An extension for polling with single/multiple voting, adding answers by users, start/end dates, voting periods, and extensive template customizing.
- Extension for Polling: Provides polls with pre-defined answers.
- Single/Multiple Voting: Supports single and multiple voting.
- Add Answers: Users can add their own answers. New answers can be shown immediately, or after moderation.
- Flexible HTML for Answers: Images, videos, music, or any other HTML can be inserted into the answers.
- Pre-Defined Templates: Includes more than 10 pre-defined templates.
- Template Customization: Provides extensive template customization to create your own look and feel and adopt it to an existing Joomla template. During template customization, a live preview of the settings is shown.
- Start/End Dates: Start and end dates can be set for polls. A countdown timer can be used to show the estimated time until the start date.
- Poll Progress: A timeline bar can be shown to see how users voted over time.
- Limit Checked Options: Set allowed number of checked options.
- Custom Voting Period: Allow users to vote on a certain poll once a day, or any other interval.
- Set Votes Period: The default period of votes can be changed: last day, last week, last month, or last year.
- Count Down Timer: A countdown timer shows the time, when the user can vote again.
- Permissions Check: Set voting permissions (registered users or public), set add answer permissions.
- Manage Votes: Reset or add desired count of votes for any answer.
- Hide Results: Possibility to hide results if user not voted.
- JavaScript Animation Effects
- Permisssion control to view answers and votes in the backend
- CSV/EXCEL export for votes
- Editor Button for Poll Plugin: Insert plugin shortcodes into articles
- Copy Polls: Creation of a new poll by copying an existing poll
- Time Zone Configuration: Configuration setting regarding the time zone for poll start/end dates
Development and Contributions
- The plugin was originally developed by for Joomla 2.5 and 3 with the original plugin name Sexy Polling.
- After the Sexy Polling plugin was removed from the web and the support was not continued, a fork of the plugin was migrated to Joomla 4 with the new plugin name Sexy Polling Reloaded. The migrated plugin still supports Joomla 3.10.
- Further contributions are welcome! Use the download or support link to get to the Github repository.
- Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Slovenian, Turkish
- The PHP extension intl (Internationalization) has to be activated, i.e. the php.ini file must contain the following line: extension=intl
- Installation errors with v4.1.x plugin versions, failing with an error ... column country cant have a default value, can be avoided if installing a plugin release v5.0.0 or later.
- For a new installation of the plugin, simply install the latest released version.
- If you want to reuse data from the former Sexy Polling plugin, do not uninstall the former Sexy Polling plugin. Instead, just install the Sexy Polling Reloaded plugin. It will re-use the existing database tables.
- Joomla Update System is supported.
- In order to get support, follow the support link and submit an issue on the Github page of the extension
Sexy Polling Reloaded
- Version:
- 5.5.0
- Developer:
- Jefferson49
- Last updated:
Sep 28 2024
5 months ago - Date added:
- Dec 20 2022
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5