Site Management

OYL - Obscure Your Links

OYL - Obscure Your Links

By Viktor Vogel
Site Links
With Obscure Your Links you may obscure internal and external links. There are two obfuscation methods: manual and automatic redirections. With the manual method, you can manually obscure certain links. The linking is done via a self-selected alias. In the automatic method, all links by a specific domain are completely obscured and automatically redirected via an additional script. Manual Redirec...


The HitZero Plugin can reset the hit counter for single or multiple Joomla! articles. When creating a new article for your site and you want to be sure it looks good so - if you are like us - you test it as an online user. Sometimes this needs to be done multiple times before releasing it for public users. The downside is that your article hit counter isn't set to zero anymore but you are the onl...
Aimy H1 Heading

Aimy H1 Heading

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Easily repair any missing H1 headings of your Joomla! website and meanwhile improve your SEO without using a complicated template override. If the plugin cannot find an H1 on a page, it takes the first H2 and turns it into an H1. Moreover you can use a blacklist to set in which contexts the content should not be repaired. It also comes along with two useful, optional features: If you are not su...
IP Mapping

IP Mapping

By G S Chapman
This extension displays IP address locations within Google Map(s). It takes the ideas from a Joomla 1.5 extension Visitors Google Map Lite by Serdar Gokkus and builds upon the capability in a number of ways. It provides full Joomla 2.5/3/x compatibility and implements a fully functional back end component. It is possible to store IP addresses against specified 'reasons' and display these upon a G...
JExtBOX Google Analytics Tracker

JExtBOX Google Analytics Tracker

By Galaa
This plugin helps you to put Google's global site tag (gtag.js) or the Google tag (now) into front-end or back-end webpages and enables the functionality of tracking your users' web-browsing activity with Google Analytics. Just install, then input your website's Google Analytics ID and enable the plugin. The plugin has the following parameters which are used to configure it. The parameter for...
Marco's noFollow

Marco's noFollow

By marco maria leoni
SEO & Metadata
This plugin allows you to add "rel" and "target" attributes to all outgoing links in articles on your Joomla!, so you can avoid to disperse the Page Rank on the web by setting the attribute rel = "nofollow" on all outbound links, and you can keep visitors on your site by setting the target = "_blank" attribute. Configuration is very easy, simply select the action to be taken for the two attribute...
Shack Analytics
Paid download

Shack Analytics

By Joomlashack
The only thing you need to start collecting statistics is your Google Analytics ID. Add it to Shack Analytics and the Google Analytic code will be loaded on every page of your website. In addition to extra features to track site activity and allow user to accept cookies. User focused Google analytics control Loads your Google Analytics code on every page of your website. Compatible with the acce...
WISroGIS Visitors
Paid download

WISroGIS Visitors

The new Visitors plugin for Joomla 3 Plugin allows you to track your visitors and see exactly where the guests and registered users are coming from - live on the map! Geolocate now the site's traffic on the map, using the visitors' IP addresses and display the results on your customized maps, such as Google, Yahoo, OpenStreetMap and lots more. The WISroGIS Visitors Joomla system plugin allows you...
JT Save Redirect

JT Save Redirect

By JoomTut
URL Redirection
This plug-in allows to review or redirect you to a menu item page after submit or edit an article on frontpage. It is useful for creating many articles on the frontpage. JT Save Redirect is a simple plug-in for Joomla! 3.x Features Easy to install and using. Review after submit or edit an article. Redirect to a page or URL after submit or edit an article. Selectable menu item page to redirect....
Domain redirect

Domain redirect

By Xavier Spirlet
URL Redirection
This plugin loads at Joomla! startup and checks if the domain used in the URL matches the one specified in the parameters. If it does not, the plugin gracefully redirects the visitor to the exact same URL, replacing the domain with the preferred one. Useful if you can't (or won't) modify your .htaccess files for Apache redirection. Or if you can't write Rewrite Rules, just like me… Very littl...
Custom Canonical CK

Custom Canonical CK

SEO & Metadata
Multiple uses Use the Custom Canonical plugin to manage the canonical attribute and improve your SEO Woks in the menus articles categories tags Automatic tag It can manage automatically the tag for you and add it on every page of your website Need more ? Don't hesitate to contact us on the forum...
Google Analytics Dashboard

Google Analytics Dashboard

By Alin Marcu
Google Analytics Dashboard is a tracking plugin that will allow users to take advantage of the latest features provided by Google Analytics 4. Because website performance and page loading speed plays an important role in SEO, Google Analytics Dashboard will load the Google Analytics tracking code in asynchronous mode, without affecting your website performance. Google Analytics Dashboard main fe...
Cookies Pro

Cookies Pro

By Daniel Ariza
Cookie Control
Pixelpro presents Cookies Pro. A plug-in designed to request user permission before installing any storage device, whether the user's or third party (cookies), in the user's system. This plug-in blocks all cookies, for example, if we have an online shop and the user does not accept it, the user could encounter functionality problems with any processes that require them. This plug-in is free, co...
SEF Advance
Paid download

SEF Advance

By Emir Sakic
NEW: Now compatible with Joomla 3.x! SEF Advance is a Joomla SEF component which extends its built-in Search Engine Friendly URL fuctionality and raises it on a higher level. Instead of ordinary Joomla URLs which are often strange and inconsistent, you will get human friendly URLs in form of: Because URLs consist of meaningful keywords rather tha...


By Michael Richey
SEO & Metadata
Fine tune your SERP with Microdata Rich Snippet data in your breadcrumbs. Others have tried, and had moderate success. MicroBread delivers rich snippet data per the Microdata guidelines. This module replaces the existing breadcrumbs module. All functionality remains intact, with one additional layout file included for maximum Bootstrap compatibility. Your breadcrumbs will supercharge your SER...


By Buyanov Danila
SEO & Metadata
SEO-plugin for Joomla 2.5 and 3.0.x. Stable, simple and fast. Replaces the keywords in links. New service for automatic links on your site Filter syntax: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3=|title or keyword[1:2:3], other_keyword=|title...
Paid download


By GJC Web Design
This Joomla Plugin allows you, with just a short tag, to insert the number of page views (hits) of any article along with the linked title to the page. As well some standard text can be included before and after the page views number and a left or right float can be specified. New to this release the texts can come from the included language files allowing translation of the texts. Version 1.4 -...
Meta Robots

Meta Robots

By Michael Richey
SEO & Metadata
Add more Meta Robots options to Joomla Metadata parameters. A woman in the forums asked "Why can't I set noarchive in meta robots?" I thought to myself, yeah - what she said. Although a little complicated, it turns out that it can be done with minimal fuss. This plugin extends the follow/nofollow + index/noindex options to include unavailableafter, notranslate, noimageindex, noydir, noodp, nosn...