
Image Upload Field

Image Upload Field

By Netamity
Core Enhancements
The Image Upload Field consists of two Joomla! plugins. A custom field plugin allowing you to add a file input into your component forms, and an ajax plugin that saves the file in the specified folder. You can now add an image field to your user registration form, allowing your users to add a profile picture or other image. The addition of images was previously impossible without providing users...
Barcode UID
Paid download

Barcode UID

By Michael Russell
Contact Details
This small module generates a barcode in Code 128 format containing the user ID of the currently logged-in user. The barcode contains the value UID:n (where n is the numeric ID of the logged-in user). The module can also display the human-readable translation of the barcode as well as the text value of the logged-in user's account; these settings can be changed if they do not suit your purposes....
Online Users for K2
Paid download

Online Users for K2

By Mostafa Shahiri
K2 extensions
K2 is a popular Joomla extension that provides many features and capabilities for Joomla users. Avatar image for users is one of these features. Online Users for K2 is a simple Joomla module for displaying the avatars of online users. It uses K2 avatar of each user to show a list of online users. You can easily customize different options of this module. Online Users for K2 provides the capabili...
Customer Dashboard transformation added with Icons

Customer Dashboard transformation added with Icons

Extensions Tools
Customer Dashboard transformation added with Icons Features: - New look transformation on customers dashboard - Easy to navigate from users - No core file change - Easy to install and uninstall - Mobile user advantage - Full documentation - Made compatible with Mijoshop and Jcart How to test in live demo? Simply create a new account in the demo link on the rigth side...
Gravatar for Joomla

Gravatar for Joomla

By Modern Designs
Style & Design
This Joomla module instantly add the ability to show your users their universal avatar via Gravatar’s free web service....
Gravatar - Advanced Custom Fields

Gravatar - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Display the avatar associated with a given email address. Add a personal touch to your user accounts with unique profile images....