
e-Commerce, Payment systems

Easy PayPal is a Joomla plugin, with one important feature. You can set the PayPal parameters using default Joomla bot configuration screen, as well as, setting the parameters in the content. format. You can set the parameters for email address, dollar amount, currency, item name, item number, button image or a combination of the above. In addition, Easy PayPal support multiple PayPal buttons on the same page with different parameters.

This plugin has been updated to support Joomla 1.0x/1.5x/1.6x/2.5x/3.x

supports tax calculation and tax parameter.
supports PayPal Verified Seller button and URL.
supports PayPal subscription and recurring payments.
supports shipping, shipping2 and handling charges.
supports all available PayPal currency codes.
supports user notes and user own price input.
supports return URL and cancellation URL
supports PayPal buttons, and comes with a sold out button
supports shopping cart, regular payment, subscription and seal
supports PayPal optional fields (on0, os0, on1 and os1)
allows users to specify the quantity.

New Feature:
You can now set different price based on Option List, For example, if you want to sell Red Color shirt for $10, Green Color for $20 and Blue color for $30, you can specify following parameters
"on0=Color,os0=Red $10:Green $20:Blue $30,optionpricing=Yes"

We also added a optionpricingorder=Last to support cases where you have numbers in the description, such as "Red Size 10 $20"

Not available, website down :(

Posted on 04 February 2023
Not downloadable as the website of the developer is down... -100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available???
Ease of use
Not downloadable as the website of the developer is down... -100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available???
Not downloadable as the website of the developer is down... -100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available??? What is happening??
Not downloadable as the website of the developer is down... -100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available???
Value for money
-100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available??? -100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available???
I used this to: Not downloadable as the website of the developer is down... -100 how can someone post a plugin if it is not available??? Nothing, as no available!
I found it very easy to install and setup this plugin. I looked for something that gives me the option for customers to change the amount they want to pay and this is doing a great job!

Works fine

Posted on 17 September 2012
I really don't see why people are complaining about this plugin.

I installed the plugin, went to the on-line tutorial, inserted the tag in the article and it works.

The only paramater I HAD to fill in in the config for the plugin is the PayPal email address, all the rest can go on the {easypaypal} tag.

There's a couple of features I'd like to see, but it does exactly what it says it does, no frills, it just works.

It was certainly worth $10 of my money. Virtuemart was WAY to comlex for a simple handful of products.
I wasted 10 dollars on a completely obscure extension, with basic instructions and gimmicky use.
I do not undersatnd the few negative reviews of this extension complaining about the documentation. While it is not lengthy, it is more than adequate since this plug-in is very easy to use and requires only the obvious configuration. I have used both the 1.5 and 1.7 version and both work perfectly. You CAN--if you wish--specify a default configuration (perhaps you have only one PayPal button on your site) and in that case, you can invoke the plug-in simply by including it within brackets.

If you have multiple, different occurrences, you simply specify parameters within the brackets where you invoke the plug-in, just by simply including each relevant parameter and the appropriate value. It could hardly be simpler.

I wish every Joomla extension worked as well and was as clearly documented. Even if you need "spoon feeding" to set this up, the developer is very accessible and responds immediately by email.


Posted on 18 June 2011
I am lost trying to find how to configure this useless extension. You can't even find it on the support web. I do not have to ask and wait for the answer to figure out how it might work but configuration is a bunch of work...
I bought this extension today to incorporate it in 3 websites, one in English and 2 in German. It is exactly what I wanted. I encountered a small problem, but Bing, the developer gave me full support. Thanks Bing!
The plugin itself looks good, according to its online menu, and examples,


I can find NO supports from developers, nor the community (its forum is locked, cannot post any questions)!

Better if it is free.

Posted on 16 November 2009
A good plugin for Joomla. It is useful for us who use paypal so often. I like it. But i will love it much more if it is free.

However, thank you!

Superb Plugin

Posted on 10 September 2009
I agree with all the fine reviews below. After paying $10.00 the plugin came quickly and was very easy to install.

It does take a little work to read everything you need to know since the information is scattered in different places. This morning I just happen to see the Email Cloaking had to be disabled.

A little trial and help from Bing gets you up and running quickly.

John Grossman

Easy Paypal

Last updated:
Mar 07 2017
8 years ago
Date added:
Jul 17 2007
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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