM #kunenamessages AS a
LEFT JOIN #kunenamessagestext AS b ON b.mesid =
LEFT JOIN #kunenacategories AS c ON = a.catid
WHERE a.hold = 0
AND [MATCH]b.message||$uri->getValue('sebgenericsearchkeyword')[/MATCH]
Search Query for SEBLOD construit une requête dans votre formulaire de recherche de sorte que vous pouvez récupérer une liste d’éléments de n’importe quelle table de votre base de données.
• Construit de puissantes requêtes SQL personnalisées
• Restitue une liste des éléments non-SEBLOD à partir de votre base de données
Ce plugin vous permet de construire une requête SQL dans votre formulaire de recherche de sorte que vous pouvez récupérer une liste d’éléments de n’importe quelle table de votre base de données. Veuillez noter que ce plugin nécessite une connaissance pratique de la façon de construire une requête SQL. Alors que nous avons fourni quelques exemples de travail ci-dessous, veuillez vous assurer de votre capacité à construire des requêtes SQL avant d'acheter ce plugin. Il y a des ressources pour l'apprentissage SQL disponible en ligne à W3Schools.
Regardez le tutoriel "Using the SEBLOD Search Query Field Plugin" pour comprendre comment utiliser ce plugin :
Search Query for SEBLOD
- Version:
- 1.7.0
- Developer:
- Octopoos
- Last updated:
Jun 06 2023
1 year ago - Date added:
- Jul 31 2015
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4