
Events Management, Events Calendars, Google Display, Calendars & Events, Events

DPCalendar is a fast and accessible native Joomla calendar and event manager with Google calendar integration. It makes the most of all the Joomla features that any online Joomla calendar and event manager should, such as ajax powered event browsing/manipulation, drag'n drop, front end editing, nested calendars, CalDAV and ACL support. DPCalendar integrates seamless other calendar systems like Google Calendar, Facebook Events, MS Exchange (Outlook) or iCloud without manual syncing or cron jobs.

Here is a list of features DPCalendar offers:

  • Super fast with a small CSS footprint and lazy loading Javascript files
  • Full responsivness of all views
  • ACL everywhere also who can view the content of events
  • Nested calendars with custom fields
  • Ajax powered calendar with a smooth design
  • Template and layout overrides support
  • Google, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap map integration with clustering and intelligent gesture handling and consent asking
  • Batch editing of events
  • History tracking per event
  • Joomla tags support
  • Images per event
  • Content plugin
  • Colouring individual events
  • Complex recurring events with exception dates
  • Upcoming events module
  • Counter module
  • Mini module
  • Map module
  • Downloading events to Google calendar, Outlook or iCal
  • Search plugin
  • Finder plugin for smart search
  • Twitter publish plugin
  • Facebook publish of event details
  • Native joomla language support
  • SEO optimized with rich snippets (structured data)
  • Integration/Import of external sources like Ical/Jomsocial/CSV/Google calendar/JEvents/JCalPro/Facebook events/MS Exchange/CalDAV/Meetup/SQL/Zoho
  • Drag'n Drop and resize in the frontend
  • List, Blog and Timeline view
  • CalDAV access to the calendars
  • Every user can have it's own calendars
  • Visitors can attend/book events
  • Automatic user creation after booking
  • Automatic user group assignment after booking
  • Ticket system with QR codes and ticket check in
  • Invoices per booking
  • Geolocation based taxing structure
  • Multiple ticket selling per event
  • Waiting list for booked out events
  • Payment gateway integration to attend events (like a ticket/reservation system) by Paypal, Stripe, Wire, Braintree, Mollie, Swiss QR Code with unlimited accounts per plugin
  • Unlimited different prices per event
  • Unlimited early bird discounts per event
  • Unlimited user group discounts per event
  • Event invitations for users or groups
  • E-Mail reminders
  • Attachment support trough DPAttachments
  • Custom Fields support with Joomla custom fields
  • Configurable booking forms
  • Hide end date of events
  • Resource views
  • Privacy suite support with action log and and data requests
  • Sample data plugin
  • REST based web service plugin
  • RSForm! Pro plugin
  • YOOtheme Pro integration
  • Task plugin for notifications
  • CSV and Excel xlsx export in back and front end

DPCalendar works fantastic together with:
* DPAttachments

This is what I expect from a commercial extension. Functionality and support are excellent.

My #1 out of 4

Posted on 30 January 2013

first of all I would like to point out that I am a rookie in terms of experience level with joomla. Started with J 2.5.

I do have some basic knowlege of html from years ago, ftp, configuration of my webspace using confixx and let my say an idea of what a database is. No real clue of PHP.

I am using this extension on my portal for information and to cluster events of seminars and trialogs related to psychoses and borderline personal disorder in northern Germany.

For purpose cluster events witch will be the main value I am using this delight extension.

My requirements are fullfilled in terms of easy to:


-edit events in frontend in daily life

-have native joomla structur according to categories, article,..

-higly customize apperance of single event view, list view, zoomlevel of integrated google maps and a very lot more

-setup recurring events by using PHP rules (yes even I made to understand that)

-improving by updates

In addition to that this extension has a clear represented backend interface. I cannot stress this enough!!

There are much more options which I am not using in my live environment but tested local like google map with sum of events.

All features are working and I do not have the feeling that preformance has gone down using dpcalendar.

So far I do not have any cons.

A question related to cutomize the singel event view which I placed in the forum has been successfully answered in just like no time.

Overall after trying three other paid extensions this one is my choise in terms of easy usage and deployment.

Support is great and definitely marvelous value for the money.

I do recommend it!
This is a brilliant calendar extension for Joomla. Easy to use and easy to customise.

The best part is the technical support is brilliant too. The developers reply to questions on the forum and submitted tickets.

Well done to all involved!

i was looking for a calendar extension, which would be working as much as possible like native joomla extension - creating category tree, writing events like articles in categories, using native ACL system. Also had to be as much easy as possible, but still offering a lot of features. Its frontend display looks user friendly and its really easy to start using it, without studying documentation and trying to find out how to use it. At last, support works great. Had a problem with subscription and when i used ticket system, my problem was solved in an hour.

For such money is just great, no reason to spend own time developing some some calendar extension when you can buy readymade solution for such money.

Excellent Service

Posted on 08 November 2012
I had some issues with the configuration and the integration of the component and modules in my site. I posted my issues in the forum and open a ticket. the service I received was more than my expectations!

although it took few days to find the solution, the bottom line is that the technical guy's are professional! with patience and good will they fixed my issue.

I recommend to buy this extension. great service!
Dear community,

I've nearly tried out every calendar extension for Joomla...


- Calendar extension must be able to display a huge amount of events at the same time (performance!)...

- ...without confusing the users -> i.e. multi-day events have to be displayed (on the same "line") as ONE entity, WITHOUT having to buy additional templates or creating/implementing new sourcecode lines first

- Calendar must be able to display events in different categories (or: different calendars in the same view). These categories can be displayed/hidden through user-interaction

- Additional information like links, images, descriptions can be added individually for each entry

- Users are able to copy events and directly integrate them into their own calendars, i.e. Google Cal, Outlook Cal, etc.

- Different views are available by default -> day, week, month / a separate "print-view" is integrated

- Calendar design is fully customizable (in my case: background had to be set to 'transparent' -> corporate design)

- As there are hundreds of entries in my specific calendar: Extension is able to automatically display ALL events using a minimum of space in the frontend (optimized for a perfect overall-view!)

- Lightbox- and geotagging functionalities are already implemented

- Extension is available in multiple languages

- Additional modules are available -> complete solution for one site -> i.e. display upcoming events separately, show smaller calendar on frontpage, etc.


- Events can be added/updated/modified also through frontend-access

- Backend: Entries can be displayed in categories/in different views, in order to retrieve a certain entry as fast as possible

- Recurring events only have to be edited once -> entries can be future-dated/re-used or directly set up as 'recurring'

- A list of events can be implemented in one batch by using import plugins (i.e. csv-plugin)

You'll find all of these and even more useful and helpful features in DPCalendar by default! I'm quite sure, that you won't be able to find a smarter, more powerful Joomla-Calendar extension!

In order to suit your and your site-visitors needs perfectly, experienced users, coders and the developer can be asked for support/help in the DPCalendar forum. I use DPCalendar on a site where hundreds of classic car-/oldtimer-/racing-events are displayed; thanks a lot to Laoneo/paulohio/dhaller for their help in customizing DPCal!

I'd strongly recommend the Joomla extension DPCalendar, because it is...

+ fully customizable

+ easy to use

+ contains additional modules

+ well supported, updated regularly AND its pricing is fair!

==> Excellent!


Posted on 21 October 2012
I've used this component and it's modules extensively for a school.

Support was above and beyond expectation, its comformity to joomla standards ensures that i will be using it in my joomla3.0 sites.
I'm fairly new to Joomla, I've been using it for about 4 months now.

When I found DPCalendar, I wasn't quite sure it was what I needed for the site I'm currently developing, but they answered all my Pre-Sales questions so fast and clear that I decided to purchase the Subscription. Let me tell you, best choice ever.

Working with DPCalendar is great, simple, and the results are amazing! And if you happen to get into some trouble, you have absolutely nothing to worry about cause the support they give is clear even for beginners, and must importantly FAST! So you wont lose time waiting for their response, which means, no time lost working!

If you have doubts, simply dont, you'll love DPCalendar.

The BEST!!!

Posted on 03 October 2012
I looked for a calebder and event system.

I tried them all but there was always a problem or missing functionallity.

DPCalender was a relief: it worked, it has all you need (perhaps more than that, I got new ideas).

good component!

Posted on 03 October 2012
It is really great extension. All functioanlity which I expected I have found in this calendar.

Thanks guys for great work done.
DPCalendar Lite

DPCalendar Lite

By Digital Peak
This is the FREE version of the popular DPCalendar Joomla calendar and event manager. It is a of full responsive extension package to let your visitors know about your important events on your Joomla site. Here is a list of features the free DPCalendar version offers: * Super fast with a small CSS footprint and defer loading Javascript files * Fully responsive * ACL everywhere also who can view t...
Paid download


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Digital Peak
Last updated:
Jun 26 2024
1 month ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :
DPCalendar Lite
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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