
Polls, Question & Answers

Since Joomla has removed Poll manager we decided to make a one for Joomla! One vote per IP per Poll. Poll can be enabled and disable from back-end, future function include auto poll disable when any of the answer's value reaches 100.

Since Joomla has removed Poll manager we decided to make a one for Joomla! One vote per IP per Poll. Poll can be enabled and disable from back-end, future function include auto poll disable when any of the answer's value reaches 100.

Very bad

Posted on 13 December 2019
It it looks like not working in general. Voicing not working. The poll question limitation by 4 answers.
Its looks like abandoned project.
Ease of use
It is easy to use. Module is easy use, component also without question
I used this to: Of course for polls. Nothing more. But it not working in Joomla 3
Owner's reply: Hi,
First of all accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by the errors, we are currently working on the extension and are updating it, you are right there are few bugs in the extension that is why we have written on the download page of the extension "Extension may have few errors please contact help desk to have them resolved". When we started this extension we decided that it would be simple poll manager but other requirements started coming in due to which we had to hold the update. We will be releasing the next update real soon.

Once again our apologies for the inconvenience caused by the errors.
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Poll Manager

Bilal Kabeer Butt
Last updated:
May 18 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Apr 18 2019
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m

Uses Joomla! Update System


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