Registration Validation Pro
This plugin mainly validates the basic fields of the registration form that are username, email and password. In current joomla registration process the validation is very limited and even some of the validation takes place after registration form submission. For user this becomes very tedious to fill the form again and again.
1. Validation on Username
- User must fill this field since it is a required field.
- Provided username must follow the alphanumeric standard and does not contains any symbol.
- Provided username must not exist in the system. This is completely ajaxified.
2. Validation on Email
- User must fill email field.
- Provided email is a valid email address
- Provided email must not exist in the system. This is ajaxified.
- Check confirm email field for correctness.
3. Validation on Password
- User must fill password field.
- Checks the password strength of the provided password. This plugin does not apply any extra password strength to the registration system. Default password strength of Joomla registration is considered here.
- Check confirm password field for correctness.
PRO Feature
This enhanced version will allow you to place custom validations in the registration process. Like apart from checking required and valid email you would like to allow registration for selected domain only say gmail and yahoo then you can impose this restriction in the registration using using the regular expression feature.
Registration Validation Pro
- Version:
- 1.0.0
- Developer:
- Function90
- Last updated:
Mar 11 2015
10 years ago - Date added:
- Dec 18 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Related extension :
- Registration Validation
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J3
This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System