
Articles Images

The ogDefaultPicture content plugin allows the category image to be used automatically when no introductory image has been defined in the article.
It also allows you to display the introductory image when no full article image has been defined, when displaying the article.
Just activate the plugin, or deactivate it, if you no longer want to display images.

The ogDefaultPicture content plugin allows the category image to be used automatically when no introductory image has been defined in the article.
It also allows you to display the introductory image when no full article image has been defined, when displaying the article.
Just activate the plugin, or deactivate it, if you no longer want to display images.

Le plugin de contenu ogDefaultPicture permet d'utiliser d'office l'image de la catégorie quand aucune image d'introduction n'a été définie dans l'article.
Il permet aussi d'afficher l'image d'introduction quand aucune image d'article complet n'a été définie, lors de l'affichage de l'article.
Il suffit d'activer le plugin, ou de le désactiver, si l'on ne souhaite plus afficher d'images.

The plugin does what it promises with no fuss. Publish, set the desired image for category and that's it
Ease of use
Extremely easy to use. Set category's image and publish the plugin. That easy.
The plugin works on onContentPrepare. I do wish a plugin that places the image in database onContentBeforeSave when no image is detected
I used this to: Website where authors are usually not publish any images in articles

handy plugin

Posted on 10 June 2020
create plugin.. you can use the catagory image if articles in that category has no intro end/or full article image.
Ease of use
easy just install, goto plugins, enable the plugin.. no settings.
make sure you have a image defined in the category
I used this to: this way every article has a image.. it would be nice if this plugin can be extented to use intro and full images to be defined.. joomla categories only support one image.. so custom fields can be a option to work arround this.. badly no contact information on the website..
Owner's reply: Hi.

Sorry my website is only in french.
You have a forum, and a "who am i" link (in french "Nos Coordonnées") wich open a popup with my email).

Can you sed me an email (at [email protected]) for what do you exactly suggest for extend the possibiliy of this plugin ?
Do you think about a global picture for all catégories without picture ?



By Roland Leicher
Content Submission
This plugin performs checks when creating an article. It allows: Require your authors to select a lower level categories. So a leaf of the tree of categories. However, in the plugin settings, you can specify groups of users that are allowed to publish to category nodes. For example, to avoid forgetting the selection of the publication category and all the problems that may arise from it (bad pu...


Roland Leicher
Last updated:
Sep 27 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
May 20 2020
Free download
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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