
Moonchip Skype Call Button in Article
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Moonchip Skype Call Button in Article

By Paul Rough
Online Status
Moonchip Skype Call Button in Article Skype button anywhere in your Joomla! articles Skype Call and Skype Chat functions Moonchip Skype Call Button in Article is a plugin that allows you put a Skype button anywhere in your Joomla! articles to allow users to call or chat to you via Skype. After installat...
Moonchip Skype Call Box
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Moonchip Skype Call Box

By Paul Rough
Online Status
Moonchip Skype Call Box Simple module that displays a skype button users can click to call or chat to you via skype Uses latest skype buttons and functions. Call and chat functions Edit button size and colour Moonchip Skype Call Box for Joomla is a simple module that allows you to display your Skype button and provide...
JJ Social Slider
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JJ Social Slider

By JoomJunk
Social Presence
Social Slider is a simple module that appears in a fixed position, either on the left or right hand side of your page. Upon hovering over an icon, the bar slides out using CSS3 transitions, providing a small caption which you can link to a social network page. The icons supported: Facebook X Youtube Steam Discord Instagram Email AND HUNDREDS MORE! We also support custom slides, allowing you t...
Aixeena Social Profiles Buttons

Aixeena Social Profiles Buttons

By Top Position
Social Presence
Aixeena Social Profiles Buttons is a module that allows you to display different social profiles into your website. This is the Aixeena Social Profiles Buttons module for Joomla 2.5 and joomla 3.x The module is fully configurable and can display the profiles of Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Linked In, Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Instagram, Tumbrl, Wordpress, Github and RSS. You can also include u...
Magic Social Icons
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Magic Social Icons

By Magic Point
Social Presence
This is a group of social media icons in an animation of pendulum. Don’t be anti-social! Use these social buttons for your website to boost traffic and to delight the visitors. Very well designed, small size and easy to use, adjust the size to your needs, change the link to your’s and they are ready for use. New Feature: From now you have possibility to load multiple instances of the same mod...
MD Linkedinprofile

MD Linkedinprofile

By Mardink Webdesign
Social Presence
MD Linkedinprofile is a simple module for Joomla! that shows a button to your linkedinprofile. The module has a few settings: Set the link for your linkedinprofile Different styles of buttons The module has the English and Dutch language. v1.0.2 Added module class suffix v1.1.0 Added update server v1.1.1 Buf fix release...
Moonchip Custom Social Icons
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Moonchip Custom Social Icons

By Paul Rough
Social Presence
Moonchip Custom Social Icons for Joomla! Design your own icons with the click of a button Complete control over shape, size and colour Millions of designs possible Moonchip Custom Social Icons is a set of 2 modules, one is profile icons that link to your social network pages and the other (bookmarking icons) allo...