
News Display, Articles Display

News Show Pro GK5 is the next generation of our best Joomla module for presenting articles.
We have increased the module flexibility of the module using Data Sources API and Portal Modes API. Additionally, we have rebuilt the module back-end in order to improve the user experience.

In comparison with NSP GK4 brings a lot of changes. The most important are:
* Joomla 4 support
* Load & Save configuration
* Article formats
* Images in the links section
* Custom link under the links section
* 10 × faster database engine
* New Data Sources API
* New Portal Modes API
* Support for touch gestures (mobile devices)
* Support for comments from Komento and JComments
* Support for K2 Store component
* Support for HikaShop component
* XML, RSS feeds, and JSON files as a data source
* Support for selecting the size of K2 source image
* Support for generating thumbnails from external images
* Option to display a modal popup window with the image
* Option to show selected articles from different categories
* Support for the Joomla! Update System
* jQuery support

Some issue on J4

Posted on 10 July 2023
Not working properly on J4 : module break admin page and impossible to save or select position (create).
Tried on 3 J4 site, same issues.
Ease of use
Very good on J3, not usable on J4 for the functionnality not working correctly.
I used this to: Some site where I need a scrolling block for articles. Very good modules but for now impossible to use on J4.
Just great. Highly customizable. I found this extension more than 5 years ago and still use it.
It is just my top star extension
Ease of use
Pretty user-friendly
Never actually used it
This Is were the extension fails.
I used this to: everytime I want some custom display i use it.
the integration with many component is very useful and it is FREE
I was looking for something simple and also full of options to be able to show articles on my website. Gavick does the job greatly !
Ease of use
It is so clear and so nicely designed that even there are many options, you will immediately find everything you need :)
Not needed obviously :)
Same as for support :p
I used this to: I wanted to be able to show 3 different articles with some nice thumbnails inside them. This is done. THANK YOU Gavick !
Excellent module que j'utilise sur plusieurs sites.
Beaucoup de paramètres pour une configuration très fine.
Ease of use
Beaucoup de paramètres, peut être déroutant, mais le résultat est là : on obtient un module qui affiche exactement ce que l'on souhaite
Excellente documentation!
I used this to: Affichage des dernières actu - avec ou sans images - depuis 1 ou plusieurs catégories, des articles en vedettes uniquement ou, au contraire, pas du tout. Avec ou sans liens. Choix d'affichage des données complémentaires....
Vraiment très flexible et multi-usage. Je recommande!
Excellent module que j'utilise sur plusieurs sites.
Beaucoup de paramètres pour une configuration très fine.
Ease of use
Beaucoup de paramètres, peut être déroutant, mais le résultat est là : on obtient un module qui affiche exactement ce que l'on souhaite
Pas besoin.
Excellente documentation!
I used this to: Affichage des dernières actu - avec ou sans images - depuis 1 ou plusieurs catégories, des articles en vedettes uniquement ou, au contraire, pas du tout. Avec ou sans liens. Choix d'affichage des données complémentaires....
Vraiment très flexible et multi-usage. Je recommande!
Many settings for all occasions
Ease of use
menu is simple to understand and consists of a set of thematic tabs
everything is operational - no need
Module configuration is clear with detailed notes
I used this to: I use the a very long time since 2012 (there was a version News Show Pro GK4). This version is more understandable and easier to configure. I used it Joomla3.5 with php 7

Noce for news blocks

Posted on 21 October 2014
Very nice extension, I often use it for news-blocks that need a consistent layout. Especially the image cropping possibilities always give me a good solution.

Setting it up sometimes takes some time due to the large number of configuration options.
Really! Lots of configuration options and it works (almost)very well. Thanks guys, this new tool is the best tool ever. And free!

Small minus: the background color choice was not working

Looked promising

Posted on 14 August 2014
I thought this met all my requirement but I can't get it to display anything. Screen goes white so obviously there's a conflict somewhere.


Posted on 11 August 2014
I have been using this for a long time. It works great and looks great. Really great, beautiful.

It has all the options I need.
Image Show GK4

Image Show GK4

By GavickPro
Articles Display
Amaze your visitors with an irresistible slideshow by using our Image Show GK4. Create a slideshow on a website which can include various images and article fragments or texts. GK4 is a new generation of our extensions based on the GNU General Public License. The Image Show GK4 module is the next step of development of our tools used for presenting content on a page in an attractive way. With th...
Tabs GK5

Tabs GK5

By GavickPro
Modules Panel
With the Tabs GK5 module, you can implement space-saving tabs on websites and incorporate a variety of content types via modules or user-defined custom HTML code. Thanks to the tab management system we've integrated into the module, Tabs GK5 remains easy, intuitive and quick to configure. With built-in support for external data sources, the possibilities for implementing this new release are unlim...
GK Weather

GK Weather

By GavickPro
GK4 is new generation of our extensions based on the GNU General Public License. Weather GK4 is a module used for presenting weather conditions from Yahoo! Weather forecast services. This module allows you to display weather forecast from any place in the world you wish with a great ease. It is displayed in the form of images and text. Module version for Joomla 1.5 (support only Google Weather...
News Show Pro GK4

News Show Pro GK4

By GavickPro
Articles Display
News Show Pro GK4 is now in its final version; if you are interested in the latest features and plugin support as well as compatibility with the latest STS release of Joomla you should instead download our main News Show Pro module, available through the download link. News Show Pro GK4 is still available for download should you be using an earlier version of Joomla or require legacy support, an...
Highlighter GK4

Highlighter GK4

By GavickPro
Articles Display
Our Smooth News Rotator enables an attractive presentation of chosen articles. Thanks to multiple options, you can adjust it to your needs. Additionally, it can be integrated with any source of information. GK5 is a new generation of our extensions based on the GNU General Public License. GK5 is a further new version for GK4 Highlighter GK5 is news rotator which enables an attractive presentation...
Social GK5

Social GK5

By GavickPro
Social Display
Social GK5 module allows to display all 'social plugins' available from services like Facebook, Twitter, Google + and more. All views can be adjusted to your needs. In short, it is used for any site’s promotion on social network services. Intuitive back-end allows to add a plugin with a few clicks. Following is a list of features to be found in Social GK5: Facebook plugins: Activity feed, Co...

News Show Pro GK5

Last updated:
Aug 24 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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