Extension Specific

Phoca Gallery Simple

Phoca Gallery Simple

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Content Simple Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which displays images from selected Phoca Gallery category in an article content a simple way....
Conditional discounts for VirtueMart

Conditional discounts for VirtueMart

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
VirtueMart extensions
Conditional Discounts for VirtueMart is a package containing a backend component, a module and a plugin to manage conditional discounts - discounts which are available when you buy together two or more products. The component controls the relationships between products. You can define master products by selecting individual VirtueMart products and categories, associate with them slave products, i...
Vina Tag Cloud for K2

Vina Tag Cloud for K2

By VinaGecko.com
K2 extensions
Vina Tag Cloud for K2 is free Joomla 3 Module that will displays tags used on K2 Component in a list or a cloud layout. Vina Tag Cloud for K2 is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms and for locating a term alphabetically to determine its relative prominence. Your most used Tags appear in bigger size (which you can control under “Max Font Size (px)” when configuring the module...
EXT bxSlider categories for JoomShopping

EXT bxSlider categories for JoomShopping

By Eco-Joom.com
JoomShopping extensions
Module slider categories for online store component JoomShopping based on jQuery plugin BxSlider. Automatically adapts to any device. Features: Joomshopping 3.x - Joomshopping 4.x bxSlider 4+ No subcategories Automatically adapts to any device Select version jQuery Checking download jQuery Automatic generation of ID Setting the minimum number of categories for the slide Setting the maximum...
Migrate K2 data to JReviews
Paid download

Migrate K2 data to JReviews

By OpenSource Technologies
K2 extensions
The component ‘Migrate K2 data to JReviews’ provides you the feature to transfer all K2 custom field, K2 category, K2 items such as comments, rating or reviews and K2 item media to Jreviews. Features: – Transfer K2 Extra Fields to Jreview Extra Fields. – Transfer K2 Categories to Jreview Categories. – Transfer K2 Items(media, comments, reviews and rating) to Jreview Items(media, comment...
Product variant quantity price handling for Hikashop
Paid download

Product variant quantity price handling for Hikashop

By brainforgeUK
HikaShop extensions
This plugin adjusts the price of product variants according to the total quantity being ordered for all variants of the same parent product. VARIANT1: 3 ordered, price threshold quantity 10. VARIANT2: 4 ordered, price threshold quantity 20. VARIANT3: 5 ordered, price threshold quantity 30. The 10+ price will be applied to VARIANT1 as the total quantity for all variants of the same parent produ...
Vina Treeview for JoomShopping
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Vina Treeview for JoomShopping

By VinaGecko.com
JoomShopping extensions
Vina Treeview for JoomShopping is a great module of Joomla 3. It's allows display JoomShopping categories in a tree view, like a file explorer. It helps readers to reach the root categories and also subcategories they want to view products. You can save time to create menus for each category by using Vina Treeview for JoomShopping. Main Features: 6 module styles: Default, File Tree, Red Tree...
EasyBlog Google Ads for EasySocial

EasyBlog Google Ads for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This allows your author's to configure their own adsense settings from within EasySocial. By doing so, author's would only need to update their profile in a single location....
Zapier for Convert Forms
Paid download

Zapier for Convert Forms

By Tassos Marinos
Extension Specific
Zapier Convert Forms plugin allows you to easily integrate your Joomla! forms with Zapier and connect with 1000+ apps to automate your work. What you can do with this Zapier plugin ★ Send Leads to Google Sheets Spreadsheet ★ Get notified on your smartphone of New Leads via SMS or Push Notifications ★ Auto-post to Facebook, Twitter or Google+ ★ Create events on Google Calendar ★ Sync Co...
Vina Product Scrollbar for JShopping
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Vina Product Scrollbar for JShopping

By VinaGecko.com
JoomShopping extensions
We are pleased to announce that we have released Vina Product Scrollbar for JShopping Component. This module will help you to show more products as a table (you can control row and column), using the scrollbar to see products. You can use this module to show specify products from a category or some categories, you also can choose to show Latest Products, Best Seller, Top Hits or Top Rating product...
Payment Processor [Eselect Moneris]
Paid download

Payment Processor [Eselect Moneris]

By Rob Joyce
LMS King extensions
This is the eSelect Moneris Direct Payment Gateway for LMS King. payment gateway This payment gateway uses the Direct entry method, so the user enters their credit card details on your site without being redirected. Now works with both Canada and USA Special Features: MPI eSelect Plus 3DSi Special Requirements: SSL Certificate Installation Instructions: Install as a Standard Joomla! Plugin...
Vina Jssor Tiled Category for K2
Paid download

Vina Jssor Tiled Category for K2

By VinaGecko.com
K2 extensions
Vina Jssor Tiled Category for K2 is a great module for Joomla 3 to display category of K2 in an modern and professional way. This module is based on Jssor jQuery Slider - is announced as one of the best performance sliders. It's very lightweight and looks good on almost all major browsers and devices. It supports responsive design and works well on touch devices. You can set Root Category, number...
EXT Owl Carousel products for JoomShopping

EXT Owl Carousel products for JoomShopping

By Eco-Joom.com
JoomShopping extensions
Universal module carousel products for JoomShopping based on jQuery plugin Owl Carousel. Сarousel includes 4 types: Last Products, Top Products, Bestseller Products, Label Products. Automatically adapts to any device. Features: Joomshopping 3.x - Joomshopping 4.x Script Owl Carousel v1.3+ Min version jQuery 1.9.1 Automatically adapts to any device Select version jQuery Checking download j...
Post2Go parcel tracking for VirtueMart

Post2Go parcel tracking for VirtueMart

By Post2Go
VirtueMart extensions
This extension add parcel tracking widget from http://post2go.ru/b2b/widget into your VirtueMart. Article about the extension - http://post2go.ru/blog/joomla-virtuemart-parcel-tracking Extension do following: adds "track" button into every order line in user's order list. By pushing it user opens window with list of parcel delivery service statuses. in admin interface at order list page every...
SJ K2 Ajax Tabs
Paid download

SJ K2 Ajax Tabs

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
I am pleased to announce that SJ K2 Ajax Tabs Module has released. It is a professional module for K2 Component. It allows you to show categories as tabs. In each tab, the module will use ajax to show items. With 4 themes with nice effects, and a lot of options, you will easy change the module to your suitable. Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive Layout Fully browsers compatible...
PayU for VirtueMart

PayU for VirtueMart

By Claudiu Maftei
VirtueMart extensions
PayU VirtueMart Plugin is a VirtueMart payment plugin for PayU Romania and LATAM (Latin America: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, Panama, Peru) payment gateway. -Link Virtuemart with PayU -Test and Live modes -Take payments online -Compatible with Virtuemart 2 and 3 (VM2/VM3) -Easy to configure and install -Payment Tax -Cost Per Transaction -Payment Percentage Fee -One year support and...
EXT Owl Carousel manufacturers for JoomShopping

EXT Owl Carousel manufacturers for JoomShopping

By Eco-Joom.com
JoomShopping extensions
Module carousel manufacturers for JoomShopping based on jQuery plugin Owl Carousel. Automatically adapts to any device. Features: Joomshopping 3.x - Joomshopping 4.x Script Owl Carousel v1.3+ Min version jQuery 1.9.1 Automatically adapts to any device Select version jQuery Checking download jQuery Automatic generation of ID Name manufacturers Img manufacturers Browser support: Firefox, Chr...
Fallback Plan for OS Membership

Fallback Plan for OS Membership

By polc1410
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a plugin for JoomDonation's OS Membership Component. It adds a tab to the plan settings that lets you select an alternative (free) plan for your member to fallback to when their current plan expires. This allows reducing access without preventing future logins and will also allow other plugins to move someone onto a temporary status such as a temporary AcyMailer list or MailChimp List to...