

A simple but powerful attachment extension suite which integrates seamless file attachments for articles and more. Just drag and drop files or copy paste your clipboard content into the article area and the attachment will be generated automatically.
If the file can be viewed in the browser a preview mode is available and tracking of downloads comes out of the box.
If your component triggers the onContentAfterDisplay event, DPAttachments will detect it and automatically integrates itself into the display area.

DPAttachments integrates automatically with the following extensions:
- Content Articles
- DPCases
- DPCalendar Events
- many more ....

If you want to integrate DPAttachments into your own Joomla extension read the developer guide at It takes three lines of code.

We created DPAttachments for our own use and on request from our customers we made the extension suite available for free to the public. Use it, integrate it, extend it for free.

bad and sadly

Posted on 26 October 2015
almost nothing
Ease of use
you can not really configure


Posted on 11 February 2015
You can not set to "allow public see the Attachment is there but need to login in to download".
Ease of use
Only can be used at frontend.
I used this to: Uninstalled after testing.
Owner's reply: Yes DPAttachments is thought to be used on the front end. Most people don't want to go to the back end to upload attachments for their articles or events. Trough the access level you can set who can see the attachment. As default it inherits the access level of the article or the event it belongs to. To bad you didn't get in touch with us to resolve the issue.


Posted on 26 May 2014
Great product, Can Work easily , very fast support , Highly Recommended to every one.
A superb little free extension to add this functionality to your site.

If there is a weakness, it's not as user-friendly as it could be when it comes to deciding which articles have the attachments option. I have suggested this to Digital Peak who are implementing another small feature I asked about and I'm hoping they'll consider this too.

Good performance, Can Work easily , Fantastic support , Highly Recommended to every one.

Excellent Module for Joomla

Posted on 25 October 2013
This company makes some of the best modules for Joomla. I just started using their new Slider module and it is fantastic. I don't think you can go wrong by using any module they design.
I was looking for an easy to use and configure kind of download plug-in and tested several.

First thought after testing this tool: Why didn't I find that earlier?

Excellent powerful attachment extension suite. It is very easy to use. Just drag your documents or copy paste in to the article area. Than attachment will generate automatically.

If you want to view the attached file than you can see it on browser and it can easily be downloadable.
Paid download


By Digital Peak
DPCalendar is a fast and accessible native Joomla calendar and event manager with Google calendar integration. It makes the most of all the Joomla features that any online Joomla calendar and event manager should, such as ajax powered event browsing/manipulation, drag'n drop, front end editing, nested calendars, CalDAV and ACL support. DPCalendar integrates seamless other calendar systems like Go...
DPCalendar Lite

DPCalendar Lite

By Digital Peak
This is the FREE version of the popular DPCalendar Joomla calendar and event manager. It is a of full responsive extension package to let your visitors know about your important events on your Joomla site. Here is a list of features the free DPCalendar version offers: * Super fast with a small CSS footprint and defer loading Javascript files * Fully responsive * ACL everywhere also who can view t...
Paid download


By Digital Peak
Project & Task Management
DPCases is a powerful responsive case management tool which combines features of a forum, ticket and issue tracker. Responsible users per case comes out of the box. DPCases uses Joomla categories (fully supports Joomla's native ACL) to organize your cases which means you are not bound to a fixed structure which. It also contains the following features: * Full responsible and framework agnostic *...


By Digital Peak
Multimedia Display
DPMedia enhances the Joomla 4 core media manager with cloud storage and image editing plugins. Actually the free package contains an FTP, Pexels and Pixabay plugin for cloud storage and the filter plugin for image editing. With the filter plugin you can apply different filters to the image like sepia or grayscale. The cloud storage plugin does allow you to integrate images from external services l...


By Digital Peak
GAnalytics is a complete suite which brings your Google analytics data in form of interactive charts or lists to your Joomla powered web site (does not only add the tracking code!!). The available extensions are: * comganalytics -> the component shows different statistics in backend or frontend * modganalyticsstats -> brings the statistics to a module position * modganalyticsadminstats rings the s...


Digital Peak
Last updated:
Jun 26 2024
8 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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