plugNmeet, by MynaParrot - Joomla Extension Directory


Video Broadcasting, Video conference

WebRTC based Scalable, High Performance, Open source web conferencing system. Using this plugin, you will be able to load the plugNmeet-client interface directly within your Joomla site. You will not be redirected to a third-party website. You will also be able to easily customize the conference room interface.

1. Manage Rooms (Create/Edit/Delete)
2. Add rooms in menu to view from fronted
3. Login to room
4. Secure room using password
5. Manage recordings (Download/Delete/Share)

Some features of Plug-N-Meet
- Compatible with all devices. Browser recommendation: Google Chrome, Firefox. For iOS: Safari.
- WebRTC based secured & encrypted communication.
- Scalable and high performance system written in Go programming language which made it possible to distributed as a single binary file!
- Simulcast and Dynacast features will allow you to continue online conferencing even if your internet connection is slow! Supported video codecs: H264, VP8 and AV1.
- Easy integration with any existing website or system.
- Easy customization with functionality, URL, logo, and branding colors.
- HD audio, video call and Screen sharing. Virtual background for webcams.
- Shared notepad and Whiteboard for live collaboration. Can upload, draw & share various office file (pdf, docx, pptx, xlsx, txt etc.) in whiteboard directly.
- Easy to use Polls & voting.
- Customizable waiting room.
- Various Lock & control settings.
- Easy to configurable Breakout rooms
- Raise hand.
- Public & private chatting with File sharing.
- MP4 Recordings.
- RTMP Broadcasting
- Live speech to text/translation (Powered by microsoft azure)
- End-to-End encryption (E2EE) (Supported browsers: browser based on Chromium 83, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, firefox 117+).
- A detailed analytics report to assess students’ performance in the online classroom.

Component configuration: https://www.plugnmeet.org/docs/user-guide/joomla-integration


This plugin will require the plugNmeet-server (https://github.com/mynaparrot/plugNmeet-server) to be up and running. Plug-N-Meet is a free and open source project. You can obtain plugNmeet-server by either:

1) Create your own plugNmeet-server by following the installation instructions (https://www.plugnmeet.org/docs/installation); Or

2) Use a ready-to-use plugNmeet cloud solution (https://www.plugnmeet.cloud).


Last updated:
Dec 26 2024
2 months ago
Date added:
Mar 01 2022
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System