Taxi Booking is suitable for - Metered taxi services, Limo and Private hire pre-booked fixed fares, Hourly car hire, Shuttle and Bus ticket sales.
Taxi Booking is fully responsive bot at the front end and back end as well.
There are many configuration areas of Taxi Booking: Settings, Payment methods, POI Categories, Points of Interest, Cars, Tariffs, Special routes, Shuttle routes, Private tours, Custom fields, Coupons, Orders, DriveNot network, URL building tool and Live Update.
Click on the Documentation button to get more detailed information.
Taxi Booking is suitable for Taxi/Minicab/Private hire companies, Hourly rentals, Limousine/Fixed price journeys, Shuttles, Buses, Tours, Transfers, Delivery, Removals/Moving companies and other transportation businesses.
Taxi Bookings uses Google Maps API to calculate distance and prices. In some cases, Google Maps can be disabled to run Boat, Ferry, Aeroplane business as some of our current clients do.
Many years of support and enhancement made Taxi Booking not only the best but also the only transportation business tool for Joomla websites.
Taxi Booking
- Version:
- 4.3.5
- Developer:
- Last updated:
Sep 08 2024
6 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3