
News Display, Articles Display

The S5 Text Ticker does not function as a standard news ticker but rather it fades in and out between text lines instead of the classic horizontal scroll. The text ticker Powered by S5 Effects so you will experience no script conflictions. NOTE: This module does not pull from articles in Joomla you simply enter the text or HTML via ten text boxes via the module admin area.


  • Powered by S5 Effects so you will experience no script conflictions
  • Up to ten lines of text
  • HTML can be used too
  • Set display time
  • Set rotation speed * XHTML Valid
Works perfect
Ease of use
Super easy to use

Works half

Posted on 03 July 2013
Encountered exactly the same as mentioned in the previous preview from "gabe". Developers have not fixed small problems after 1.5 years which made it unusable for me. Tested latest version for J2.5
I was looking for such little thing. I am using shape_5 vertex template, so... for the second time - shape_5 proved they can made very good product. News tickers may be used as its name suggest: you can put up to ten links (HTML code) into this module and publish it whenever you want (tanks god - vertex template have plenty of positions:) This module looks very good, and is very easy to configure. In a very small surface you can have 10 titles of your selected news. God job! P.S. I don't really understand some previous negative comments... In my opinion these people can't read the description of this module / or they can't add a link to this module :) For me - everything works fine.

Just what I needed

Posted on 23 November 2011
Don't I love it when software is installed and works first time. And it does what it says. Just what I was looking for. A nice piece of useful software. Congrats to the development team. Also my gratitude.

OK but has issues

Posted on 01 October 2011
This extension is OK but you can't put html code in the module on a 1.7 site. Questions about this issue have gone unanswered in the support forums. Also if you only have 1 line of text, the second line will be filled in automatically with the developers info... even if you try to delete it. (have to modify the xml as a workaround;) Mootools version doesn't seem to work either. Could be an excellent extension if everything worked or was at least trying to be fixed.

If you don't care to use code then this is a great text display.
I searched high and low for a decent text fader and this one finally did the trick!

It worked really well and the CSS was easy to adjust. very simple and easy to use.

Thank you!

What a great simple module

Posted on 03 July 2010
I spent half a day trying to get traditional news tickers to show line of text from articles inserting the module into a third module. All fail at that position on my template. Therefore I turned to look for TEXT SCROLLING, finding S5 Text Ticker.

The fact that you can insert inline CSS style and HTML took me to achieve more than what I originally needed.

It would be fantastic if the developers can upgrade this mod to be capable of playing more than one instance of the module on the same article.

I chose this ticker, because I wanted to be able to type in promotions or important news for my homepage. It works great! You can even use inline CSS to style the text or use HTML to link text to articles. Very useful! Thanks!

Title VERY misleading

Posted on 30 May 2010
The title is very misleading and this module is in the wrong section of the extension listing if you ask me.

It doesn't display news it displays manually typed in text.

Rename it to Text Ticker and then this module will do what it says.

Might be useful for some other applications but not for news display.

The fade effect is a bit on the "not so good" side too. It fades in nicely to a point but when it switches to the next section it pops up without an effect. So you get a fade out -pop in effect instead of a more stylish fade in - fade out.

If you have an image to display this way it's a bit of an eye sore.

Just what I needed

Posted on 15 April 2010
Does exactly what it says on the tin!

I wanted a ticker I could use to highlight various different articles (not all from the same category as most other tickers). The HTML facility achieves this brilliantly.
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Shape 5 - Photo Showcase

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This module is an image display module that presents images and text in a sliding motion, while providing a sneak peek of the next and previous images. This is a great way to showcase your site's images and content. It comes with many great features that allow you to easily customize the look of the module and what content you would like to show. Easily switch between plain text and html mode. T...
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S5 LikeMe

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The S5 Like Me plugin when activated will show a little icon on images. A user can click the icon and like the image. Each vote will be added to the count on the icon for that specific image. Voting works off the image name, so if you use the image in other locations on your site they will all show the same amount of votes on them. You can set the plugin to show on images inside HTML elements by s...

Shape 5 Text Ticker

Last updated:
Aug 02 2008
16 years ago
Date added:
Aug 02 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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