
WT Content Image gallery

WT Content Image gallery

By Sergey Tolkachyov
WT Content Image Gallery for Joomla Image gallery plugins package for insertion into Joomla articles and modules, as well as wherever the content group plugins work. Create your own image gallery layouts. More info on developer site Shortcode {gallery}...{/gallery} - layout default {gallery tmpl=tmplname}...{/gallery} - layout tmplName.php in plugins/content/wtcontentimagegallery/tmpl Insertin...
JP CS DocMan for YOOtheme Pro
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JP CS DocMan for YOOtheme Pro

By Joomla Pro
DOCMan extensions
JP CS DocMan can use any YOOtheme element and integrate dynamic fields with DocMan. List your DocMan files and documents with a Grid, Accordion, List or Gallery!. Dynamic fields available is Title, Filename, Description, Category name, Date, Featured image, File Link, Downloads. With this you can build a beautiful file archive. Maybe a hub for manuals and data sheets, or maybe a large firmware zi...
JUX Watermark
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JUX Watermark

By JoomlaUX
Photos & Images
JUX Watermark Joomla Extension: Effortless Branding and Image Protection Across Every Element Elevate your Joomla website's visual appeal and protect your valuable images seamlessly with the JUX Watermark extension. This powerful tool empowers users to add logos or images to their visuals across articles, modules, and components, ensuring a consistent and professional presentation throughout the e...
NorrCompetition Image Moderation
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NorrCompetition Image Moderation

By NorrNext
Photos & Images
This plugin for NorrCompetition provides deep Image Analysis using benefits of SightEngine prevents users to upload images that does not correspond ethical values and may violate site's Terms of Use. Nudity Detection Weapons, Alchochol & Drugs Offensive Graphic Violence & Gore Text Moderation in Images Embedded Text & Watermarks QR Code Moderation Tobacco Products AI-Generated Images Minors (chi...
JUX Horizontal Accordion Gallery
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JUX Horizontal Accordion Gallery

By JoomlaUX
The JUX Horizontal Accordion Gallery is a stylish Joomla module designed to enhance your website with an engaging image slider presented in a horizontal accordion style. This module allows you to showcase images in a dynamic and interactive manner, perfect for portfolios, galleries, or product showcases. Key Features: Interactive Slider: Display images with an eye-catching accordion effect that...