Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert is a Joomla Conten Plugin based on a jQuery plugin, developed by Joshua Hull, that create spoiler alerts by bluring the desired parts of your page.
As he says, don't spoil it! Hide copy and images with a bit of SVG blur. Taste on mouseover. Eat on click.
Do you publish spoilers? Do you wish you could have them on your page in a way that wasn't rude? With Spoiler Alert! you can! Hide spoilers with a bit of blur.
But for Joomla. Also compatible with K2.
Spoiler Alert
- Version:
- 0.2
- Developer:
- Konstantinos Galanakis
- Last updated:
Apr 04 2015
9 years ago - Date added:
- Mar 23 2015
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J3
This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System