Structure & Navigation

GiMeSpace Bootstrapped Menu

GiMeSpace Bootstrapped Menu

By GiMeSpace
Menu Systems
The standard Joomla menu does not add the specific bootstrap code to style the menu in Bootstrap style. This module will add the required code making a menu show correctly with bootstrap dropdowns. Also menu seperators between menu items are shown correctly. To keep it light weight it only uses the standard Bootstrap 5 javascript and because of that it supports only one level dropdowns. This is pr...
BreadCrumbs Advanced

BreadCrumbs Advanced

Site Navigation
BreadCrumbs Advanced for Joomla! 3.x/4.x is a module which replaces the default breadcrumbs module from the Joomla! installation. It supports all default breadcrumb options but with several extras. With the BreadCrumbs Advanced module you can set the breadcrumbs options just like the default module but this one has some extra functions added to it. When you want extra animated effects for your br...
Matic menu

Matic menu

Menu Systems
MenuMatic is a MooTools 1.x class that takes a sematic ordered or unordered list of links and turns it into a dynamic drop down menu system. For users without javascript, it falls back on a CSS menu system based on Matthew Carroll's keyboard accessible flavor of Suckerfish Dropdowns by Patrick Griffiths and Dan Webb....
Scroll To CK

Scroll To CK

Site Navigation
Add a nice effect to scroll the page to enhance the visitor experience with a smooth animation when using the navigation. Scroll you page where you want, and when you go down you can activate the Go To Top button to come back to the top nicely. ** Features :** * Scroll to any element in the page (using its ID) * Works on any link, even in any menu * Easy to use, just add a css class to the link...
GiMeSpace Readmore Ajax Loader
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GiMeSpace Readmore Ajax Loader

By GiMeSpace
Site Navigation
This plugin enables you to load articles right in place where your Read More buttons and links are. So if you are in a Category Blog view, your users can quickly see the whole article without reloading a whole new page. It's possible to enable the option to also load articles in the Category List view. You can also make your own Ajax loading Readmore buttons. You can put for example a button in a...
J51 - Icons

J51 - Icons

By Joomla51
Content Links
Our J51 Icons module extension allows you to quickly and easily place a set of icons in a module position along with a title and caption for each. This module includes support for some of the most popular icon sets available including FontAwesome and Typicons. This in total gives you a massive 1300+ scalable vector icons to choose from. We have included a host of layout and styling options includi...
DC Responsive Fullscreen Menu Overlay

DC Responsive Fullscreen Menu Overlay

By CollectiveRay
Menu Systems
Create a responsive full screen overlay menu for your Joomla website It is becoming quite trendy to use a full screen responsive menu or overlay menu. Even large creative agencies have successfully used this. This menu is as responsive as something can get. The menu will look identical whether this is a desktop, a phone or a tablet - so it will look great on any device. This module makes it easy...
Menu Wrench

Menu Wrench

By Matt Thomas
Menu Systems
Throw a wrench at your Joomla menus! This module allows you to render selected menu items, from any Joomla menu, at any depth in the menu tree, and render them all as one menu. Some possibilities include: Render child menu items onto the same level as their parent. Render some, but not all, menu items in a Joomla menu. Render menu items from multiple Joomla menus as one menu. Never render selec...
Aimy Sitemap

Aimy Sitemap

By Aimy Extensions
Site Map
Create an XML sitemap of your website for search engines with the Aimy Sitemap generator. You may generate an HTML sitemap for your visitors as well. Support for Joomla! and third party content given without extra plugins. Have a look at the features and options you can use with this sitemap generator to create your sitemaps. Improve your SEO and website usability with this highly customizable an...
Page Scroller
Paid download

Page Scroller

By PulseExtensions Team
Site Navigation
Scroll your pages from bottom to top with help of easy module. Just Easy to configure install it make publish with all pages and Scroll your pages bottom to top with Help of JQuery altra Effect. ★ UPDATE 1.0 :- -> Now you will able to Enter any Text from administrator its display on Front Side like " Go to Top" , "Press me" , "Reach Top" etc... ★ UPDATE 1.2 :- -> Now you will able to set Ima...
Skyline Menu Pro
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Skyline Menu Pro

Menu Systems
Menu Pro is a powerful module for Joomla!. The module includes Mootools Dropdown and CSS3 Dropdown menus that not only works the same as mod_menu of Joomla but also supports plugins to diversify menu’s looks, such as Mootools Accordion, jQuery Accordion, jQuery Slide, CSS3 Mega and Mega Menu. With Menu Pro, you can easily handle a great amount of menu items by cleaning up a busy layout. The m...
Responsive SuperFish Touchbase Menu
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Responsive SuperFish Touchbase Menu

By OpenSource Technologies
Menu Systems
"Responsive SuperFish Touchbase Menu" is a module which support single and double click. "Responsive SuperFish Touchbase Menu" is a module which support single and double click.Usually in responsive design by clicking on parent menu single sub menu appears but if user want to see Parent menu page or link then he/she don't have any option. We understand it and through this module take care of...
Altra Juicy Menu
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Altra Juicy Menu

By PulseExtensions Team
Menu Systems
After I got a lot of feedback for the Altra Side Menu and Altra Top Menu, I had some new ideas for a similar some extra style. This large menu will contain some title and a description of the menu item. It will slide out from the bottom revealing the description text and some icon. We will use some CSS3 properties for some nice shadow effects and jQuery for the interaction. ★★ MAIN FEATURE...
JUX Accordion Menu
Paid download

JUX Accordion Menu

By JoomlaUX
Menu Systems
Accordion menus - a Joomla menu from the JoomlaUX team are used widely in navigation, sliding, minimizing, and maximizing content. Such accordions practically are expandable whenever needed. You can really save some space and be able to show a lot of information using this technique. Yes, and of course such sliding content is always great from the design point of view and giving your visitor uniq...
Altra Side Menu
Paid download

Altra Side Menu

By PulseExtensions Team
Menu Systems
Today I want to show you how to create an amazing slide out menu or navigation for your website. The navigation will be almost hidden – the items only slide out when the user hovers over the area next to them. This gives a beautiful effect and using this technique can spare you some space on your website. The items will be semi-transparent which means that content under them will not be complete...
JT Scroll to Top

JT Scroll to Top

Site Navigation
JT Scroll to Top adds a linked button with or without a text which appears when the users scroll down, and disappears when users reach the top of the page. Scroll to Top button quickly scrolls the page to the top once it is clicked. joomla 2.5.x and 3.x Version Smoothy Scroll to top effect. Adjust Scrolling speed. Customize Scroll to top button (Show-Hide text, change scroll speed, text, Backgro...
Menu Anchor

Menu Anchor

By DayCounts
Menu Systems
Add a deep link (anchor) to your menu items With this plugin, you can make your menu point to an anchor. For example, if you have a menu item that points to You can configure change this menu link to be This could be used to scroll down to an anchor in a page or open a tab or an accordion directly....
Smart Scroll Menu

Smart Scroll Menu

By Top Position
Menu Systems
This module is adapted from "DC jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu" for Joomla!. This module takes standard Joomla menus and turns them into vertical accordion menus. Some features: Ability to handle any number of levels Select either “click” or “hover” event State saving using cookies Set sub-menus to auto-expand on page load based on CSS class Allow all sub-menus to be expanded or auto-cl...