

An extension for polling with single/multiple voting, adding answers by users, start/end dates, voting periods, and extensive template customizing.


  • Extension for Polling: Provides polls with pre-defined answers.
  • Single/Multiple Voting: Supports single and multiple voting.
  • Add Answers: Users can add their own answers. New answers can be shown immediately, or after moderation.
  • Flexible HTML for Answers: Images, videos, music, or any other HTML can be inserted into the answers.
  • Pre-Defined Templates: Includes more than 10 pre-defined templates.
  • Template Customization: Provides extensive template customization to create your own look and feel and adopt it to an existing Joomla template. During template customization, a live preview of the settings is shown.
  • Start/End Dates: Start and end dates can be set for polls. A countdown timer can be used to show the estimated time until the start date.
  • Poll Progress: A timeline bar can be shown to see how users voted over time.
  • Limit Checked Options: Set allowed number of checked options.
  • Custom Voting Period: Allow users to vote on a certain poll once a day, or any other interval.
  • Set Votes Period: The default period of votes can be changed: last day, last week, last month, or last year.
  • Count Down Timer: A countdown timer shows the time, when the user can vote again.
  • Permissions Check: Set voting permissions (registered users or public), set add answer permissions.
  • Manage Votes: Reset or add desired count of votes for any answer.
  • Hide Results: Possibility to hide results if user not voted.
  • JavaScript Animation Effects
  • Permisssion control to view answers and votes in the backend
  • CSV/EXCEL export for votes
  • Editor Button for Poll Plugin: Insert plugin shortcodes into articles
  • Copy Polls: Creation of a new poll by copying an existing poll
  • Time Zone Configuration: Configuration setting regarding the time zone for poll start/end dates

Development and Contributions

  • The plugin was originally developed by for Joomla 2.5 and 3 with the original plugin name Sexy Polling.
  • After the Sexy Polling plugin was removed from the web and the support was not continued, a fork of the plugin was migrated to Joomla 4 with the new plugin name Sexy Polling Reloaded. The migrated plugin still supports Joomla 3.10.
  • Further contributions are welcome! Use the download or support link to get to the Github repository.


  • Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Slovenian, Turkish


  • The PHP extension intl (Internationalization) has to be activated, i.e. the php.ini file must contain the following line: extension=intl
  • Installation errors with v4.1.x plugin versions, failing with an error ... column country cant have a default value, can be avoided if installing a plugin release v5.0.0 or later.
  • For a new installation of the plugin, simply install the latest released version.
  • If you want to reuse data from the former Sexy Polling plugin, do not uninstall the former Sexy Polling plugin. Instead, just install the Sexy Polling Reloaded plugin. It will re-use the existing database tables.
  • Joomla Update System is supported.


  • In order to get support, follow the support link and submit an issue on the Github page of the extension
Extension seems to be a good product, BUT there is absolutely no documentation or inline help for settings and configuration
Ease of use
Would be pretty easy to use if there was ANY documentation or inline help for settings or configuration
There is zero support. None. No documentation, no contact means. Nothing
None, NADA, Zip Zilch, Zero, Nothing-None, NADA, Zip Zilch, Zero, Nothing
I used this to: Site polling for a nonprofit users survey. But I am not using It because it has no docs
Owner's reply: For me as the maintainer of the extension, this seems to be a rather emotional review, which does not always stick to the facts:
+ Regarding support, there are 100+ issues in the Github repository, which all are answered. The support request of the reviewer was answered within a few hours. I do not understand, why the review claims that there is zero support.
+ Regarding documentation, the extension contains inline documentation for a lot of labels.

General background
+ SexyPolling was originally sold as a product for 10+ years and did not contain a separate documentation.
+ The extension was available for more many years, and the users seemingly made their decision that it can be used.
+ The main goal of my activities is to support these users and make the software still available after the original developer has quit.
Extension is simple to use. You choose poll name, and answer option. There is a lot possibilies for voting, theming, settings.
Ease of use
You can show poll with module or simple in article with shortcode. All is simple
Great. I have one problem with showing poll on site, support help me to resolve problem. Now all works
All is well explained and documented. If you need help staff will help
I used this to: Showing polls in my news portal in modules and articles. It helps me to give more traffic to the website

Excellent support

Posted on 03 January 2024
The extension does what it purports to do--offer a simple way to set up polls in different categories with our choice of questions/votes.
Ease of use
Simple and easy to understand admin configuration and setup. The extension is straight forward and easy to learn.
Excellent support from the developer, who worked with steadfast persistence to help solve extension issues after Joomla 3 to 4 upgrade.
I used this to: A client site in an obscure sector of commercial real estate management.

Works well

Posted on 11 September 2023
Worked as expected on J4.
Set up of custom polls, answers, layout, features, etc all are done from Components > Sexy Polling Reloaded
Ease of use
- Enable from: System > Plugin.
- Get the poll configured from: Components > Sexy Polling Reloaded
- Take it live: Content > Site-Module
I used this to: Running a simple poll on a website. The first poll is live on: spiica dot inkind dot in.

Finger Weg!

Posted on 11 August 2023
Diese Erweiterung hat mein Joomla System fast zerstört! Bei der Installation nur reine Fehler! Und die Deinstallation eine Qual!
Ease of use
Schlecht! Konnte es ja nicht testen, da diese Erweiterung mein System fast zerstört hätte!
I used this to: Für nichts! Wollte es zum Voten verwenden, aber diese Erweiterung verursacht nur Probleme
Owner's reply: Since not receiving any additional information, I can only provide some general feedback:
- Until today, in the support area (i.e. Github issues), there are no issues reported that the plugin might have negative impacts on the overall Joomla installation.
- Also, no issues are reported about problems during uninstalling.
- Since plugin version v4.1.7, sometimes errors occur during installation if a MySQL version earlier than 5.7.24 (8.0.13) is used. In this case, the earlier module version v4.1.6 can be installed instead.
- Sometimes, user face errors if the PHP exension "intl" (Internationalization) is not activated. This can be resolved by adding "extension=intl" to the php.ini file.
- The mentioned installation requirements, are documented in the description of the extension and also in the Readme file on Github.
- If individual issues are reported on Github by following the support link, I try to provide short term support.

Geniales Tool

Posted on 05 February 2023
Great all you need, all you wish.

Thank you very much Jefferson, for rescue it!
Ease of use
This is a lil bit triky, but if you one time knows the way, its forever and all ist easy
This is a lil bit hmmm. I don't need it ^^, lol. So i cant sy anything about it. But it works perfect, so i think, the support cant be bad ;
This is a lil bit dificult, because this tool is so powerfull, i think you can write a book for it.
I used this to: I was very sad when I found out that sexy-polling was no longer developed. But when I found out that Jefferson was sort of saving it, all was right with the world again. Thank you so much!
Ext Menu Reloaded

Ext Menu Reloaded

By Jefferson49
Menu Systems
A multi-tiered menu module, which supports horizontal and vertical direction, and is very customizable. Functionality Module to show and animate menus Highly customizable Visualizes existing Joomla menus definied in the Joomla backend Horizontal and vertical menus Multi-level sub-menus Different combinations of horizontal/vertical menus and sub-menus For further details, please refer to the scr...

Sexy Polling Reloaded

Last updated:
Sep 28 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
Dec 20 2022
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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